LEWIS 井架工专安全带MS (腰带、背带、专用配套保护系绳),王工15980012163,国外优势进货渠道一手货源优势供应,美国原装进口,合格质量检测报告皆有。
Lewis Manufacturing Company has been in business SINCE 1936. We strive to provide the highest quality American made products available. Our product lines continue to expand, and are tailored to meet the needs of the future. The products displayed on this website are some of our most popular, and are sure to please even in the toughest of applications.
Our Oilfield products are PROVEN AND ACCEPTED by major oil companies, production operators and drilling contractors throughout the oil fields. Lewis Derrick Belts are constructed of either heavy duty woven webbing or High Visibility yellow nylon. Lewis now offers a complete line of Fall Arrest Harnesses, Shock Absorbing Lanyards, Single and Double Retractable Lanyards, and Lanyard Anchors for all the jobs on the rig.
Fall Arrest Harnesses防坠落安全带
FW-1是防坠落安全带一般使用的应用程序。为客户喜欢我们的新的安全卡功能快速断开型的单元比传统的舌头/扣附件。 FW-1具有在腰部水平的后的D-环它提供了一个很好地利用点而钻机。达到或超过最新的OSHA标准,这线束是一个真正的防坠落安全带配带有后部D形环之间的位置肩胛骨附件的冲击吸收装置。尺码:S-XXL
The FW-1 is a fall arrest harness for general use applications.It features our new safety snaps for customers who prefer a quick-disconnect type of snap over the conventional tongue/buckle attachment. The FW-1 has a rear D-ring at waist level that provides a well placed leverage point while working high on a rig. Meeting or exceeding the latest OSHA standards, this harness is a true fall arrest harness equipped with a rear D-Ring positioned between the shoulder blades for attachment of a shock absorption device. Sizes: S - XXL
FW-1-2是如FW-1,但有2个额外的D形环使之成为一个真正的“五点式安全带”。 FW-1-2的所有D-环,即使是最苛刻的要求油田工作。请致电了解更多详情。尺码:S - XXL
The FW-1-2 is like FW-1 but with 2 additional D-rings to make it a true "Five Point Harness". FW-1-2 has all the D-rings required for even the most demanding oilfield jobs. Call for further details. Sizes: S - XXL
FAH-3Y防坠落安全带,所有钻机工作有3个D型环。顶肩平D-环为的冲击吸收装置,在腰部背面的D形环是一个锚点。的的前面D-环提供了一个登山钩点。尺码:S - XXL
The FAH-3Y fall arrest harness has 3 D-rings for all drilling rig jobs.The top shoulder level D-ring is for the shock absorption device and the back D-ring at waist level is an anchor point.The front D-ring provides a hook in point for climbing. Sizes: S - XXL
FAH-3Y-2是一种真正的“五点式安全带”。所有的D-环,即使是最苛刻的油田作业要求。请致电了解更多详情。尺码:S - XXL
The FAH-3Y-2 is a true "Five Point Harness". All the D-rings required for even the most demanding oilfield jobs. Call for further details. Sizes: S - XXL
Lewis Fall Arrest Harnesses are made of light weight but Heavy-Duty High-Visibility yellow nylon. Their "rappelling" style leg straps improve both comfort and fit!
FAH-3Y-2-MB是一个真正的“五点式安全带”,一个可移动的腹带。所有的钻圈,即使是最苛刻的油田作业要求。请致电了解更多详情。尺码:S - XXL
The FAH-3Y-2-MB is a true "Five Point Harness" with a removable belly band. All the Drill Rings required for even the most demanding oilfield jobs. Call for further details. Sizes: S - XXL
HCB FAH-3Y W/T有一个内置的吊带长时间,以确保安全和舒适的座位。它具有双D形环向上攀登压力均衡。工作而暂停。尺码:S - XXL
The HCB FAH-3Y W/T has a built-in sling seat for ensured safety and comfort for extended periods of time. It has dual D-Rings up front for equalized climbing pressure and for working while suspended. Sizes: S - XXL
NOTE: All Lewis Fall Arrest Harnesses Can Be Ordered With 11" Tail. Tails provide quicker, easier access to D-rings when connecting a tail rope high on a drilling rig. When placing your order, just add "UT" for "Upper Tail" on the shoulder-level D-ring or "LT" for "Lower Tail" on the waist level D-ring at the back side.
Derrick Belts井架安全带
Lewis Derrick Belts are made of light weight but Heavy-Duty High-Visibility yellow nylon.
Lewis Derrick Belts are drop tested and steel fittings are proof load tested from 2,000 to 5,000 pounds by independent testing laboratories to check the webbing and construction. Certified results prove that they meet the most exacting specifications of safety engineers.
HCB-1 Oilfield Climbing belt to be used with counterweight and pulley for climbing derricks.
Sizes: S - XXL
HCB-B是一个内置的座椅,提供舒适的时间长时间的防坠落线束绳的骑带。尺码:S - XXL
HCB-B is a fall arrest harness boatswain’s riding belt with a built-in seat providing comfort for extended periods of time of.
VARCO,NOV 国民油井华高;
DERRICK 德瑞克/戴瑞克;
CAT PUMPS 美国猫牌泵;
SUNFAB 瑞典胜凡泵;
M/D TOTCO 马丁戴克;