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最后更新: 2017-09-26 09:06:55
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 113
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    Application of steel sealing strip:
    在箱型基础或地下室,底板和外墙板的混凝土是分开浇捣的,下次再浇捣墙板混凝土时,就有一条施工缝,当这条缝的位置在地下水位线以下时,就容易产生渗水。这样就需要对这条缝进行技术处理。 处理的方法很多,其中比较通行的方法是设置钢边止水带。
    In the box foundation or basement floor and wall panels are separated from the concrete pouring, pouring concrete wall again, there is a construction joint, when the crack position below the underground water level, it is easy to produce water. This requires a technical treatment of the seam. There are many ways to deal with it. The most popular way is to set up steel stop pipe.

    即在浇筑下层混凝土时,预埋300*3的钢板,其中有10-15cm的上部露在外面,在下次再浇筑混凝土时把这部分的钢板一起浇筑进去,起到阻止外面的压力水渗入的作用。钢板止水带选择的厚度一般为2mm厚 3mm厚。一般钢板止水带是采用冷轧板作为母材,因为冷板厚度能够均匀,热板一般厚度达不到均匀的程度,厚度一般为2毫米或者3毫米,长度一般加工成3米长或者6米长,一般为三米好运输。钢边止水带对焊接节点要求较高,不能出现漏点,影响防水性能。


    In the lower concrete pouring, pre buried steel plate of 300*3, including the upper portion of the 10-15cm exposed, this part of the steel pouring in together again during the pouring of concrete, to prevent the outside pressure of water infiltration effect. The thickness of the steel sealing strip is usually 2mm thick and 3mm thick. General plate sealing strip is made of cold rolled plate as a base material for cold plate thickness can be generally uniform, hot plate thickness is not up to the uniform degree of thickness is 2 mm or 3 mm in length, generally processed into 3 meters long or 6 meters long, three meters generally good transportation. The steel edge sealing strip requires higher welding nodes, and no leakage point can be found, which affects the waterproof performance.
    Construction points:
    1, should try to ensure that the steel side of the water retaining wall in the middle of the wall;
    2, two pieces of steel between the welding should be full, to ensure that no water seepage, generally double-sided welding. According to the supervision requirements, can also be single-sided welding;
    3, the wall corner processing, one, the whole plate bending; two, T-shaped welding; three, 7 type welding.

    4. The supporting welding of the steel stop belt can be welded with small steel bars on the main reinforcement;


    5. When the steel stop belt passes through the column hoop, the hoop hoop which is worn can be broken off and made into an opening hoop, and the electric welding is arranged on the steel plate.
    In the plate strip pouring bottom concrete, pre buried steel plate of 300mmx3mm, including the upper portion of the 10-15cm exposed, this part of the steel pouring in together again during the pouring of concrete, to prevent the outside pressure of water infiltration effect. General plate sealing strip is made of cold rolled plate as a base material for cold plate thickness can be generally uniform, hot plate thickness is not up to the uniform degree of thickness is 2 mm or 3 mm in length, generally processed into 3 meters long or 6 meters long, three meters generally good transportation. The water stopping steel plate requires higher welding nodes,
    Welded joint of water stopping steel plate
    Welded joint of water stopping steel plate
    Leakage can not occur, affecting waterproof performance.
    Construction points
    1, should try to ensure that the steel plate in the wall of the center line;
    2、两块钢板之间的焊接要饱满且为双面焊 ,钢板搭接不小于20mm;
    The welding between the 2 and two steel plates should be full and double sided welding, and the steel plate shall be lapped not less than 20mm;
    3, the wall corner processing, one, the whole plate bending; two, T-shaped welding; three, 7 type welding.
    4 、 the support welding of water stopping steel plate can be welded with small steel bars on the main reinforcement;
    5. When the water stopping steel plate passes through the column hoop, the hoop hoop which is crossed can be broken and made into an opening hoop, and the electric welding is arranged on the steel plate.

    6. The opening of the water stop steel plate faces the water surface.


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