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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-29 15:55:46
产品产地: 石家庄
发货地: 石家庄 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 683
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    电动叉车是指以电来进行作业的叉车,大多数都是为蓄电池工作。而蓄电池是电池中的一种,它的作用是能把有限的电能储存起来,在合适的地方使用。它的工作原理就是把化学能转化为电能。 电动叉车的电瓶内装的也就是这种蓄电池。要注意的是:电池最好不要横放!因为,电池的内部一般是22~28%的稀硫酸。电池正放的时候电解液可以淹没极板并且还剩下一点空间如果把电池横放的话会有一部分电极板暴露在空气中,这对电池的极板非常不利,而且一般的电池的观察孔或者电池的顶部都有排气口与外界相通,所以电池横放电解液很容易流出。
    Electric forklift is the forklift that operates by electricity, most of which work for batteries. A battery is one of the batteries that can store Limited electrical energy and use it in the right place. It works by converting chemical energy into electricity. The battery in the electric forklift is this kind of battery. To note is that the battery is best not to put! Because the inside of the battery is generally 22 ~ 28% dilute sulfuric acid. The battery is placed when the electrolyte can be submerged and plate left a little space if the battery horizontally if there will be a part of the electrode plate is exposed in the air, the battery plate is very negative, and the top of the general battery or battery has the observation hole outlet is communicated with the outside, so the battery electrolyte is placed horizontally easy outflow.

    he battery fork lift truck takes the accumulator as the source power, drives the traveling motor and the oil pressure system electric machinery, thus realizes the traveling and the loading and unloading operation. Electric forklift is a DC power supply (battery) for loading and unloading of vehicle power. In the new materials and new technology, the most important embodiment is the transistor controller (SCR and MOS) applications. It appears that greatly improve the performance of electric forklift, in general, electric forklift, durability the reliability and applicability are improved significantly, can compete with internal combustion forklift.

    China has reached 22874 vehicles in 2006, according to data from the industrial vehicles Association of China Industrial association,
    Sedan No. 8
    Sedan No. 8
    Compared with 2005, an increase of nearly 38%. The data has shown that electric forklift will be more and more popular with users, but in general, the proportion of electric forklift market is only 21%, which can be seen, the electric forklift market space is still great.

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