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发布日期:2016-06-23 18:14:53  浏览次数:52






Photograph of Shanghai Songjiang group of flexible joint, have any questions please contact 021-60547771

PTFE lined rubber joint with vibration, high temperature resistance, flexural resistance, friction etc.. Suitable for pipeline displacement, displacement, size change and vibration parts of the connection. Can be used as a storage tank, tank equipment, to discharge pipe, can also be used for other special purposes. Its use scope is wider, the function is more comprehensive. Lining fluorine rubber joint of PTFE has excellent chemical stability, corrosion resistance is one of the world's resistance corrosion performance of one of the best materials, in addition to the molten metal sodium and fluid fluoride, ability all other chemical Yao, Wang in the boiling water will not change, widely used in various need resistance to acid and alkali and organic solvents. Sealing, high lubrication is not sticky, electrical insulation and good resistance to aging resistance, high temperature resistance (can be at +250 to -180 C for a long time to work). Fluorine rubber connector is suitable for all kinds of medium pipe connection.

With the characteristic of soft rubber joints, can be close to the interface, realize the leak proof effect. Flange rubber joint is on both sides of the pipeline flange connection, installed in the pipeline and the valve connection, mainly to compensate pipe contraction, reduce the vibration of pipeline damage caused to other equipment, used for pumping station and vibration severe pipeline. High water use above DN200 products, must have a fixed bracket or install anti pull off device.

Flange rubber joints by internal and external rubber and pressurization wire (galvanized steel) molding layer vulcanization molding corrugated soft sleeve and metal flat live combination connector made. It is resistant to high pressure. Aging resistance, large amount of deflection Yi. Strong flexibility and good damping capacity, installation is very convenient, applicable in hotels, hotel. Guest rooms. Home air-conditioning fan coil unit connected to the imported. Flange rubber joints also known as flange joint, shock absorber, pipe shock absorber, shock absorbers throat, soft joint first is a high elasticity, high gas tightness of the pipeline joint climate resistance and medium resistance.

Because of the flexible rubber flexible connector has good comprehensive properties, mainly used for lifting and transportation of raw water and sewage, water supply, circulating cooling water of thermal power plant, metallurgical industry, condensed water, pipeline transportation of chemicals in chemical industry, petrochemical industry cooling, dilution and other industries to long distance pipeline between the flexible connection. Because the rubber has a high wear resistance, but also applies to all sectors of the granular and powder and the low temperature transport.


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