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East China second-hand excavator

产品价格: 138000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-08 18:12:02
产品产地: 日本
发货地: Shanghai (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 169
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    Our business is great, our path is bright, our faith is firm, our determination is unshakable, everything is not true false information we never released, we managed to do now and from small to large, from weak to strong, the heads of the strong first-class market size, we put the integrity of business when the biography of Jiabao and make us more closely to the concept of good faith, continue to send samples and strengthen our market. The individual annual operating second-hand forklift: loaders, rollers, bulldozers, excavators, graders, forklift, crane business, cooperation in various national highways and machine manufacturer company, a large number of existing loaders, rollers, excavators sell cars will be 12 to 16 annually, is a new style the size, models are, and part from manufacturers directly over the car, basically the same, but the price is the price of second-hand car, buy a good, not enough funds for a friend who is still very affordable, buy our car, we implement three bags a month return, one year warranty, a the small problems we can not solve the engineering master telephone guidance, master directly home repair, the owner is responsible for maintenance fees artificially damaged. There is a need to welcome friends to come to Shanghai to see the test car, can contact WeChat phone models to determine the direct telephone before, remember, we don't believe the middle market intermediary, without intermediary business, are in direct contact with the customer, directly to the site to see the test car, with Car Buying after signing the contract, free delivery. Not all to the scene to see the intermediary, do not believe intermediary.
    I run a car with:
    Roller: vibration / static pressure, single steel / double steel, rubber wheel / iron three wheel, 8 tons, ---26 tons
    Loader: plus long arm / non long arm, 20,30,50,
    Excavator: 60,80100120200220
    Bulldozer: Gandhi / field, 160180220320
    Grader: 160165180,

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