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HARTING 9330062716 插头

产品价格: 8/人民币 
最后更新: 2015-12-22 09:29:02
产品产地: 6
发货地: 4 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 40
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    HARTING 9330062716 插头
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    HARTING 19300101521 插头
    HARTING 16B,19 30 016 1521 插头
    HARTING 9700142810 插头
    HARTING 19 20 016 1540 插头
    HARTING 19300101520 插头
    HARTING Han 10 ES-M,09 33 010 2616 插头
    HARTING Han ,09 20 010 2612 插头
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    HARTING 19300061541 插头
    HARTING 9330062616 插头
    HARTING 9120073001 插头
    HARTING 9120073101 插头
    HARTING 9210153001 插头
    HARTING 9330062716 插头
    HARTING 9330062616 插头
    HARTING 19200031250 插头
    HARTING 9200035426 插头
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    HARTING 9670090425 插头
    HARTING 9000005083 插头
    HARTING 9700142613 插头AKH series MDRC with temperature controller for 24/230V valve drives
    Binary Inputs
    BE series MDRC for floating contacts
    BE series MDRC for 24V
    BE series MDRC for 230V
    BE series flush mounted universal interface for floating contacts
    BE series flush mounted universal interface for 230V
    Bus Power Supplies
    STV series MDRC Bus Power Supply
    STV series MDRC 24V SELV Power Supply
    STC series MDRC intelligent Bus Power Supply
    STR series MDRC redundant Bus Power Supply
    System Devices
    USB Interface MDRC
    IP Interface MDRC
    IP Router MDRC
    Line Coupler MDRC
    Time Switch MDRC
    Logical Module MDRC
    1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 20
    Channels Page
    Product overview
    -- Page 2 --
    ? ?
    ? ? ?
    ? ?
    ? ?
    ? ?
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    Room Temperature Controller MDRC 6-fold for bus sensors
    Room Temperature Controller flush mounted for PT1000 sensors
    Room Temperature Controller surface mounted for PT1000 sensors
    Room Temperature Controller 55mm flush mounted white matt finish
    Air Quality Sensor 55mm flush mounted white matt finish
    Glass Room Temperature Controller white/black
    LED Indicator 55mm flush mounted white matt finish
    Push Button 55mm flush mounted white matt/shiny finish
    Room Temperature Controller 55mm flush mounted white matt finish
    Glass Push Button Plus white/black
    Glass LED Indicator white/black
    Glass Room Temperature Controller white/black
    Glass Central Operation Unit with LCD display white/black
    Presence Detectors
    Glass Presence Detector white
    Presence Detector for ceiling white matt finish
    Presence Detector for ceiling constant light control white matt finish
    Weather Sensors
    Weather Station home
    Rain sensor
    VisuControl touchpanel
    VisuControl Easy object server with iPhone/iPad app
    KNX RF+ wireless system mode
    RF+ Line Coupler for ETS5
    RF+ Glass Push Button with Actuator
    RF+ Push Button 55mm white matt finish
    RF+ Switch Actuator flush mounted
    RF+ Shutter Actuator flush mounted
    RF+ Socket
    1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 20
    Channels Page
    Product overview
    -- Page 3 --
    ? ?
    ? ?
    ? ?
    ? ?
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    -- Page 4 --
    Switch Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Switch Actuator with bistable relays, for heavy C-loads
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Status response after manually operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay)
    ? Staircase light function with adjustable warning time
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Separate power supply terminals for each channel
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKI-0416.01 A 250,00
    Switch Actuator 8-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    AKI-0816.01 A 347,00
    Switch Actuator 12-fold, 12SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    AKI-1216.01 A 416,00
    Switch Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current measurement, Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, Staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
    ? Hour meter
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Each contact has an own supply phase
    ? Integrated True RMS current measurement (current, kW)
    ? Current measurement range 10mA-20A
    ? Integrated counter to capture power consumption (Wh/kWh)
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AMI-0416.01 A 280,00
    Switch Actuator 8-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    AMI-0816.01 A 388,00
    Switch Actuator 12-fold, 12SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    AMI-1216.01  A 470,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 5 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Switch Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Space saving by ideal form factor
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Status response after manually operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Separate power supply terminals for each channel
    ? Power supply via KNX bus
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKS-0416.02 A 230,00
    Switch Actuator 8-fold, 6SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    AKS-0816.02  A 325,00
    Switch Actuator 12-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    AKS-1216.02 A 392,00
    Switch Actuator 20-fold, 12SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Space saving by ideal form factor
    ? Saves up to 30% space
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Status response after manually operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Separate power supply terminals for each channel
    ? Power supply via KNX bus
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKS-2016.02 A 552,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 6 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Switch Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    With current measurement, Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
    ? Hour meter
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Each contact has an own supply phase
    ? Integrated True RMS current measurement (current, kWh)
    ? Current measurement range 10mA-20A
    ? Integrated counter to capture power consumption (Wh/kWh)
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AMS-0416.01 A 260,00
    Switch Actuator 8-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    AMS-0816.01 A 362,00
    Switch Actuator 12-fold, 12SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    AMS-1216.01  A 446,00
    Switch Actuator 3-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    With active power measurement, Switch Actuator with bistable
    relays. Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
    ? Hour meter
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Each contact has an own supply phase
    ? Integrated True RMS current measurement (current, kW)
    ? Current measurement range 10mA-20A
    ? Active power measurement with integrated counter (Wh/kWh)
    with current and voltage rating
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    A 298,00
    Switch Actuator 6-fold, 12SU MDRC, 16/20A, 230VAC, C-load
    Current max. 16/20A, capacitive load max. 200μF
    A 408,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 7 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Switch Actuator 1-fold, flush mounted, 16A, 230VAC
    Flush mounted Switch Actuator with monostable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 10A with 21μF/3ECG
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay)
    ? Staircase light function with adjustable warning time
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Flush mounted in socket
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 22mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKK-01UP.01 A 89,00
    Switch Actuator 2-fold, flush mounted, 10A, 230VAC
    Flush mounted Switch Actuator, Current max. 10A with ohmic load,
    10A with 14μF/2ECG
    AKK-02UP.01 A 99,00
    Switch Actuator 3-fold, flush mounted, 10A, 230VAC, Fancoil
    Flush mounted Switch Actuator with monostable relays
    Current max. 10A with ohmic load, 10A with 14μF/2ECG
    Faincoil mode:
    ? Control of 3-speed fans/ventilator convectors
    ? Outputs are locked against each other
    ? Direct operation by three 1Bit objects or a single 1Bit object (+/-)
    ? Automatic operation by 1Byte control value (0-100%)
    ? Suitable for 2-pipe/4-pipe systems
    ? Output objects to control valves for heating/cooling
    ? Day/Night function to limit fan speed at night
    ? Automatic cooling oparation during sommer nights
    ? Automatic humidity removal/drying function
    Switch Actuator mode:
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay)
    ? Staircase light function with adjustable warning time
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Flush mounted in socket
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 22mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    A 139,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    Switch Actuator 2-fold, 2SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Compact Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 10A with 21μF/3ECG
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Status response after manually operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay)
    ? Staircase light function with adjustable warning time
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Common supply phase
    ? Power supply via KNX bus
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKK-0216.02 A 146,00
    Switch Actuator 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Compact Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 16A with 21μF/3ECG
    AKK-0416.02 A 160,00
    -- Page 8 --
    Switch Actuator 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Compact Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 10A with 21μF/3ECG
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Status response after manually operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay)
    ? Staircase light function with adjustable warning time
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Four contacts share one supply phase
    ? Power supply via KNX bus
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKK-0816.02 A 252,00
    Switch Actuator 16-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Compact Switch Actuator with bistable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 16A with 21μF/3ECG
    AKK-1616.02 A 380,00
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 9 --
    Analog I/O 2-fold, flush mounted, 0-10V, In-/Output shiftable
    Suitable as analog output to control ventilation systems and other sys-
    tems with 0-10V input. Also useful as analog input to engage rotation
    speed or other 0-10V values.
    ? Each channel can be configured indepentently (In-/output)
    ? In/outputs are galvanically isolated from the bus
    ? In/outputs are galvanically connected together
    ? Voltage for output operation is generated inside the actuator
    ? No external power supply required
    ? Input operation 0-10V/2-10V or 0-20mA/4-20mA (switchable)
    - Conversation of measuring unit and DPT can be parameterized
    - Min/max function, wire breakage detection
    - Threshold and traffic light function
    ? Output functions 0-10V:
    - Control by 1Byte, 2Byte or 1Bit objects
    - Day/night function to limit control value
    - Emergency mode if given value fails
    ? Flush mounted in socket
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 22mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    B 118,00
    Analog I/O 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, 0-10V, In-/Output shiftable AIO-0410V.01
    B 158,00
    Busconnector, packaging unit 50 pieces
    Black/Red, for solid core cables 0,6-0,8mm2
    ZBUSKLE C 18,20
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 10 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Universal Actuator 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Compact Switch Actuator with monostable relays
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 10A with 21μF/3ECG
    ? Can be used as Switch Actuator (max. 8-fold) or
    Shutter Actuator (max. 4-fold)
    ? Mixed applications from Switch- and Shutter Actuator possible
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? NO and NC contact operation
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Status response (active/passive) for each channel
    ? Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
    ? Central switching functions and block functions
    ? Operation mode blind/shutter programmable
    ? Travel-, pause-at-change-of-direction- and step time adjustable
    ? 1Bit automatic function and sun protection
    ? 8Bit positioning for shutter and blinds
    ? Programmable behaviour in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Four contacts share one supply phase
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKU-0816.01 A 267,00
    Universal Actuator 16-fold, 8SU MDRC, 16A, 230VAC
    Current max. 16A with ohmic load, 10A with 21μF/3ECG
    Switch Actuator (max. 16-fold) or Shutter Actuator (max. 8-fold)
    AKU-1616.01 A 402,00
    Shutter Actuator 1-fold, flush mounted, 6A, 230VAC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 230VAC shutter motors up to 300W
    With monostable relays, current max. 6A with ohmic load
    ? Operation mode blind/shutter programmable
    ? Travel-, pause-at-change-of-direction and step time adjustable
    ? 1Bit automatic function and sun protection
    ? 8Bit positioning for shutter and blinds
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Alarm, central- and block functions
    ? Separate travel time for up and down adjustable
    ? Tip operation for accurate positioning
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Two contacts share one supply phase
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 22mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    JAL-01UP.01 A 99,00
    Shutter Actuator 2-fold, 2SU MDRC, 6A, 230VAC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 230VAC shutter motors up to 300W,
    Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    JAL-0206.01 A 156,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 11 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Shutter Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 10A, 230VAC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 230VAC shutter motors up to 600W
    With monostable relays, current max. 10A with ohmic load
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? Operation mode blind/shutter programmable
    ? Travel-, pause-at-change-of-direction and step time adjustable
    ? 1Bit automatic function and sun protection
    ? 8Bit positioning for shutter and blinds
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Alarm, central- and block functions
    ? Separate travel time for up and down adjustable
    ? Tip operation for accurate positioning
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Two contacts share one supply phase
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    JAL-0410.01 A 238,00
    Shutter Actuator 8-fold, 8SU MDRC, 10A, 230VAC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 230VAC shutter motors up to 600W
    Current max. 10A with ohmic load
    JAL-0810.01 A 355,00
    Shutter Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 8A, 24VDC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 24VDC shutter motors up to 180W
    With monostable relays, current max. 8A with ohmic load
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? Operation mode blind/shutter programmable
    ? Travel-, pause-at-change-of-direction and step time adjustable
    ? 1Bit automatic function and sun protection
    ? 8Bit positioning for shutter and blinds
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? Alarm, central- and block functions
    ? Separate travel time for up and down adjustable
    ? Tip operation for accurate positioning
    ? To feed DC motors with two connections
    ? Integrated commutator circuit
    ? Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    JAL-0410D.01 A 241,00
    Shutter Actuator 8-fold, 8SU MDRC, 8A, 24VDC
    Shutter Actuator to feed 24VDC shutter motors up to 180W
    Current max. 8A with ohmic load
    JAL-0810D.01 A 358,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 12 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Dimming Actuator 2-fold, 4SU MDRC, 250W, 230VAC
    Dimming Actuator for switching and dimming
    Max. load for each channel 250W, min. load for each channel 2W (LED)
    ? 2W minimum load for LED lightning
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? For dimming and switching incandescent lamps, HV halogen
    lamps, LV halogen lamps (with conventional or suitable electronic
    transformers), dimmable energy saving lamps and LED lightning
    ? Dimming operation in leading or trailing edge
    ? Short circuit and temperature protection with alarm, softstart
    ? Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
    ? Each contact has an own supply phase/neutral conductor
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKD-0201.01 A 310,00
    Dimming Actuator 1-fold, 4SU MDRC, 600W, 230VAC
    Max. load for each channel 600W, min. load for each channel 2W (LED)
    AKD-0103.01 A 290,00
    Dimming Actuator 4-fold, 8SU MDRC, 250W, 230VAC
    Max. load for each channel 250W, min. load for each channel 2W (LED)
    AKD-0401.01 A 410,00
    Dimming Actuator 2-fold, 8SU MDRC, 600W, 230VAC
    Max. load for each channel 600W, min. load for each channel 2W (LED)
    AKD-0203.01 A 380,00
    Dimming Actuator 4-fold, 4SU MDRC, 1-10V RGBW
    Control device for 1-10V electronic transformers with relays
    Current max. 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
    ? To control 1-10V electronic transformers (ECG)
    ? With RGBW functionality
    ? RGB und HSV control with extensive color functions
    ? Offers control voltage up to 30 ECG (each channel)
    ? Voltage reversal protection
    ? Embedded switching relays for 30 ECG/30W, 20 ECG/58W,
    15 ECG/2x36W, 10 ECG/2x58W
    ? Programmable switch-on behaviour
    ? Minimum/maximum brighness value adjustable
    ? Programmable dimming speed
    ? Central switching functions
    ? 8 scenes per channel
    ? 1Bit automatic function
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKD-0410V.02 A 230,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    RGBW LED Controller 4-fold, 4SU MDRC
    Suitable for 12/24V RGB CV LED
    ? Absolute and relative dimming (HSV and RGB)
    ? Scene function
    ? Random function
    ? Dimming speed and hold time programmable
    ? Predefined sequences (e.g. sunrise)
    ? Repeating of sequences
    ? Defining of colors
    ? Overcurrent supervision
    ? Overtemperature supervision
    ? Suitable for 12/24V CV LED, 4A for each channel
    (Common Anode)
    ? Operation mode RGBW or 4-fold (white CV LED) selectable
    ? Relay output to control external LED power supply,
    maximum switching current 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Commissioning with ETS4/5
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    B 218,00
    RGB LED Controller
    Suitable for 12/24V RGB CV LED
    ? Absolute and relative dimming (HSV and RGB)
    ? Scene function
    ? Random function
    ? Dimming speed and hold time programmable
    ? Predefined sequences (e.g. sunrise)
    ? Repeating of sequences
    ? Defining of colors
    ? Overcurrent supervision
    ? Overtemperature supervision
    ? Suitable for 12/24V CV LED, 3A for each channel
    (Common Anode)
    ? Relay output to control external LED power supply,
    maximum switching current 16A, capacitive load max. 140μF
    ? Commissioning with ETS4/5
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 46mm x 25mm x 113mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKD-0324V.01  B 188,00
    RGBW LED Controller
    AKD-0424V.01  B 208,00
    LED Controller 2-channel
    For white CV LED
    AKD-0224V.01  B 138,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    DaliControl IP Gateway with webinterface, 4SU MDRC
    Controls up to 64 Dali ECG
    ? Supports different light types
    ? Dimming curve matches the human perception
    ? Simultaneous dimming
    ? Tracking of operating hours and switch cycles
    ? Display and reporting of light and ECG errors
    ? 16 scenes programmable, integrated effect mudule
    ? Control of battery light emergency lights (EN62386-202)
    ? Simple change of the configuration without using ETS
    ? Setting of light scenes without any KNX modules
    ? Simple group attribution directly on the device
    ? Dali commissioning via Webbrowser or directly on the
    device display
    ? Individual control up to 64 EVG
    ? Extensive application with ETS plugin
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-DALI64.02 B 462,00
    Brightness Sensor/Controller with constant level light intensity
    Ceiling mounted in 35mm Kaiser socket
    ? Brightness Sensor with constant level light intensity to
    control up to 3 light rows.
    ? Brightness value can be read out
    ? Orientation light (Brightness and time adjustable)
    ? Day/night mode with separate settings
    ? 35mm Kaiser socket (Installation depth 45mm)
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 43mm x 43mm x 30mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-LSD01.01 A 128,00
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Heating Actuator 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, 24-230VAC
    Heating Actuator to control electrothermic valve drives
    LED indicator for each channel
    ? Each channel controls up to 4 electrothermic valve drives (230VAC)
    ? Controllable with 1Bit (Switching/PWM) or 1Byte telegram
    ? Direct controllable with temperature value via KNX bus
    ? Integrated PI temperature controller (Heating and Cooling)
    ? Given value is stored at voltage failure
    ? 1Bit object +/- to set the given value
    ? Comfort-, night- and frost protection. Summer-/winter operation
    ? Emergency operation if cyclic telegram is missing
    ? Short circuit detection of connected load
    ? Detection of 230VAC mains voltage failure
    ? Objects for heating request and cyclic movement of the valves
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    AKH-0400.01 A 183,00
    Heating Actuator 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, 24-230VAC
    Heating Actuator to control electrothermic valve drives
    AKH-0800.01 A 214,00
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    Binary Input 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts
    LED indicator for each channel, max. input cable length 100m
    ? To connect push buttons or window/auxiliary contacts
    ? 4 integrated logical modules, e.g. interpretation of the inputs
    (e.g. window closed or sending of an second object)
    ? NO or NC contact operation, sending of contact state
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Scenes, block communication object for each channel
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Counting of pulses, suitable for 30ms S0 pulses
    ? Cyclical sending, sending after reset
    ? Internal contact voltage 12V
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    BE-04000.01 A 168,00
    Binary Input 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, Inputs 24VAC/DC
    Input detection of 12-24VAC/DC signals
    BE-04024.01  A 168,00
    Binary Input 4-fold, 2SU MDRC, Inputs 230VAC
    Input detection of 230VAC signals
    BE-04230.01  A 168,00
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Binary Input 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts
    LED indicator for each channel, max. input cable length 100m
    ? To connect push buttons or window/auxiliary contacts
    ? 4 integrated logical modules, e.g. interpretation of the inputs
    (e.g. window closed or sending of an second object)
    ? NO or NC contact operation, sending of contact state
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Scenes, block communication object for each channel
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Counting of pulses, suitable for 30ms S0 pulses
    ? Cyclical sending, sending after reset
    ? Internal contact voltage 12V
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    BE-08000.01 A 228,00
    Binary Input 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, Inputs 24VAC/DC
    Input detection of 12-24VAC/DC signals
    BE-08024.01 A 228,00
    Binary Input 8-fold, 4SU MDRC, Inputs 230VAC
    Input detection of 230VAC signals
    BE-08230.01 A 228,00
    Binary Input 16-fold, 8SU MDRC, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts
    LED indicator for each channel, max. input cable length 100m
    ? To connect push buttons or window/auxiliary contacts
    ? 4 integrated logical modules, e.g. interpretation of the inputs
    (e.g. window closed or sending of an second object)
    ? NO or NC contact operation, sending of contact state
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Scenes, block communication object for each channel
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Counting of pulses, suitable for 30ms S0 pulses
    ? Cyclical sending, sending after reset
    ? Internal contact voltage 12V
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    BE-16000.01 A 348,00
    Binary Input 16-fold, 8SU MDRC, Inputs 24VAC/DC
    Input detection of 12-24VAC/DC signals
    BE-16024.01 A 348,00
    Binary Input 16-fold, 8SU MDRC, Inputs 230VAC
    Input detection of 230VAC signals
    BE-16230.01 A 348,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Universal Interface 2-fold, flush mounted, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts or LED output
    Flush mounted, max cable length 5m
    ? To connect push-buttons or window/auxiliary contacts
    ? Each output can be set as 1,5mA output for low current LED
    ? 4 integrated logical modules
    ? Telegram rate limitation
    ? NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Counting of pulses
    ? Cyclical sending of contact state programmable
    ? Flush mounted (length of connection cables: 22cm)
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 12mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    BE-02001.01 A 49,00
    Universal Interface 4-fold, flush mounted, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts or LED output
    BE-04001.01 A 68,00
    Universal Interface 6-fold, flush mounted, Contact Inputs
    Binary Input to read out floating contacts or LED output
    BE-06001.01  A 88,00
    Universal Interface 2-fold, flush mounted, Inputs 230VAC
    Input detection of 230VAC signals
    Flush mounted, max cable length 100m
    ? To connect 230V push-buttons, switches, presence detectors
    ? Each output can be set as 1,5mA output for low current LED
    ? 4 integrated logical modules
    ? Telegram rate limitation
    ? NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Counting of pulses
    ? Cyclical sending of contact state programmable
    ? Flush mounted
    ? Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 22mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    A 88,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Bus power supply, 4SU MDRC, 160mA
    Nominal current 160mA, max. 320mA
    ? KNX power supply with integrated choke
    ? Mains voltage 230VAC
    ? Short-circuit-proof
    ? Overload safe
    ? LED indicator for bus reset, normal operation and bus overload
    ? Button for bus reset on top
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    STV-0160.01 A 134,00
    Bus power supply, 4SU MDRC, 320mA
    Nominal current 320mA, max. 640mA
    STV-0320.01 A 184,00
    Bus power supply, 6SU MDRC, 640mA
    With additionally choke free output
    Nominal current 640mA, max. 1200mA
    STV-0640.01 A 249,00
    Power supply, 4SU MDRC, 750mA, 24VDC SELV
    Nominal current 750mA
    ? SELV Power supply 24VDC for general purpose
    ? Suited for VisuControl Touchpanel
    ? Mains voltage 230VAC
    ? Short-circuit-proof
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? 3 years warranty
    STV-0024.01 C 68,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Bus Power Supply with diagnosis function, 4SU MDRC, 640mA
    Nominal current 160mA, max. 1200mA
    ? KNX power supply with integrated choke
    ? Mains voltage 230VAC
    ? Short-circuit-proof
    ? Overload safe
    ? With additionally choke free output
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit with diagnosis function:
    - Bus voltage, bus current, bus overload
    - Bus voltage failure/return
    - All events are stored with time stamp in a ring buffer
    - Read out of the ring buffer by 14Byte telegram
    - Safety functions to detect a failed device in the KNX line
    ? 3 years warranty
    A 308,00
    Bus Power Supply with diagnosis function, 6SU MDRC, 960mA
    Nominal current 960mA, max. 1200mA
    NEW 01/2016
    A 358,00
    Bus Power Supply with diagnosis function, 6SU MDRC, 1280mA
    Nominal current 1280mA, max. 1900mA
    NEW 01/2016
    A 398,00
    Redundant Bus Power Supply with diagnosis function to
    increase operation reliability, 6TE MDRC, 640mA
    Nominal current 640mA, max. 1200mA
    ? KNX power supply with integrated choke
    ? Two integrierte power supplies for redundancy
    ? Mains voltage 230VAC (separate FI circuits possible)
    ? If one mains voltage or one of the internal power supplies fails,
    the KNX bus voltage keeps stable by the second power supply
    ? Failure message by a telegram
    ? Short-circuit-proof
    ? Overload safe
    ? With additionally choke free output
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit with diagnosis function:
    - Bus voltage, bus current, bus overload
    - Bus voltage failure/return
    - All events are stored with time stamp in a ring buffer
    - Read out of the ring buffer by 14Byte telegram
    - Safety functions to detect a failed device in the KNX line
    ? 3 years warranty
    NEW 02/2016
    A 368,00
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    no image
    no image
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    USB Interface, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device
    ? To enable bidirectional communication between PC
    and KNX bus via USB
    ? Fully compatible to ETS3/4/5
    ? Long frame support for ETS5
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-USBR.01 B 166,00
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    IP Interface, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device
    ? To enable bidirectional communication between PC
    and the KNX bus via TCP/IP
    ? 4 simultaneous connections possible
    ? Programming the KNX bus via TCP/IP
    ? Long frame support for ETS5
    ? Power supply by KNX bus, no external
    bus power supply required
    ? Encrypted transmission at sending emails
    ? Time server functions to send time and date on the
    KNX bus
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    B 216,00
    IP Interface with IP Routing, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device
    B 348,00
    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    Line Coupler, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device
    ? Line Coupler to connect two KNX lines to each other
    ? Electrical isolation between the lines
    ? Separate bus power supply for each line required
    ? Filter functions to reduce bus load
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Long frame support for ETS5
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-LK001.01 B 249,00
    Logical Module, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device, with 8 free to use LED indicators
    ? 8 logical blocks with 8 inputs each (8 objects)
    ? Delta-T temperature switch, 2 temperature modules
    ? Value inverter for Byte objects, Telegram rate limitation
    ? 4 format converter
    ? 4 modules to filter ON and/or OFF telegrams
    ? 8 multiplexer modules to control partition walls in conference rooms
    ? 4 sequencer modules to generate multiple telegrams
    ? 4 time modules with compare function and time delay
    ? 8 LED indicators for internal and external objects
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-LOG1.01 B 148,00
    Time Switch 20-channel with LCD display, 6SU MDRC
    ? Time switch with 20 channels (6 cycle times each channel)
    ? Direct switching of the 20 channels (Manual Mode)
    ? Daily/weekly/astro switching function
    ? Large LCD Display
    ? Power reserve
    ? Cycle time adjustable by the ETS and directly at the device
    ? Cyclic sending of the time on the KNX bus (Master)
    ? Clock time adjustment by bus telegram (Slave)
    ? 8 logical blocks with 4 inputs
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    B 188,00
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    Price list 2015
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Temperature Controller 6-fold, 2SU MDRC
    MDRC device
    Temperature range -30 to +110°C
    ? Selectable temperature controller (PI, Two-position, PWM)
    ? Temperature measurement by separate KNX temperature sensors
    ? Limit values min/max
    ? Frost-/heat protection alarm
    ? Min/max memory
    ? Cyclical sending programmable
    ? Day-/night-/frost-/heat protection operation, cooling function
    ? Status feedback by HVAC and RHCC status objects
    ? Operation mode can be set via Bit/Byte objects
    ? Desired value can be given by visualisation, e.g. MDT VisuControl
    ? Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-RT6REG.01 B 196,00
    Temperature Controller/Sensor 2-fold, flush mounted
    Temperature measurement by separate PT 1000 sensors
    To measure the inside/outside temperature
    (e.g. with SCN-PTST1.01 or SCN-PTST3.01)
    B 108,00
    Temperature Controller/Sensor 4-fold, flush mounted
    Temperature measurement by separate PT 1000 sensors
    To measure the inside/outside temperature
    (e.g. with SCN-PTST1.01 or SCN-PTST3.01))
    B 128,00
    Temperature Controller/Sensor 6-fold, surface mounted
    Surface mounted device for PT 1000 sensors up to 12m cable length
    Temperature range -30 to +110°C
    ? 6-fold temperature sensor for HVAC, integrated controller
    ? Selectable temperature controller (PI, Two-position, PWM)
    ? Temperature measurement by separate PT 1000 sensors
    ? Limit values min/max, frost-/heat protection alarm, min/max memory
    ? Cyclical sending of contact state programmable
    ? Day-/night-/frost-/heat protection operation, cooling function
    ? Status feedback by HVAC and RHCC status objects
    ? Operation mode can be set via Bit/Byte objects
    ? Desired value can be given by visualisation, e.g. MDT VisuControl
    ? Surface mounted wiring box
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-RT6AP.01 B 198,00
    Temperature Sensor PT 1000 standard
    Dimensions: 4mm x 30mm. With 1m cable
    SCN-PTST1.01 B 14,00
    Temperature Sensor PT 1000 standard
    Dimensions: 6mm x 50mm. With 3m cable
    SCN-PTST3.01 B 19,00
    Temperature Sensor PT 1000 strap on installation
    Dimensions: 8mm x 40mm. With 3m cable
    SCN-PTAN3.01 B 32,00
    Temperature Sensor PT 1000 ceiling installation
    Cut out diameter: 23mm, Depth: 28mm
    SCN-PTDE0.01 B 43,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Room Temperature Controller 1-fold, White matt finish
    Flush mounted. Integrated BCU
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? Selectable temperature controller (PI, Two-position, PWM)
    ? Given value is stored at voltage failure
    ? Bit/Byte object to set the given value
    ? For indoor temperature controlling, range -10 to +50°C
    ? Limit values min/max, frost-/heat protection alarm, min/max memory
    ? Desired value can be given by visualisation, e.g. MDT VisuControl
    ? Day-/night-/frost-/heat protection operation
    ? Status feedback by HVAC and RHCC status objects
    ? Operation mode can be set via Bit/Byte objects
    ? Installation with support ring (included in delivery)
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-RT1UP.01 B 108,00
    Room Temperature Sensor 1-fold, White matt finish
    Flush mounted. Integrated BCU
    Without controller function
    SCN-TS1UP.01 B 92,00
    Room Temperature Controller 1-fold, adjustable, White matt finish
    Flush mounted. Integrated BCU
    With adjustment knob to set desired value
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? Selectable temperature controller (PI, Two-position, PWM)
    ? Given value is stored at voltage failure
    ? Bit/Byte object to set the given value
    ? For indoor temperature controlling, range -10 to +50°C
    ? Limit values min/max, frost-/heat protection alarm, min/max memory
    ? Desired value can be given by visualisation, e.g. MDT VisuControl
    ? Day-/night-/frost-/heat protection operation
    ? Status feedback by HVAC and RHCC status objects
    ? Operation mode can be set via Bit/Byte objects
    ? Installation with support ring (included in delivery)
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit, 3 years warranty
    SCN-RT1UPE.01 B 118,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Air quality Sensor, White matt finish
    VOC gas sensor with calculation to carbon oxide equivalent
    Integrated BCU
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? Integrated temperature controller (PI, Two-position, PWM)
    ? Temperature limit values min/max, frost protection alarm
    ? Air quality limit value
    ? PI controller to regulate air quality
    ? 4 stage controller to switch HVAC with single object for each stage
    ? Measurement range from 400-2000ppm
    ? 4 objects to display the air quality in
    visualizations (e.g. green, yellow, orange, red)
    ? Day/night objekt
    ? Installation with support ring in wind sealed socket
    ? Power supply via KNX bus without auxiliary voltage
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-MGSUP.01  B 238,00
    LED Indicator 55mm, White matt finish
    With 12 RGB LED, Integrated BCU
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? 12 independently switchable RGB LED
    ? Centered title block with cover film for individual marking
    ? 3 objects for each LED
    ? 4 states for each LED possible (value=0, value=1,
    priority object=1, failure of an object)
    ? 8 logical blocks with 8 inputs each (8 objects)
    ? 4 modules to compare telegrams
    ? Brightness in 2 steps adjustable
    ? Day/night object
    ? Deactivation/reduction of the brightness
    ? Presence/absence object
    ? Drop out monitoring for objects with report function
    ? Object with report function (e.g. absence or window opened)
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    SCN-LED55.01  B 128,00
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
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    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Push Button 2-fold, White Matt finish
    With 2 rockers. Integrated BCU Shiny finish
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? Push Buttons can be parameterized for 1 or 2 button operation
    ? NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operati on
    ? Centered title block with cover film for individual marking
    ? Installation with support ring (included in delivery)
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    Push Button 4-fold, White Matt finish
    With 4 rockers Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    Push Button 6-fold, White Matt finish
    With 6 rockers Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    Push Button 8-fold, White Matt finish
    With 8 rockers Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    Push Button 2-fold Plus, White Matt finish
    With 2 rockers and LED for Shiny finish
    operation, status and orientation. Integrated BCU
    ? Fits 55mm systems:
    - GIRA Standard 55, E2,E22, Event, Esprit - BERKER S1, B3, B7
    - JUNG A500, Aplus, Acreation, AS500
    - MERTEN 1M, M-Smart, M-Plan, M-Pure
    ? Push Buttons can be parameterized for 1 or 2 button operation
    ? NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operati on
    ? Centered title block with cover film for individual marking
    ? Installation with support ring (included in delivery)
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit, 3 years warranty
    Push Button 4-fold Plus, White Matt finish
    With 4 rockers and LED Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    Push Button 6-fold Plus, White Matt finish
    With 6 rockers and LED Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    Push Button 8-fold Plus, White Matt finish
    With 8 rockers und LED Shiny finish
    Integrated BCU
    MDT technologies GmbH ? 51766 Engelskirchen ? Papiermühle 1
    Tel.: + 49 (0)2263 880 ? Fax: + 49 (0)2263 4588 ? knx@mdt.de ? www.mdt.de
    Stand: 1215
    DIN EN ISO 9001
    TAW Cert
    -- Page 26 --
    Price list 2015
    Article Descrtption Art.No. PG List Price
    Glass Push Button 4-fold Plus, White
    With 4 sensor areas and LED for operation and status
    Surrounding orientation light. Integrated BCU
    ? Sensor areas can be parameterized for 1 or 2 button operation
    ? NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
    ? Forced setting function for each output
    ? Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
    ? White/Red LED for each sensor area
    ? Brightness of LED adjustable in 5 steps via day/night object
    ? Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
    ? Title block to insert behind glass front, labeling film included
    ? Installation in socket
    ? Dimensions (W x H): 92mm x 92mm
    ? Integrated bus coupling unit
    ? 3 years warranty
    BE-GT04W.01 A 122,00
    Glass Push Button 4-fold Plus, Black
    With 4 sensor areas and LED. Integrated BCU
    BE-GT04S.01  A 122,00

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