Lift height
GB tray height is generally at 100mm, so the national standard of manual hydraulic trucks minimum height, of course, under this. The general hydraulic pressure truck to the lowest point, height is 85mm, 75mm two, of course, there are special low release manual hydraulic carrier, the minimum height can even reach 35mm. The price of a low - lift truck is a little expensive, and there is no special requirement. And the manual pallet truck with low 35mm is relatively thin, so the load is only 1.5 tons at most.
Wheel material
Manual hydraulic car wheel material according to the situation of the ground to choose. The ground condition is smooth, you can choose nylon wheel, because nylon wheel is relatively cheap, and pulling is also more labor-saving. The ground condition is bad, you can choose aluminum alloy plus polyurethane wheels, they are more wear-resistant. If you do not want to hurt the ground too, such as factories, some ground floor, it is best not to use nylon wheels, polyurethane should be used. Because nylon is too hard, polyurethane is a little softer.
手动液压车是工厂 仓库 车间最为常用的搬运工具,因为其造型简单,功能强大而美名曰“地牛”。但是这个简单的设备也经常会出现这样或者那样的毛病,比如上升缓慢,下降缓慢。或者干脆升不起来。
Manual hydraulic car is the most commonly used tools for handling the factory warehouse workshop, because of its simple shape, powerful and beautiful name "cattle". But this simple device often suffers from one or the other, such as rising slowly and slowing down slowly. Or I can't raise it.