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产品价格: 30/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-09-26 09:02:43
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 198
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    Construction methods and points for attention of EVA plastic water stop belt

    EVA plastic water stop belt, it is made of PVC polyvinyl chloride resin and various filling agent, through mixing, granulation, extrusion and other processes made of water sealing material. This product utilizes the elastic deformation property of elastomer materials to prevent leakage and prevent seepage in the structural joints of the building, and has the characteristics of corrosion resistance and good durability.


    EVA plastic water stop belt is mainly used for concrete pouring, it is installed in the construction joints and deformation joints, and concrete as one of the basic works. Such as tunnel, culvert, aqueduct, dam, reservoir structures, underground facilities, etc.. The construction method of PVC plastic water stop belt is the same as that of ordinary rubber water stop belt. In the pouring buried to make it smooth and fit the concrete interface, the joint part of the adhesive fastening, pouring process to buried in an appropriate capacity of fully vibrating concrete, the good combination with concrete, in order to obtain the best sealing effect. PVC plastic water stop construction should pay attention to some problems, because there are many pointed stones and steel reinforcement in the concrete, the operation should pay attention to avoid mechanical damage to the water stop belt. In the positioning of the plastic waterstop, to make it smooth and fit the concrete interface, can not appear waterstop flip, twist phenomenon, otherwise should be timely adjusted is pouring fixed sealing strip, should prevent the waterstop shift, affecting sealing effect. The joint of the plastic water stop belt can be firmly secured by bonding and heat welding. In the process of pouring concrete, attention should be paid to the full shock and tamping so as to achieve the full combination of the water stopping belt and the concrete.



    EVA plastic stop belt construction method is the same as rubber water stop belt. In the pouring buried to make it smooth and fit the concrete interface, the joint part of the adhesive fastening, pouring process to buried in an appropriate capacity of fully vibrating concrete, the good combination with concrete, in order to obtain the best sealing effect.
    A. in the course of construction, because there are many pointed stones and reinforcing bars in the concrete, the operation should pay attention to avoid the mechanical damage to the plastic water stopping belt.
    B. in the positioning of plastic water stop, to make it and the concrete interface leveling, can not appear "water stop", "flip", "distortion" and so on, otherwise should be timely adjustment.
    When C. is pouring the fixed water stop belt, it should prevent the water stop belt from deviation and influence the water stopping effect.
    D.止水带接头可利用粘接、热焊接等方法,保证接头牢固。 E.浇注混凝土过程中要注意充分震捣,以达到止水带和混凝土充分结合。

    D. joint of water stop belt can be secured by bonding and thermal welding. In the process of pouring concrete, E. should pay attention to the full vibration to achieve the full combination of the water stopping belt and concrete.


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