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LPS20/20-Q-N-CSL 03-B05意大利原装Flucom中国一级代理

发布日期:2022-10-17 13:46:21  浏览次数:387

LPS20/20-Q-N-CSL 03-B05福州天行健17年直销意大利原装Flucom全系列

Flucom was established in 1991 as cartridge valves and hydraulic components manufactures.
In 1994/1995 the Family Iotti sold the Company Iotti & Strozzi ( which was renowed and worldwide appreciated since the fifties for gear pumps and distributors ) and bought Flucom.

Under the new Management Flucom grows step by step: new investment together with young motivated and "on the move" people brought Flucom in the recent years to complete the range of products showed in our Catalogue and to offer to our Customers special tailored solutions suitable for all their needs.

天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB20/D-N 21 011 108
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB20/T-N 21 011 109
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB20/D-NB 21 011 154
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB20/T-NB 21 011 155
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/U-N 31 011 104
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/D-N 31 011 105
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/T-N 31 011 106
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/U-V 31 011 245
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/D-V 31 011 247
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB30/T-V 31 011 248
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/U-N 51 011 100
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/D-N 51 011 101
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/T-N 51 011 102
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/U-V 51 011 169
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/D-V 51 011 170
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB50/T-V 51 011 171
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB70/U-N 71 011 118
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB70/D-N 71 011 119
天行健直供意大利原厂Flucom 减压阀 LPB70/T-N 71 011 120


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