54-44-90 O2 Oxygen
54-44-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-44-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-44-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-52-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-52-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-45-90 O2 Oxygen
54-45-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-45-05 CO+ CO Plus
54-45-19 CO-H CO Minus
54-45-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-45-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-45-21 NH3 Ammonia
54-45-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific)
54-45-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
54-45-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide
54-45-13 PH3 Phosphine
54-47-90 O2 Oxygen (2 years) 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-47-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-47-05 CO+ CO Plus dual purpose CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
CO/H2S (provides a H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
non-specific readout
for CO and H2S)
54-47-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
sensitivity to H2
54-47-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-47-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-47-21 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-47-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific) 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-47-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-47-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide 0 – 100 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-47-13 PH3 Phosphine 0 – 20 PPM 0.01 PPM
54-47-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 100 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-46-101 Replacement sensor filter.
35-964 Lanyard for ToxiLtd and
54-46-102 Replacement belt clip for
ToxiLtd and ToxiPro.
54-46-103 Replacement clothes clip for
ToxiLtd and ToxiPro.
54-46-109 Replacement cell phone-style
swivel clip.
54-46-104 Manual sample draw kit.
Includes adapter, probe, and 10'
tubing. Not for use with Cl2.
54-46-105 Case for Value Pack. Foam-lined
case, with room for 1 compact
sized calibration gas cylinder.
54-46-106 Calibration/sample draw
54-46-107 Calibration adapter. Includes
FEP lined tubing for reactive
gases (NH3, Cl2, HCN and
54-46-108 ToxiPro datalogger upgrade.
Field upgradeable.
54-26-0603 ToxiPro BioTrak Software Kit.
Includes BioTrak software and
54-37-90 O2 Oxygen
54-37-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-37-05 CO+ “CO Plus”
54-37-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced sensitivity to H2
54-37-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-37-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-37-21 NH3 Ammonia
54-37-08 Cl2 Chlorine (non-specific)
54-37-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific)
54-37-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
54-37-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide
54-37-13 PH3 Phosphine
54-37-80A LEL LEL (Alkaline)
54-37-80ND LEL LEL (Rechargeable)
54-39-90 O2 Oxygen (2 years) 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-39-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-39-05 CO+ Dual purpose CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
Provides a non-specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readout for CO and H2S
54-39-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced sensitivity 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
to H2
54-39-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-39-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 100 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-39-21 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-39-08 Cl2 Chlorine (non-specific) 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-39-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific) 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-39-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide sensor 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-39-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide 0 – 100 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-39-13 PH3 Phosphine 0 – 10 PPM 0.01 PPM
54-38-03 Rubber boot.
54-38-04 Toxi Vision PC programming
kit. Includes software and
serial interface cable.
35-964 Lanyard for Toxi Vision.
54-38-05 Replacement belt clip.
54-38-06 Manual sample draw kit.
Includes adapter, probe, and
10 tubing Not for use with
54-38-07 Case for Value Pack. Foamlined
case, with room for 1
compact sized calibration
gas cylinder.
54-38-01 Calibration/sample draw
54-38-09 Calibration adapter. Includes
FEP lined tubing for reactive
gases (NH3, Cl2, HCN and
54-38-11 Replacement 10-Pack
ToxiTube Dosimeter Tubes.
54-28-01 Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(35 and 100 ppm)
54-28-01-C Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(25 and 100 ppm)
54-28-02 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
(10 and 20 ppm)
10-384 Bump test adapter for
54-48-300 LEL/O2
54-48-301 LEL/O2/CO
54-48-302 LEL/O2/H2S
54-48-314 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-49-80 LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-49-90 O2 Oxygen 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-49-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-49-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-49-14 Duo-Tox Dual Channel CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(Provides Substance specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readouts for CO and H2S)
54-49-200 MultiPro sensor exchange set. O2, LEL, Duo-Tox
54-49-201 MultiPro sensor exchange set. O2, LEL, CO
54-49-202 MultiPro sensor exchange set. O2, LEL, H2S
54-49-102 Continuous sample pump for
MultiPro. Includes 10 of sample
tubing and sample probe
54-49-104 Sample draw/calibration
54-49-105 Sample draw kit. Includes
adapter, squeeze bulb, 10 of
tubing and sample probe
54-05-A0403 Sample probe assembly. Does
not include tubing, squeeze
bulb, or sample draw adapter.
54-05-A0405 Sample probe assembly with
11.5-inch stainless-steel probe
tube. Does not include tubing,
squeeze bulb, or sample draw /
calibration adapter.
54-49-103-1 Slip-in fast charger (110 VAC)
for MultiPro. Includes “wallcube”
54-49-103-12 Slip-in fast charger (12 VDC)
for MultiPro. Includes “cigarette
lighter” style adapter and vehicle
mounting hardware.
54-49-106 MultiPro Alkaline battery pack.
54-49-107 MultiPro Li-Ion rechargeable
battery pack.
54-26-0603 MultiPro BioTrak Software Kit.
Includes BioTrak software and
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA). Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA). Requires one
USB port.
54-49-110 MultiPro datalogger upgrade.
Field upgradeable.
54-40-30000 LEL/O2
54-40-30100 LEL/O2/CO
54-40-30200 LEL/O2/H2S
54-40-30102 LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-42-80 LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-42-90 O2 Oxygen 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-42-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-42-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-42-101 MultiVision Exchange set of 4 sensors.
O2, LEL, CO and H2S
54-41-004B MultiVision Rubber Boot.
54-41-004R MultiVision Rubber Boot.
54-41-004Y MultiVision Rubber Boot.
54-41-007 MultiVision Manual Sample
draw kit. Includes adapter,
squeeze bulb, 10 of tubing.
54-41-008 MultiVision BioTrak Download
software. Requires MultiVision
datalogging option be installed.
Computer must support
infrared communication (IrDA)
to download.
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) – Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) – Requires one
available USB port.
54-41-001 MultiVision Calibration
54-41-005 MultiVision Remote Sampling
Adapter (Manual sample draw).
54-41-003 MultiVision Remote Sampling
Adapter (Internal pump).
Includes pump activation magnet.
Requires internal pump to
be installed in MultiVision.
54-41-006 MultiVision Internal Pump
Upgrade. Must be returned to
Biosystems service department.
This part number includes
labor charges for upgrade.
Does not include freight.
54-41-007 MultiVision Manual sample
draw kit. Includes adapter,
squeeze bulb, 10 of tubing and
sample probe assembly.
54-05-A0403 Sample probe assembly. Does
not include tubing, squeeze
bulb, or sample draw adapter.
54-05-A0405 Sample probe assembly with
11.5-inch stainless-steel probe
tube. Does not include tubing,
squeeze bulb, or sample draw /
calibration adapter.
54-41-002 MultiVision Slip-in fast charger
(110 VAC). Includes “wall cube”
54-41-010 MultiVision Slip-in fast charger
(12 VDC). Includes “cigarette
lighter” style adapter, and vehicle
mounting hardware.
54-41-011 MultiVision Five instrument
110 VAC slip-in multi-charger.
Includes power supply.
35-0488 MultiVision Alkaline Battery
35-0489 MultiVision NiMH Battery
54-41-016 MultiVision PC programming
kit. Used for instrument configuration
only. Includes software
and serial interface cable.
54-41-014 MultiVision Datalogger and
infrared communication (IrDA)
upgrade. Must be returned to
Biosystems service department.
Includes labor charges for
upgrade. Does not include
54-41-008 MultiVision BioTrak Download
software. Requires MultiVision
datalogging option be installed.
Computer must support
infrared communication (IrDA)
to download.
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) – Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) – Requires one
available USB port.
13-230 MultiVision Reference Manual.
13-232 MultiVision Quick Reference
22-165 MultiVision training video.
22-166 MultiVision training CD-ROM.
54-41-004B MultiVision Rubber Boot.
54-41-004R MultiVision Rubber Boot.
54-41-004Y MultiVision Rubber Boot.
42-010 Shoulder Strap.
54-41-012 MultiVision Case for Value
Pack. Foam-lined case, with
room for 1 compact sized calibration
gas cylinder.
35-0259 MultiVision Case for Confined
Space Kit. Foam-lined, waterproof
Pelican style case with
room for one standard sized
calibration gas cylinder.
54-41-013 MultiVision Calibration kit.
Includes foam-lined carrying
case with room for up to three
cylinders of calibration gas. Kit
contains 12-023 regulator and
other fittings. Kit does not
include gas.
54-41-V9045 MultiVision Value Pack “Makeup”
Kit. Includes Value Pack
case with 54-9045E calibration
gas and 12-022 economy regulator.
For use with O2/LEL and
O2/LEL/CO configurations.
54-41-V9047 MultiVision Value Pack “Makeup”
Kit. Includes Value Pack
case with 54-9047E calibration
gas and 12-023 regulator.
For use with O2/LEL/H2S
54-41-V9049 MultiVision Value Pack “Makeup”
Kit. Includes Value Pack
case with 54-9049E calibration
gas and 12-023 regulator. For
use with O2/LEL/CO/H2S
54-41-001 MultiVision Calibration
54-23-000 No Sensors Installed
54-23-300 LEL/O2
54-23-301 LEL/O2/CO
54-23-305 LEL/O2/CO+
54-23-319 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-23-302 LEL/O2/H2S
54-23-314 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-23-303 LEL/O2/SO2 (0.0-25/0.1 ppm Incr.)
54-23-321 LEL/O2/NH3
54-23-308 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non-specific)
54-23-318 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)
54-23-312 LEL/O2
54-23-320 LEL/O2
54-23-309 LEL/O2/NO2
54-23-310 LEL/O2/HCN
54-23-313 LEL/O2/PH3
54-25-80 LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-25-90 O2 Oxygen 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-25-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-05 CO+ CO Plus dual purpose CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(provides a non-specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readout for CO and H2S)
54-25-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced sensitivity 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
to H2
54-25-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-14 Duo-Tox Dual Channel CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(provides Substance specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readouts for CO and H2S)
54-25-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 25 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-15 SO2-Ext. Sulfur Dioxide extended range 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-04 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 50 PPM 1 PPM
(for software versions
prior to 2.0)
54-25-21 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-08 Cl2 Chlorine (non-specific) 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific) 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide 0 – 100 PPM 0.2 PPM
54-25-13 PH3 Phosphine 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-26-0101 Continuous sample pump for
PhD Lite. Includes 10 of
sample tubing and sample
probe assembly.
54-26-0101-C Continuous sample pump for
PhD Lite – Configured for reactive
gas detection, such as Cl2.
Includes 10 of inert sample
tubing and sample probe
54-26-0302 Leather holster. For PhD Lite
without pump.
54-26-0306 Leather holster. For PhD Lite
with pump attached.
54-26-0603 PhD Lite BioTrak Software Kit.
Includes BioTrak software and
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) – Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) – Requires one
available USB port.
54-27-0802 TouchID programming kit.
Includes software, programming
wand, serial connector,
10 TouchID buttons, 10 key
chain/wall mounts for buttons
and 10 TouchID badges.
54-26-0101 Continuous sample pump for
PhD Lite. Includes 10 of sample
tubing and sample probe
54-26-0101-C Continuous sample pump for
PhD Lite – Configured for reactive
gas detection, such as Cl2.
Includes 10’ of inert sample
tubing and sample probe
35-0344 Tubing kit for reactive gas
detection (Cl2). Includes 10 of
tubing plus adapters.
54-26-0401 Sample draw kit. Includes
adapter, squeeze bulb, 10 of
tubing and sample probe
assembly. Not for use with Cl2.
54-05-A0403 Sample probe assembly. Does
not include tubing, squeeze
bulb, or sample draw adapter.
54-26-0301 Sample draw/calibration
54-05-A0405 Sample probe assembly with
11.5-inch stainless-steel probe
tube. Does not include tubing,
squeeze bulb, or sample draw /
calibration adapter.
54-26-0201 Slip-in fast charger (110 VAC)
for PhD Lite. Includes “wall
cube” supply.
54-26-0202 Slip-in fast charger (12 VDC)
for PhD Lite. Includes “cigarette
lighter” style adapter, and vehicle
mounting hardware.
54-26-0204 Five instrument 110 VAC slipin
multi-charger for PhD Lite.
Includes power supply.
54-26-0601 Datalogger upgrade for PhD
Lite without “Black-Box”
recorder. (Instrument disassembly
required.) If your non-datalogging
PhD Lite shows the
time and date during startup, it
does include a “Black-Box”
54-26-0606 Datalogger upgrade for PhD
Lite with “Black-Box” recorder.
54-26-0603 PhD Lite BioTrak Software Kit.
Includes BioTrak software and
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) – Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) – Requires one
available USB port.
54-27-0802 TouchID programming kit.
Includes software, programming
wand, serial connector, 10
TouchID buttons, 10 key
chain/wall mounts for buttons
and 10 TouchID badges.
54-27-0805 10 TouchID buttons.
54-27-0807 10 TouchID key ring/wall
mounts. Does not include
TouchID buttons.
54-27-0810 10 TouchID badges. Does not
include TouchID buttons.
13-088 PhD Lite Reference Manual.
13-089 PhD Lite Quick Reference Card.
22-125 PhD Lite training video.
22-132 PhD Lite interactive training
54-26-0302 Leather holster. For PhD Lite
without pump.
54-26-0306 Leather holster. For PhD Lite
with pump attached.
42-011 Wrist strap.
42-010 Shoulder Strap.
54-26-0404 Case for Value Pack. Foam-lined
case, with room for 1 compact
sized calibration gas cylinder.
35-0259 Case for Confined Space Kit.
Foam-lined, waterproof
Pelican style case with room
for one standard sized calibration
gas cylinder.
54-26-0501 Calibration kit for PhD Lite.
Includes foam-lined carrying
case with room for up to three
cylinders of calibration gas. Kit
contains 12-023 regulator and
other fittings. Kit does not
include gas.
54-26-V9045 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9045E calibration gas and
12-022 economy regulator. For
use with O2/LEL and O2 /
LEL/CO, CO+, CO-H configurations.
54-26-V9047 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9047E calibration gas and
12-023 regulator. For use with
O2/LEL/H2S configurations.
54-26-V9049 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9049E calibration gas and
12-023 regulator. For use with
O2/LEL/CO/H2S and O2 /
LEL/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-26-0301 Sample draw/calibration
adapter for PhD Lite.
54-26-0405 Calibration adapter for use with
reactive gases (NH3, Cl2, HCN,
54-24-00000 No Sensors Installed
54-24-30000 LEL/O2
54-24-30100 LEL/O2/CO
54-24-30500 LEL/O2/CO+
54-24-31900 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-24-30200 LEL/O2/H2S
54-24-30102 LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-24-31400 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-24-30300 LEL/O2/ SO2
54-24-30103 LEL/O2/CO/ SO2
54-24-30203 LEL/O2/H2S/ SO2
54-24-31403 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)/SO2
54-24-31421 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /NH3
54-24-31408 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /Cl2 (non-specific)
54-24-31409 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /NO2
54-24-31410 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /HCN
54-24-31412 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox
54-24-31413 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /PH3
54-24-31415 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox/SO2 – Ext.
54-24-31418 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox /Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31420 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox
54-24-30121 LEL/O2/CO/NH3
54-24-30108 LEL/O2/CO/Cl2 (non-specific)
54-24-30109 LEL/O2/CO/NO2
54-24-30110 LEL/O2/CO/HCN
54-24-30112 LEL/O2/CO
54-24-30113 LEL/O2/CO/PH3
54-24-30115 LEL/O2/CO/ SO2 – Ext.
54-24-30118 LEL/O2/CO/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30120 LEL/O2/CO
54-24-31921 LEL/O2/CO-H/NH3
54-24-31920 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-24-31421 LEL/O2/DuoTox/NH3
54-24-31408 LEL/O2/DuoTox/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-31409 LEL/O2/DuoTox/NO2
54-24-31410 LEL/O2/DuoTox/HCN
54-24-31412 LEL/O2/DuoTox
54-24-31413 LEL/O2/DuoTox/PH3
54-24-31415 LEL/O2/DuoTox/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31418 LEL/O2/DuoTox/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31420 LEL/O2/DuoTox
54-24-30121 LEL/O2/CO/NH3
54-24-30108 LEL/O2/CO/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-30109 LEL/O2/CO/NO2
54-24-30110 LEL/O2/CO/HCN
54-24-30112 LEL/O2/CO
54-24-30113 LEL/O2/CO/PH3
54-24-30115 LEL/O2/CO/SO2-Ext.
54-24-30118 LEL/O2/CO/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30120 LEL/O2/CO
54-24-31921 LEL/O2/CO-H/NH3
54-24-31920 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-24-30521 LEL/O2/CO+/NH3
54-24-30508 LEL/O2/CO+/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-30509 LEL/O2/CO+/NO2
54-24-30510 LEL/O2/CO+/HCN
54-24-30512 LEL/O2/CO+
54-24-30513 LEL/O2/CO+/PH3
54-24-30515 LEL/O2/CO+/SO2-Ext.
54-24-30518 LEL/O2/CO+/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30520 LEL/O2/CO+
54-24-30221 LEL/O2/H2S/NH3
54-24-30208 LEL/O2/H2S/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-30209 LEL/O2/H2S/NO2
54-24-30210 LEL/O2/H2S/HCN
54-24-30212 LEL/O2/H2S
54-24-30213 LEL/O2/H2S/PH3
54-24-30215 LEL/O2/H2S/SO2-Ext.
54-24-30218 LEL/O2/H2S/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30219 LEL/O2/H2S/CO-H
54-24-30220 LEL/O2/H2S
54-24-30321 LEL/O2/SO2/NH3
54-24-30305 LEL/O2/SO2/CO+
54-24-30308 LEL/O2/SO2/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-30309 LEL/O2/SO2/NO2
54-24-30310 LEL/O2/SO2/HCN
54-24-30312 LEL/O2/SO2
54-24-30313 LEL/O2/SO2/PH3
54-24-30318 LEL/O2/SO2/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30319 LEL/O2/SO2/CO-H
54-24-30320 LEL/O2/SO2
54-24-30321 LEL/O2/SO2/NH3
54-24-30800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)
54-24-30821 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/NH3
54-24-30809 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/NO2
54-24-30810 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/HCN
54-24-30813 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/PH3
54-24-30815 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/SO2-Ext.
54-24-30819 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non specific)/CO-H
54-24-30900 LEL/O2/NO2
54-24-30921 LEL/O2/NO2/NH3
54-24-30910 LEL/O2/NO2/HCN
54-24-30912 LEL/O2/NO2
54-24-30913 LEL/O2/NO2/PH3
54-24-30915 LEL/O2/NO2/SO2-Ext.
54-24-30918 LEL/O2/NO2/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-30919 LEL/O2/NO2/CO-H
54-24-30920 LEL/O2/NO2
54-24-31000 LEL/O2/HCN
54-24-31012 LEL/O2/HCN
54-24-31015 LEL/O2/HCN/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31018 LEL/O2/HCN/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31019 LEL/O2/HCN/CO-H
54-24-31020 LEL/O2/HCN
54-24-31221 LEL/O2/NH3
54-24-31200 LEL/O2
54-24-31213 LEL/O2/PH3
54-24-31215 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31219 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-24-31300 LEL/O2/PH3
54-24-31315 LEL/O2/PH3/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31318 LEL/O2/PH3/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31319 LEL/O2/PH3/CO-H
54-24-31320 LEL/O2/PH3
54-24-31500 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31521 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext./NH3
54-24-31518 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext./Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31519 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext./CO-H
54-24-31520 LEL/O2/SO2-Ext.
54-24-31800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-31821 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)/NH3
54-24-31819 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)/CO-H
54-24-31820 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)
54-24-32000 LEL/O2
54-24-32021 LEL/O2/NH3
54-24-32100 LEL/O2/NH3
54-27-0205 Slip-in fast charger (110 VAC)
for PhD5. Includes “wall cube”
power supply.
54-27-0201 Slip-in fast charger/data dock
(110 VAC) for PhD5. Includes
“wall cube” power supply.
54-27-0202 Slip-in fast charger (12 VDC)
for PhD5. Includes 12 VDC
“cigarette lighter” style adapter,
and vehicle mounting hardware.
54-27-0204 Five instrument 110 VAC slipin
multi-charger for PhD5.
Includes power supply.
35-0219 Alkaline battery pack for PhD5.
35-0214 NiCad battery pack for PhD5.
54-27-0601 Datalogger upgrade for PhD5
without “Black-Box” recorder.
(Requires instrument disassembly.)
(If your non-datalogging
PhD5 shows the time and date
during startup, it does include a
“Black-Box” recorder.)
54-27-0607 Datalogger upgrade for PhD5
with “Black-Box” recorder.
(If your non-datalogging PhD5
shows the time and date during
startup, it does include a
“Black-Box” recorder.)
54-27-0603 BioTrak Software Kit. Includes
computer cable, software and
54-27-0605 PhD5 Datalink Kit. Includes
download cradle, BioTrak
software, computer cable and
54-27-0802 TouchID programming kit.
Includes software, programming
wand, serial connector,
10 buttons, 10 key chain/wall
mounts for TouchID buttons
and 10 TouchID badges.
54-27-0805 10 TouchID buttons.
54-27-0807 10 TouchID key ring/wall
mounts. Does not include
TouchID buttons.
54-27-0810 10 TouchID badges. Does not
include TouchID buttons.
54-25-80A LEL Combustible gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-04-90 O2 Oxygen 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-25-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-05 CO+ CO Plus dual purpose CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(provides a non-specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readout for CO and H2S)
54-25-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced sensitivity 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
to H2
54-25-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-14 Duo-Tox Dual Channel CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(provides substance specific H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
readouts for CO and H2S)
54-25-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 25 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-15 SO2-Ext. Sulfur Dioxide extended range 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-04 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 50 PPM 1 PPM
(for software versions
prior to 2.0)
54-25-21 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-08 Cl2 Chlorine (non-specific) 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-18 Cl2 Chlorine (specific) 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide 0 – 100 PPM 0.2 PPM
54-25-13 PH3 Phosphine 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
13-092 PhD5 Reference Manual.
13-093 PhD5 Quick Reference Card.
22-130 PhD5 training video.
22-131 PhD5 interactive training
42-005 Shoulder strap for PhD5.
45-016 Leather weather cover for
56-282 Leather weather cover for
PhD5 with TouchID .
PhD5 Calibration Materials and
Carrying Cases
54-27-0401 Case for Value Pack. Foamlined
case, with room for
1 compact sized calibration
gas cylinder.
35-0002 Case for Confined Space Kit.
Foam-lined, waterproof
Pelican style case with room
for one standard sized
calibration gas cylinder.
54-27-0501 Calibration kit for PhD5.
Includes foam-lined carrying
case with room for up to three
cylinders of calibration gas.
Kit contains 12-023 regulator
and other fittings. Kit does not
include gas.
54-27-V9045 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9045E calibration gas and
12-022 regulator. For use with
O2/LEL; O2/LEL/CO and
O2/LEL/CO+ configurations.
54-27-V9047 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9047E calibration gas and
12-023 regulator. For use with
O2/LEL/H2S configurations.
54-27-V9049 Value Pack “Make-up” Kit.
Includes Value Pack case with
54-9049E calibration gas and
12-023 regulator. For use with;
O2/LEL/CO/H2S and O2 /
LEL/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
10-263 Sample draw/calibration
adapter for PhD5.
54-05-A0409 Calibration adapter for use
with reactive gases (NH3,
Cl2, HCN, NO2).
54-34-00000 No Sensors Installed
54-34-30000 LEL/O2
54-34-30100 LEL/O2/CO
54-34-31900 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-34-30200 LEL/O2/H2S
54-34-31400 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-34-30102 LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-34-30300 LEL/O2/SO2
54-34-30103 LEL/O2/CO/SO2
54-34-30203 LEL/O2/H2S/SO2
54-34-31403 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)/SO2
54-34-31500 LEL/O2/SO2 Ext.
54-34-32100 LEL/O2/NH3
54-34-30800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non-specific)
54-34-31800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)
54-34-31200 LEL/O2
54-34-32000 LEL/O2
54-34-30900 LEL/O2/NO2
54-34-50000 HC-PPM LEL/O2
54-34-50100 HC-PPM LEL/O2/CO
54-34-51400 HC-PPM LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-34-50102 HC-PPM LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-35-00000 No Sensors Installed
54-35-30000 LEL/O2
54-35-30100 LEL/O2/CO
54-35-31900 LEL/O2/CO-H
54-35-30200 LEL/O2/H2S
54-35-31400 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-35-30102 LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-35-30300 LEL/O2/SO2
54-35-30103 LEL/O2/CO/SO2
54-35-30203 LEL/O2/H2S/SO2
54-35-31403 LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)/SO2
54-35-31500 LEL/O2/SO2 Ext.
54-35-32100 LEL/O2/NH3
54-35-30800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (non-specific)
54-35-31800 LEL/O2/Cl2 (specific)
54-35-31200 LEL/O2
54-35-32000 LEL/O2
54-35-30900 LEL/O2/NO2
54-35-50000 HC-PPM LEL/O2
54-35-50100 HC-PPM LEL/O2/CO
54-35-51400 HC-PPM LEL/O2/Duo-Tox (CO/H2S)
54-35-50102 HC-PPM LEL/O2/CO/H2S
54-25-80 LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-25-70 LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL 1% LEL
54-25-71 HC-PPM LEL Combustible Gas 0 – 100% LEL see note
54-25-90 O2 Oxygen 0 – 30%/Vol. 0.1%
54-25-01 CO Carbon Monoxide 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-05 CO+ CO Plus dual purpose CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
CO/H2S (provides a H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
non-specific readout
for CO and H2S)
54-25-19 CO-H CO Minus, reduced 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
sensitivity to H2
54-25-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-14 Duo-Tox Dual Channel CO/H2S CO: 0 – 1000 PPM 1 PPM
(provides Substance H2S: 0 – 200 PPM 1 PPM
specific readouts
for CO and H2S)
54-25-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 25 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-15 SO2-Ext. Sulfur Dioxide 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
extended range
54-25-21 NH3 Ammonia 0 – 100 PPM 1 PPM
54-25-08 Cl2 Chlorine 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-18 Cl2 Chlorine 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 0 – 50 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-13 PH3 Phosphine 0 – 20 PPM 0.1 PPM
54-25-06 NO Nitric Oxide 0 – 350 PPM 1 PPM
35-0379 Cannonball3 motorized sample
draw pump module.
35-0378 Cannonball3 motorized sample
draw pump module for dual
pump version (2 pumps). The
Cannonball3 must be configured
for dual pump.
35-0376 Cannonball3 Alkaline battery
pack (“D”-Cell batteries not
35-0377 Cannonball3 NiMH battery
54-26-0603 Cannonball3 BioTrak Software
Kit. Includes BioTrak software
and manual.
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) – Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) – Requires one
available USB port.
54-27-0802 TouchID programming
kit. Includes software,
programming wand, serial
connector, 10 buttons,
10 key chain/wall mounts
for TouchID buttons and
10 TouchID badges.
35-0379 Cannonball3 motorized sample
draw pump.
35-0378 Cannonball3 motorized sample
draw pumps for dual pump version.
The Cannonball3 must be
configured for dual pump.
54-36-03 Cannonball3 Sample probe with
plastic extension and male
quick disconnect.
54-36-04 Cannonball3 Sample probe with
stainless steel extension and
male quick disconnect.
54-36-05 Cannonball3 Sample probe with
plastic extension and threaded
for quick disconnect fitting.
54-36-06 Cannonball3 Sample probe with
stainless steel extension and
threaded for quick disconnect
54-36-07 Cannonball3 Sample probe
male quick disconnect.
54-36-08-010 Cannonball3 Extension hose, 10
feet with male and female quick
54-36-08-025 Cannonball3 Extension hose, 25
feet with male and female quick
54-36-08-050 Cannonball3 Extension hose, 50
feet with male and female quick
54-36-08-100 Cannonball3 Extension hose,
100 feet with male and female
quick disconnect.
54-36-09 Cannonball3 set of male and
female quick disconnects.
54-36-10 Cannonball3 Snap-on fast
charger (110VAC).
54-36-11 Cannonball3 Snap-on fast
charger (12VDC).
35-0376 Cannonball3 Alkaline battery
pack (batteries not included).
35-0377 Cannonball3 NiMH battery
54-36-13 Cannonball3 Datalogger
54-26-0603 Cannonball3 BioTrak Software
Kit. Includes BioTrak software
and manual.
54-26-0605S Infrared communication device
(Serial – IrDA) - Requires one
available PC serial port.
54-26-0605U Infrared communication device
(USB – IrDA) - Requires one
available USB port.
54-27-0802 TouchID programming kit.
Includes software, programming
wand, serial connector, 10
buttons, 10 key chain/wall
mounts for TouchID buttons
and 10 TouchID badges.
54-27-0805 10 TouchID buttons.
54-27-0807 10 TouchID key ring/wall
mounts. Does not include
TouchID buttons.
54-27-0810 10 TouchID badges. Does not
13-173 Cannonball3 Reference Manual.
31-292 Cannonball3 Quick Reference
22-143 Cannonball3 Training Video.
42-002 Cannonball3 Shoulder strap.
54-36-20 Cannonball3 Gasket service kit.
Includes 6 filter gaskets, 2
pump gasket, 2 battery gasket
and lubricant for gaskets.
54-36-17 Internal filter kit for
Cannonball3. (10 ea. particulate
and 5 ea. hydrophobic).
54-36-14 Cannonball3 Calibration kit.
Includes foam-lined carrying
case with room for up to three
cylinders of calibration gas. Kit
contains 12-023 regulator and
other fittings. Kit does not
include gas.
35-0453 Cannonball3 Waterproof
Pelican style carrying case
with room for one Cannonball3
and one cylinder of calibration
54-36-15 Cannonball3 Calibration tube
with male quick disconnect.
54-36-18 Cannonball3 Calibration balloon
(not for use with Cl2).
54-36-16 Cannonball3 Inert calibration
tube (for reactive gases) with
male quick disconnect.
54-46-9000 IQ Express Docking Station
for O2, CO, H2S, SO2 with
Software, Installation Disks,
and Manuals.
54-46-9000N Network Compatible.
54-46-9100 Enhanced IQ Express Docking
Station for O2, CO, H2S, SO2,
Cl2, NO2, NH3, HCN, PH3
with Software, Installation
Disks, and Manuals.
54-46-9100N Network Compatible.
54-46-8000 Mounting Bracket.
54-46-8001 Powered Mounting Bracket.
54-43-0x0yz IQ Controller with IQ controller
software, installation
disks and manuals. Please
complete part number using
the IQ Controller options
matrix below. Note some
options affect the price of the
54-43-201 IQ Database Manager software.
Note this software is
included with the IQ
Controller above.
54-43-1401 IQ Dock for MultiVision.
54-43-1231 IQ Dock for PhD Lite.
54-43-1241 IQ Dock for PhD5.
54-43-1341 IQ Dock for Cannonball3.
54-43-1481 IQ Dock for MultiPro.
54-43-1021 IQ Dock for PhD Ultra.
54-43-200 IQ DataLink software, installation
disks and manuals.
Supports PhD Lite, PhD5,
PhD Ultra, MultiVision
(Datalog ging) and Cannonball3.
Note communication
hardware is not included.
54-43-201 IQ Database Manager software.
Note this software is
included with the IQ DataLink
software package above.
54-43-202 IQ DataLink software with
serial download cradle, installation
disks and manuals.
Same as P/N 54-43-200, but
also includes PhD5 (PhD
Ultra) charger and download
cradle, with serial cable and
power supply.
54-43-203 IQ DataLink software with
IrDA (Serial), installation disks
and manuals. Same as P/N
54-43-200, but also includes a
Serial – IrDA communication
device and download cradle.
IrDA communication is
required for PhD Lite, Multi -
Vision (datalogging) and
54-43-204 IQ DataLink software with,
IrDA (USB), installation disks
and manuals. Same as
P/N 54-43-200, but also
includes a Serial – IrDA
communication device and
download cradle. IrDA communication
is required for
PhD Lite, Multi Vision (datalogging)
and MultiPro.
54-9041 Methane 50% LEL 50 ppm 5 years 103 liters
54-9043 Methane 50% LEL 50 ppm 25 ppm 1 year 58 liters
54-9042E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 5 years 103 liters
54-9045E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 5 years 34 liters
54-9044E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 25 ppm 1 year 58 liters
54-9049E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 25 ppm 1 year 34 liters
54-9048E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 25 ppm 1 year 58 liters
54-9047E Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 25 ppm 1 year 34 liters
54-9070E Pentane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 5 years 103 liters
54-9046E Pentane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 25 ppm 1 year 58 liters
54-9071E Pentane Equivalent 50% LEL 50 ppm 5 years 34 liters
54-9031 LEL Methane 50% LEL 5 Years 103 liters
54-9032E LEL Propane Equivalent 50% LEL 5 Years 103 liters
54-9068E LEL Pentane Equivalent 50% LEL 5 Years 103 liters
54-9066 LEL Hydrogen (H2) 50% LEL 5 Years 103 liters
54-9033 CO Carbon Monoxide 50 ppm 5 Years 103 liters
54-9036 CO Carbon Monoxide 50 ppm 5 Years 34 liters
54-9067 CO Carbon Monoxide 125 ppm 5 Years 103 liters
(Mighty-Tox series
bump test only)
54-9034 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 25 ppm 1 Year 58 liters
54-9057 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide 25 ppm 1 Year 34 liters
54-9037 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 10 ppm 1 Year 58 liters
54-9058 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 10 ppm 1 Year 34 liters
54-9051 NH3 Ammonia 50 ppm 1 Year 58 liters
54-9061 NH3 Ammonia 50 ppm 1 Year 34 liters
54-9052 Cl2 Chlorine 5 ppm 8 Months 58 liters
54-9062 Cl2 Chlorine 5 ppm 8 Months 34 liters
54-9056 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 5 ppm 6 Months 58 liters
54-9059 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 5 ppm 6 Months 34 liters
54-9054 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide 10 ppm 1 Year 58 liters
54-9053 HCl Hydrogen Chloride 10 ppm 1 Year 58 liters
54-9065 PH3 Phosphine 5 ppm 6 Months 58 liters
54-9073 PH3 Phosphine 5 ppm 6 Months 34 liters
54-9064 H2 Hydrogen 100 ppm 5 Years 103 liters
54-9035 N2 Nitrogen 99.9% 5 Years 103 liters
54-9039 O2 Oxygen (Zero Air) 20.9% 5 Years 103 liters
12-022 Regulator, 1.0 liter per minute
flow. Only for use with 54-9036
54-9045E and 54-9071E
calibration gas cylinders.
12-023 Regulator, standard service 1.0
liter per minute flow.
12-025 Regulator, ammonia service 1.0
liter per minute flow.
12-030 Regulator, standard service 1.0
liter per minute flow with on/off
12-039 Demand flow regulator, standard
service, 0 – 3 liters per minute
35-0380 AirChek 3000 PSI Regulator. 1.0
liter per minute regulator with
CGA346 hand-wheel coupling.
54-04-80 LEL Combusible Gas
54-04-90 O2 Oxygen
54-04-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-04-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-04-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-04-04 NH3 Ammonia
54-04-05 CO+ Dual purpose CO/H2S
(provides a non-specific readout
for CO and H2S)
54-04-08 Cl2 Chlorine
54-04-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
54-04-10 HCN Hydrogen Cyanide
(special version of PhD Ultra required)
54-04-13 PH3 Phosphine
3101 Oxygen sensor for Model 3100.
3102 Remote Oxygen sensor for Model
3301 Carbon monoxide sensor, CO for
Models 3300 and 3300-TP.
3350 Compressed air sampling kit with
fixed flow regulator. Rated 10 –
200 psig. Specify 3/8" Hansen “-
H” or 3/8" Schraeder “-S” male
QD fitting when ordering.
35-179 Air sampling assembly (sensor/
calibration adapter and tubing).
35-043 Battery Eliminator (110 VAC).
35-197 Relay Closure, simply closes a circuit
upon alarm condition, rated
at no more than 110 VAC and 1
amp service. Factory installation
required, must be specified at
time of purchase.
6050 High-intensity remote alarm (115
dBA @ 12") Includes mounting
plate, 9V battery, test button, 6 of
cable Not intrinsically safe; may
not be used in potentially combustible
55-025 Wall mounting plate for
3300-TP. Accepts monitor
mounted bracket.
54-16-90 O2 Oxygen
54-16-80 LEL Combustible
54-16-01 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-16-02 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-16-03 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-16-08 Cl2 Chlorine
54-16-13 PH3 Phosphine
54-16-09 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
54-15-801-S LEL Combustible
54-1631 O2 Oxygen
54-1632 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
54-1634 CO Carbon Monoxide
54-1635 Cl2 Chlorine
54-1636 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
54-1637 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
54-17-A0101 Single integrally mounted
external strobe for ZoneGuard
54-17-A0103 Single integrally mounted
external strobe for ZoneGuard
54-17-A0102 Dual integrally mounted
external strobes for ZoneGuard
(Red and Amber).
54-17-A0201 Remote programmable (volume
adjustable) audible alarm.
54-17-A0202 Remote high intensity audible
54-17-A0301 Splash guard for sensors
installed in explosion proof
remote housings.
54-17-A0302 Splash guard for sensors
installed in standard housings.
54-17-A0401 Wire, 22 gauge, 6 conductor,
twisted pair, shielded with
drain, used to connect Oxygen
remote detectors with
ZoneGuard controller, 50'.
54-17-A0402 Wire, 22 gauge, 4 conductor,
twisted pair, shielded with
drain, used to connect toxic
remote detectors with
ZoneGuard controller, 50'.
54-17-A0403 Wire, 18 gauge, 4 conductor,
twisted pair, shielded with
drain, used to connect combustible
remote detectors with
ZoneGuard controller, 50'.
54-17-A0310 ZoneGuard airline adapter
(10-200 psig) with Hanson
35-0136 Calibration adapter for
ZoneGuard and Gas Chek
(Oxygen/standard toxic
54-17-A0304 Calibration adapter for
ZoneGuard and Gas Chek
(LEL sensors).
10-302 Calibration adapter for
ZoneGuard and Gas Chek
(Reactive gas sensors – Cl2).
54-49-01 CO Sensor
54-49-90 O2 Sensor
54-9033 Calibration/Test Gas, CO 50 ppm, 103 liters (requires 12-023
12-023 Regulator for 54-9033.
54-9036 Calibration/Test Gas, \CO 50 ppm, 34 liters (requires 12-022
12-022 Regula tor for 54-9036.
54-51-001 Calibration Kit (includes 54-9033 CO calibration/test gas,
12-023 regulator and foam lined plastic carrying case).
54-51-002 Value Calibration Kit (includes 54-9036 CO calibration/test gas,
12-022 regulator and foam lined plastic carrying case).
54-51-003 Filter Kit (includes Pre-filter, coalescing filter, charcoal filter,
and O-rings).
54-50-002 A= 1 CO
3 CO and O2
B= 0 No Options
1 LED Strobe Light
2 Locking Stabilizer Legs
3 Both
C= 0 No Option
1 Low Pressure Alarm
D=N Rechargeable
A Alkaline
E =H Hansen outlet fitting
S Schraeder outlet fitting
54-50-331NH Travel Panel 50MP with CO/O2 sensors,LED
Strobe Light, Locking Stabilize Legs, Low Pressure
Alarm, Rechargeable battery, and Hansen outlet
54-50-100NH Hansen Outlet Fittings.
54-50-100NS Schraeder Outlet Fittings.
54-05-A0403 Plastic Standard barb fitting.
54-05-A0405 Stainless Steel Standard barb fitting.
54-36-03 Plastic Male quick disconnect (QD).
54-36-04 Stainless Steel Male quick disconnect (QD).
54-36-05 Plastic Threaded for quick disconnect. Intended as replacement
where existing QD is reused.
54-36-06 Stainless Steel Threaded for quick disconnect. Intended as replacement
where existing QD is reused.
10-270 Standard probe handle (upper)
61-047 Hydrophobic filter
10-268 Filter cup
10-267 Probe handle (lower)
10-269 Hex-nut compression fitting
17-063 O-ring
05-1153 Male quick disconnect for threaded probe
10-423 Threaded probe handle (upper)
61-046 Particulate filter
17-033 O-ring
56-173 Compression sleeve
56-439 Interchangeable probe tube, Plastic
56-919 Interchangeable probe tube, Steel
54-05-K0401 Filter replacement kit.
10 Particulate (61-046).
3 Hydrophobic (61-047) filters.
54-05-K0403 Economy filter replacement kit.
30 Particulate (61-046).
10 Hydrophobic (61-047) filters.
54-05-K0402 Economy filter replacement
pack. 10 Particulate (61-046)
54-05-K0405 Bulk filter replacement pack.
100 Particulate (61-046) filters.
54-05-K0404 Bulk filter replacement pack.
25 Hydrophobic (61-047) filters.
54-05-K0406 100 Hydrophobic filters.
54-05-K0407 500 Hydrophobic filters.
53-001 Polyurethane (fuel resistant)
tubing 5/16" OD, 3/16" ID.
35-0344 Tubing kit for reactive gas
detection (Cl2). Includes 10 of
tubing plus adapters.
Internal Filters
for Motorized Pumps
54-05-K0101 Internal filter kit for PhD
pumps. 10 particulate filters.
54-36-17 Internal filter kit for
Cannonball3. 10 particulate,
5 hydrophobic filters.
35-0408 In-line cartridge filter for
Cannonball3. 1 particulate
54-20-1117-32 Low & High Pressure
with Middle Stage
Transducer, including
Enhanced Precision
(EP) Transducer and
32-Bit PosiChek3
54-20-1117-32-L PosiChek3 (EP) with
laptop computer
54-20-1117-32-D PosiChek3 (EP)
with desktop
computer package
54-20-2117-32 Low & High Pressure
with Middle Stage
Transducer, including
Enhanced Precision
(EP) Transducer,
Sound Detection
System (SDS) and
32-Bit PosiChek3
54-20-1117-32-L PosiChek3 (EP & SDS)
with laptop computer
Upgrade your existing PosiChek3
54-21-A12 Enhanced Precision
(EP) Transducer
54-21-A13 Sound Detection
System (SDS) Upgrade
(Must have EP)
54-21-A14 EP and SDS Upgrade