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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2015-10-24 11:04:49
产品产地: 北京
发货地: 北京 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 116
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    极薄金属材料和非金属材料的切割。www.akstzs.com   www.akstzs.cn

    3 激光氧气切割:原理类似与氧乙炔切割,它是用激光作为预热热源,用氧气等活性气体作为切割气体,喷吹出的气体一方面与切割金属作用,发生氧化反应,放出大量的氧化热,另一方面把熔融的氧化物和熔化物从反应去吹

    Which is good for laser cutting of stainless steel sheet
    In Beijing, there are a lot of laser cutting processing factories, can be a variety of metal materials processing services, such as stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, etc., but the quality of the products

    made by each of the different. The reason is because the manufacturers in the process of production, the parameters of the equipment is not very accurate, resulting in the quality of laser cutting is not up

    to the customer's needs. So in the choice of laser cutting manufacturers, the best choice for a few years of experience in the factory.
    Which is good for laser cutting of stainless steel sheet
    Laser cutting in the life of a lot of use, including laser cutting can also be divided into several processing:
    1 laser vaporization cutting: the use of high energy density of the laser beam heating work, the rapid generation of high temperature on the material of the vaporization of the formation of steam, the

    steam in the spray, the surface of the material to be cut, so laser vaporization cutting requires a lot of power and power density. Laser vaporization for cutting thin metal materials and nonmetal materials.

    Www.akstzs.cn www.akstzs.com
    2 laser melting and cutting: with laser heating to melt the metal material, and then through the coaxial nozzle with a non oxidizing gas, relying on the strong pressure of the gas to make the liquid metal

    discharge, forming an incision, laser melting and cutting does not require the use of metal complete vaporization. Laser melting and cutting are mainly used for some difficult oxidation of the material or

    active metal, such as stainless steel, titanium, aluminum and its alloy www.bjsnst.com
    3 laser oxygen cutting: principle similar to oxygen acetylene cutting, it is used as a heat source of laser, oxygen and other active gas as the cutting gas, gas and cutting metal, oxidation reaction, release a

    lot of oxidation heat, on the other hand, the molten oxide and melt away from the reaction, the formation of a cut in the metal, and cutting speed is much greater than laser vaporization cutting and

    melting. Laser oxygen cutting is mainly used for carbon steel, titanium steel and heat treatment of steel and other metal material easy oxidation.

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