New Technology InteliGen is a comprehensive controller for both single and multiple gen-sets operating in standby or parallel modes. Compact construction makes the unit ideal for these applications andHW modifications allow customers to select the perfect solution to meet a particular requirement.
A built-in synchronizer and digital isochronous load sharer allow a total integrated solution for gen-sets in standby, island parallel or mains parallel. Native cooperation of up to 32 gen-sets is a standard feature.
InteliGen NT supports many standard ECU types and is specially designed to easily integrate new ones.
A powerful graphic display with user-friendly controls allows any user whatever their ability to find the information they need.
InteliGen NT 是单台及多台发电机组全方位备用及并联控制器。简洁的设定容许客户自选合适的应用模式。
InteliGen NT EE - 专配电喷机组的特别版本
● 市电故障自启动,长期并联运作
● 可连接使用J1939、Modbus 及一些专用协议的ECU,报警以
● 基础负载,输入 / 输出,外设功率控制
● 在多台并联系统优化运行机组数目
● 输入输出口可配置
● 故障历史达500条