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产品价格: 1600.00/人民币 
最后更新: 2014-11-17 14:39:45
产品产地: 德国
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 189
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 上海凯贤印刷科技有限公司
    • 黄奕宸先生 业务员
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件492815402@qq.com
    • 手机19524404502
    • 电话
    • 传真
    • 地址上海市嘉定区外冈镇沪宜公路6106号
    • 进入商铺
    • 适用范围:适用范围: 主要用于印刷在透明塑料片(PMMA、PC、PET、PS、PVC)等背面,得到金属色的镜面印刷效果,同镜子或烫金表面的效果一样,付着力好。
    • 详细描述:1000镜面油墨 



      原 料: 多种合成树脂和经过特殊处理金属粉末组成占主要成分。 
      粒子直径: 10 微米 
      印刷材料: PMMA、PC、PET等(强化材料) 
      沸 点: 76℃(相对于溶解度) 
      干 燥: PMMA、PC、PET材料烘干在60℃、约40~60分钟。 
      丝 网: 选用300~350目/英寸的聚酯丝网 
      刮刀硬度: 65°~ 85° 
      稀 释: 镜面油墨稀释剂,但必须充分搅拌均匀。 
      洗 网: 油墨洗网水 
      保 存 期: 在室内干燥地方(空气湿度75%以下)贮存,保质期90天。 

      印 刷 工 艺 注 意 事 项 
      1. 由于金属色粉、塑料树脂、助剂及添加剂的比重不同,存放时镜面油墨中各成份会分层,所以使用前一定要彻底搅拌均匀。 
      2. 因镜面油墨的粘度较低,印刷时要注意选用网目较高的网版,120T~140T为佳,且选用硬度适合的刮刀。印刷时适当减少刮刀的印刷压力。 
      3. 为防止堵网现象,请不要在空气强烈流通的地方印刷。 
      4. 网距应小一些,网版的张力应略低。 
      5. 为防止油墨吸收水份后,使镜面光泽度降低,在印刷和储存时应避免潮湿,印刷后应立即低温干燥。
    • The product model: MPL product specification: 1 kg in the land: Germany application: suitable for: mainly used for printing in transparent plastic slice (PMMA, PC, PET, PS, PVC) and so on the back, and get the color printing effect of metal mirror, mirror or hot stamping with the effect of surface, to pay. A detailed descrtption: 1000 mirror ink printing ink characteristics: mainly used for printing in transparent plastic slice (PMMA, PC, PET, strengthen material), the back, by the metal color printing effect of the mirror, mirror or hot stamping with the effect of surface, to pay. Copy electroplating, electrical-controlled aluminum mirror ink instructions the original material: a variety of synthetic resin and special processing of metal powder through occupied the main ingredients. 90 days. Print brush work art note meaning of things 1. Because of the metal pigments, plastic resin, additives and the proportion of different additives, when stored in the mirror of each component will ink layer, so thoroughly before using mixing. 2. Because of the low viscosity mirror ink, printing note that the mesh of higher net edition selection, 120 T to 140 T for beautiful, and choose the suitable hardness scraper. When printing of decreasing squeegee appropriate printing pressure. 3. To prevent blocking nets phenomenon, please don't in the air to the circulation of strong local printing.

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