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Used roller market, second-hand r

产品价格: 110000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-08 17:19:55
产品产地: 徐州
发货地: ShangHai (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 290
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    Since its inception, has been favored by numerous consumers, everyone agreed to give my company the highest evaluation, our company is heavy contract, heavy reputation, quality, low price of used {roller} sales market. The company has a low supply of second-hand XCMG, {road roller}, used Chang Linzhu {road roller}, used Liugong, {road roller}, used Luoyang {compactor,}, used Sanming, {road roller}, etc.. Our company sells second-hand roller engine sound {} pure, by 6114 and 6108, Steyr engine, steel wheel wear, the original paint, the vehicle condition is good. At present, our company's various types of used {road roller} complete, the spot reached more than 500 units, to meet the different needs of various customers. If you want to buy a suitable second-hand {roller}, please go to Shanghai jade fan used secondary roller} market to investigate and buy. High performance price ratio, low failure rate, low use cost and high value of used car, we will serve you with all sincerity and sincerity! We sincerely welcome new and old customers to come!
    [second-hand roller] XCMG road roller, Liugong roller, dragon roller, roller, Luoyang Sanming, Luo Jian / roller, Chang Linzhu roller type: 14 tons, 16 tons, 18 tons, 20 tons, 22 tons of single steel wheel vibration, 2 tons, 3 tons, 4 tons, 6 tons, 7 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 13 tons, 14 tons of double steel wheel vibration, XCMG 8/10 two static roller 12/15, 15/18, 18/21,21/24, 21/25, iron wheel static roller, Liugong 624/627 steel wheel static roller, Chang Linzhu 21-25 iron round 16 tons, 20 tons, 26 tons, 30 tons of rubber tire roller.
    [used roller price list]:
    20 tons, -16 million -13 more than 18 tons, -12 million -15 10000 tons, -11 million -13 10000 tons, -9 million -10 more than 10 tons, -7 million -8 more than 8 tons, -5 million -6 more than series of models, such as more than 14 tons
    Today the integrity of tomorrow's market, acquired wealth! We use high-tech network marketing today, we will not make unrealistic false promises! Friends, we are proud to serve you! Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit! Today's credibility, tomorrow's market, we acquired wealth! The use of high-tech network marketing today, we will not make unrealistic false promises! Friends, we are proud to serve you! Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit!

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