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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-16 14:56:55
产品产地: 石家庄
发货地: 石家庄 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 133
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 河北骏豪机械设备有限责任公司
    • 张帅先生 
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    • 邮件2067778308@qq.com
    • 手机15127077750
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    • 地址河北省石家庄市长安区胜利北街219号花中锦五金机电市场274-275号
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    Different models of different market holdings, the customer service support ability is different, such as: low driving to three car pile high and high driving three to the stacker are narrow channel forklift series, can be in a very narrow channel (1.5 to 2 meters) high, pick up the pile / finished stacking. But the former cab can not be promoted, so the operation field is poor and the work efficiency is low. Because the latter can completely cover the former function, and the performance is more outstanding, so in Europe, the latter market sales than the former 4~5 times, and in China, more than 6 times. Therefore, most suppliers focus on the development of high driving, three to pile high vehicle, and low driving three to stack forklift, only used in small tonnage, lifting height is low (generally within 6 meters) of the working conditions. When sales in the market are very small, the number of engineers, engineers' experience and inventory levels of after-sales services will be relatively weak.


    Forklift truck driving wheel speed decrease or drive motor overload causes: the battery voltage is too low or the pile head contact resistance is too large; the motor commutation carbon caused by short-circuit between plates; improper adjustment of the motor brake motor with brake operation; driving head gear box and the bearing base resistance or lack of lubrication card; motor armature short-circuit. Solution: check the battery load at the end of the stack truck or clean the pile head; clean the commutator; adjust the brake clearance; check, clean and refill the oil, remove the obstruction; replace the new motor.
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