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Automotive interior product weld

产品价格: 0/人民币 
最后更新: 2014-09-03 13:26:11
产品产地: 无锡
发货地: 无锡 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 72
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息

    Automotive interior product welding

    - welding speed, welding of high strength, good sealing,
    - to replace the traditional welding/bonding process, low cost, clean pollution-free and does not damage the workpiece;
    - stable welding process, welding parameters are all can through the software system for tracking monitoring, once found it easy to fault and maintenance.
    Vibration friction welding:
    - high strength, good sealing effect
    - no rules is suitable for large workpiece welding;
    - there are many kinds of plastic welding workpiece materials, especially suitable for welding of ultrasonic welding methods, such as nylon is not easy to processing of soft high melting point materials;
    - effective to replace the traditional welding/bonding process;

    Ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard
    Material: ABS.
    Features: high strength, good sealing, Don't need to use studs, binder and other auxiliary material; Can avoid scratch lenses dashboard. Suitable for long or large area, such as cell factor to ultrasound can design more diversification, and step drive for machining action can make work a complete several times to simplify the traditional processing, time saving, rapid, and beautiful.
    Ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard for ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard special ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard ultrasonic welding machines, ultrasonic welding machine car dashboard car dashboard
    www.hanjiecn.com www.wxarea.com
    Xu Jing 15161563041 qq: 744231415


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