The Blue Angel. The original. Thefirst and most successful environmental label in the world – made in Germany
蓝天使。最初的。世界上也是最成功的环保标签 - 德国制造
A lot of products and servicescarry marks and labels today that are designed to makepurchasing decisions for consumers easier. In order for them to provide clearguidance when purchasing products and services, it is not only the level ofawareness about the individual labels but also their credibility that plays asignificant role. The Blue Angel was the first environmental label in the worldand has won the trust of consumers since then for good reason.
Whatare the benefits offered by the Blue Angel?
Unbeatableproduct diversity
No label in the non-food sectoris as diverse as the Blue Angel. Approx. 12,000 products and services acrossalmost all areas of daily life (except foodstuffs) have currently been awardedthe Blue Angel ecolabel.
临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司作为一家专业的检测认证服务公司,拥有多年丰富的产品检测认证成功案例经验,其专业的技术水平和优质的客户服务意识获得客户的一致青睐,临安科达在世界各国设立了代理点.方便客户快速办理德国蓝天使环保认证(BLUE ANGEL)。