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锡林郭勒闸门止水橡皮 规格齐全

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最后更新: 2017-09-26 09:28:25
产品产地: 衡水
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浏览次数: 101
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    锡林郭勒闸门止水橡皮  规格齐全


    Gate water seal is also called P rubber water stop belt. Gate water seal is an important component of hydropower project gate, and it is the key component to ensure gate seal water seal and normal operation. Gate sealing material can be chosen according to the specific conditions such as water head height and orifice size, and the most commonly used is the rubber gate water seal.


    锡林郭勒闸门止水橡皮  规格齐全

    The water seal material: rubber seal is made of natural rubber (or synthetic rubber) by mixing equipment (open rubber mixing machine or mixer) segment plastication, mixing special antioxidant, vulcanization accelerator, curing agent, reinforcing agent, plasticizer and other more than 10 kinds of raw materials to prepare semi-finished products mix, and then placed in a cavity of the mold, the vulcanizing press in high temperature and high pressure conditions and the sealing element with hydraulic steel gate water comprehensive requirements, commonly known as the common seal. The PTFE film composite seal sealing face in low friction and high wear resistance of the composite is called rubber seal, work on the surface of PTFE film for uninterrupted whole section, enhance the Teflon coated seal called section type rubber composite seal and working face; currently the only no matter how long can be done with PTFE constantly open, and strictly by national standard a m thickness of PTFE with composite seal manufacturers in Sanmenxia River Hydropower rubber products Co. Ltd., will enhance the high strength, low friction and wear resistance of the seal multiply called clip high-strength nylon canvas nylon canvas rubber seal is arranged in a water seal; with high strength nylon canvas with PTFE film (or Teflon coating) seal called high-strength nylon canvas rubber composite sealing clip; The water sealed by polyvinyl fluoride and polyethylene is called pure plastic water seal, and the water seal made of metal material is called metal water seal.

    锡林郭勒闸门止水橡皮  规格齐全

    It can be divided into conventional water seal, compression type water seal and hydraulic telescopic water seal. In the installation of gate seal gate quality is the key problem of the whole gate to stop, a lot of hydropower installation units purchasing in the gates and buried pieces of bulky items are very strict, and not just pay attention to in the seal gate on the issue, causing millions of Engineering finished at the end of a seal gate and Water Leakage cannot hand over even default. Commissioned by the State Ministry of water resources, the excellent company has designated and evaluated the water seal enterprises of the production gates. Only Sanmenxia River Hydropower rubber products Co., Ltd. was adopted, it is recommended to adopt.
    Application level specification parameter
    I 类闸门水封:天然橡胶或天然橡胶为主的材料。SF6674适用于大型工程闸门;SF6474适用于中、小型工程
    Class I gate seals: natural rubber or natural rubber based material. SF6674 is suitable for large engineering gates; SF6474 is suitable for medium and small works
    II 类闸门水封:合成橡胶或合成橡胶为主的材料。它适用于水中含有少量酸、碱、油类或海水的工程闸门。

    Class II gate seals: synthetic or synthetic rubber based material. The utility model is suitable for engineering gates with small amount of acid, alkali, oil or sea water in the water.

    锡林郭勒闸门止水橡皮  规格齐全

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