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发布日期:2023-04-03 11:19:32  浏览次数:721


Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 QV FPGA CF Package Assembly Location Change 

Overview The purpose of this notification is to communicate that Xilinx is discontinuing the current Virtex® -4 and Virtex® -5 QV FPGA Ceramic Flip Chip Column Grid Array (CF package code) parts due to current supplier line discontinuance. However, Xilinx will continue to offer Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 QV FPGA Ceramic Flip Chip Column Grid Array products under a new CN package code with a new assembly supplier. Descrtption Xilinx’s supplier, IBM is shutting down their Ceramic Flip Chip assembly line including column attach of the Ceramic Column Grid Array (CCGA). The supplier line shutdown has impacted the Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 QV FPGA ceramic CF package products. To ensure supply continuity, Xilinx is in the process of qualifying new assembly and column attach suppliers with new part numbers released for production. The qualification is now targeted to complete by December, 2014. Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 FPGA QV Ceramic Flip Chip packages are now offered in Column Grid Array products (with solder columns), and will be qualified with a new Bill of Material (underfill, lid and lid attach adhesive, eutectic bumps, and solder columns) at the new suppliers.

XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR300-4CB228M
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR300-4CB228V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR600-4CB228Q
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR600-4CB228
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR600-4CB228M
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR600-4CB228V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VSX55-10CF1140V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR5VFX130-1CF1752V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VFX60-10CF1144V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR5VFX130-1CF1752B
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VLX200-10CF1509V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VFX60-10CN1144V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VLX200-10CN1509V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQR4VSX55-10CN1140V
XILINX 抗辐射系列存储器 宇航级 XQVR1000-4CG560M


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