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产品价格: 12000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-06-25 21:37:08
产品产地: 日本
发货地: 日本 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 281
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    GLD series features high performance, low vibration and noise and several functions such as gas ballast valve, oil-back-flow prevention mechanism, and large sized oil level gauge. This series equips multi-voltage motor and correspondent to international standard.


    Chemical, science experiment, Analyzer and Laser system.
    Backing pumps for SEM.
    Semiconductor equipments, sputtering equipments, vacuum evaporation equipments.
    Vacuum dryer, freeze dryer.

    top of page
      Unit 50Hz 60Hz
    Actual Pumping Speed L/min 200 240
    Ultimate pressure Pa

    0.67 (G.V. Closed)
    6.7 (G.V. Open)

    Motor   Single phase, 100-120V/200-240V, 550W,
    4 poles, Multiple-range motor, Capacitor start & run
    Full load current A 8.2 (100-120V)
    4.1 (200-240V)
    7.9 (100-120V) 
    3.9 (200-240V)
    Oil capacity mL 1,100
    Recommended oil   SMR-100
    Weight kg 29
    Inlet port diameter mm KF-25
    Ambient temperature °C 7 – 40
    Overall dimensions mm 170(W) x 515.5(L) x 249.5(H)
    *Ultimate pressure is measured by Pirani gauge.

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    1. Oil is deteriorated with operating, and becomes the factor of performance shortage. 
    A decrease and the dirt of oil are confirmed, and please regularly add and replace it.
    2. A backflow preventer is incorporated into the pump to prevent the oil from flowing back while the pump is stopped.
    Please make a suction side into atmospheric pressure when the pump is stopped for a long time.
    3. If operation is performed at high pressure, oil mist is generated at the exhaust side.
    4. It is not suitable for the pump if operation is performed continuously at a high evacuation pressure of 10kPa or more.
    5. There is a risk of explosion. Never block the outlet or operate the pump with equipment mounted at the outlet side that blocks the passage of gas. 
    Otherwise, the internal pump pressure increases causing the pump to explode, the oil level gauge to protrude or the motor to be overloaded.
    6. This motor houses an automatic returning thermal protector, which may be activated in case of trouble. 
    The motor will restart automatically when the temperature goes down. 
    If the thermal protector is activated, switch off the power immediately for safety reason.

    Outline Drawing
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    Pumping Speed Curves
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    * You can see each option, if you click an option.

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    Optional Voltage
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    Voltage Applicable Volt CE Marked TUV Marked cTUVus Marked
    Three phase, 100-120V Standard
    Three phase, 200-240V Standard

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