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产品价格: 140.00/人民币 
最后更新: 2014-11-15 08:34:13
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    PET系列合成纸油墨PET系列合成纸油墨专为PET基材印刷而设计,用于丝网印刷表面处理过的PET透明片材、PET亮银、亚银特多龙等,印品具有附着力强、墨层坚韧、气味低等特点。主要特点 附着牢度优异、高柔韧性、网版稳定性强干燥快速彻底、气味低。 适用基材 PET透明片材、PET亮银、PET亚银特多龙等。 干燥溶剂挥发型自然干燥。在室温条件和空气流通较好的前提下,印品一般在30-60分钟内自然表层干燥,实干24-48小时。 稀释可加入5-15的PET-180进行稀释;如工作间温度较高,为防止糊版,可用部分或全部PET-182慢干稀释剂代替PET-180稀释剂。在四色印刷时,油墨中加入5-10的PN893可降低油墨的干性,但对油墨的稀稠度影响不大。清洗 可用PET-185洗网水清洗网版。 罩光 使用PET-827罩光油罩印于其它颜色上,可提高印品光泽,增加耐磨擦性和耐候性。 冲淡使用PET-826(用于专色)或PET-460(用于四色)可冲淡油墨颜色的浓度,提高油墨的光泽和透明性,但油墨的耐候性会相应降低。印刷面积 PET high covering silk screen printingink. PET screenprinting ink is the use of volatile drying low ink high-gradeimported materials, adhesive and goodprintability of PET polyester film. PET series of synthetic paper ink PET series ofsyntheticpaper ink for PET substrate printed design, used for screen printing surfacetreated PET transparent sheet, PET brightsilver, the silver and the dragon, theprinting ink layer with strongadhesion, toughness, low odor. The main characteristics of excellent adhesion, highflexibility, high stability, fast drying thoroughly screen lower odor. For the substrate of transparent PETsheet, PET, PET bright silversilver polyester etc.. Drying solvent naturally dry hair. Thepremise ofcirculation in the room temperature andair,printing in general 30-60 minutes natural surface drying,work 24-48hours. Dilution can join the 5-15 PET-180dilution; such as the working temperature is high, in order toprevent paste version, some or all of the available PET-182 thinner slow dry instead ofPET-180 diluent. In the four colour printing, joined the5-10 PN893 ink can reducetheink dry, but little effect on dilute ink consistency. Cleaningthe availablePET-185 washing network water cleaningscreen. Hood light using the PET-827 varnish cover printed on the other color, can improve the printingluster, increaseabrasionresistance and weather resistance. By usingPET-826 (for color) orPET-460 (for colour) concentration can dilute the inkcolor, improve the ink gloss andtransparency,but the weather resistant ink will be reduced accordingly.The printingare

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