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乌海非下垂型聚硫防水密封胶 双组份

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最后更新: 2017-09-26 08:58:09
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    乌海非下垂型聚硫防水密封胶 双组份


    Polysulfide sealant is a kind of sealant made of liquid polysulfide rubber, which is made up of tackifier resin, vulcanizing agent, accelerator and reinforcing agent. This kind of sealant has excellent properties such as fuel oil, hydraulic oil, water and various chemicals, as well as heat and atmospheric aging resistance.
    1. This kind of sealant has excellent properties such as fuel oil, hydraulic oil, water and various chemicals, as well as heat resistance and atmospheric aging resistance.
    2. It has good flexibility, low temperature, bending and electrical insulation.
    3. Good adhesion to most materials.


    乌海非下垂型聚硫防水密封胶 双组份

    Generally curable type. Components can be divided into two components (or three components) and a single component type. The process of mixing, grinding and filling is adopted. Polysulfide sealant is widely used in civil construction, automobile manufacturing and other industries as caulking and sealing material, is often used for sealing all kinds of fuel tank, fuel tank, air machine, composite glass.
    Polysulfide sealant for insulating glass sealing, metal, joints, concrete wall underground engineering (such as tunnel, cave), reservoirs, reservoirs and other structures of waterproof sealing, and road repair, restore the telescopic runway expansion joint sealing, sealing the crack of building complex.
    Specific properties and applications of two-component polysulfide sealant

    A two-component polysulfide sealant mainly used in construction, municipal, subway, tunnel, airport runway, highway, bridge expansion project of seam, settlement joints deformation crack sealing seal, two-component polysulfide sealant is suitable for water, swimming pool, reservoir, dam, power plants, sewage treatment works and for drainage system engineering in all kinds of expansion joint leakage sealing seal.

    乌海非下垂型聚硫防水密封胶 双组份

    Below we detail the characteristics of two-component polysulfide sealant products:
    1、首先环保无毒性:虽然液体聚硫密封胶有点硫磺的嗅臭味,但固化后逐渐被填料所吸附。我公司生产的聚硫密封胶经中国预防医学科学院环境与卫生工程研究所测试其L,D50 >20g/kg。根据国家毒性分级标准属无毒级。因此双组份聚硫密封胶可以放心用于蓄水池,游泳池、自来水厂等防水工程。
    1. First of all, environmental protection non-toxic: Although liquid polysulfide sealant a little sulfur smell odor, but gradually solidified by the adsorption of filler. The polysulfide sealant produced by our company was tested by the Institute of environmental and sanitary engineering of Chinese Academy of preventive medicine, L, D50, >20g / kg.  According to the national toxicity classification standard, it belongs to non-toxic grade.  Therefore, the two-component polysulfide sealant can be used for water storage, swimming pools, water works and other waterproof projects.
    2. Good air tightness: two component polysulfide sealant not only has good elasticity, but also its tightness in elastic sealant is also good. At present, after the hot melt butyl rubber adhesive in a variety of known. Can the good sealing performance of the construction project.
    3. Cohesiveness: as sealant, the most important thing is to have excellent adhesion. This polysulfide sealant is applied to the vertical seam or top seam of the building,
    The phenomenon of sealant flowing from the construction seam can not occur.  Polysulfide sealant has a good bond to cement, steel, glass, wood, natural stone, etc..  The general construction and water conservancy project should use the low modulus and high elongation of polysulfide sealant, the bond strength is more than 0.2Mpa, elongation is greater than or equal to 300%.
    4, water resistance: polysulfide sealant on the sea water, tap water, distilled water is stable, compared to the sea water (salt) of the weight change is minimal.
    5, acid and alkali performance: polysulfide sealant is not strong enough acid and alkali. But it is stable for dilute inorganic acids, alkalis and various salts.
    6, heat aging performance: polysulfide sealant thermal aging performance is very good, can long-term in a 40 ~ 120 degrees Celsius conditions work.

    7, good radiation resistance: polysulfide sealant r_ ray performance is very good.

    乌海非下垂型聚硫防水密封胶 双组份

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