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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-16 15:04:19
产品产地: 石家庄
发货地: 石家庄 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 153
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    • 河北骏豪机械设备有限责任公司
    • 张帅先生 
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    Maintenance work safety rules can only be maintained by system learning. (1) maintain the cleanliness of the service site. (2) do not bring loose objects or valuables when you are repairing. Maintenance (full / semi) electric stack high vehicle electrical system, if the metal contact to the energized electronic components, easy to cause short circuit or combustion. So, please take off your watch, earrings or other accessories. (3) (full / semi) electric forklift, unplug the power supply first and disconnect the power supply. (4) before turning on the left and right box covers or the electrical system, turn off the (all / half) electric key switch of the stacker. (5) before checking the hydraulic system, the fork should be lowered and the system pressure will be released. (6) check the body leakage situation, please do not wipe paper or cardboard, direct contact by hand. Avoid scalding. (7) please note that the oil temperature in the transmission or hydraulic system may be higher, should first make (full / semi) electric pile high vehicle cooling, and then change gear oil or hydraulic oil, in case the oil temperature is high, leading to combustion. 8) the hydraulic system should be filled with new cleansing oil.


    堆高车电机的维护(1)检查维护电机应在断电下进行。(2)每三个月用250伏兆欧表测量电动机冷态绝缘电阻,其阻值应大于0.5MΩ,如阻值小于0.5 MΩ,应进行干燥处理。(3)检查电机出线的连接线是否正确、牢固。(4)检查换向片间是否清洁,电刷在刷盒内应滑动自如。(5)检查所有紧固件是否紧固。(6)每三个月对电刷磨损情况做一次检查,酌情更换电刷。(7)每年做一次电机的全面维护。

    Maintenance of motor for pile motor (1) inspection and maintenance motor should be carried out under power failure. (2) 250 volt megger motor cold insulation resistance for every three months, and the resistance value should be greater than 0.5M, such as the resistance is less than 0.5 M, should be dry. (3) check whether the connecting line of the motor outlet is correct and firm. (4) check whether the cleaning of the reversing sheets is smooth and the brush should slide freely inside the brush case. (5) check whether all fasteners are fastened. (6) check the abrasion of the brush every three months, and change the brush as appropriate. (7) do the overall maintenance of the motor once a year.

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