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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-10-10 14:05:58
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 131
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    1, if it is necessary to spread the road before installing expansion joints, in order to ensure a good level of pavement, it should be paved pavement, and then slotted installation expansion joints. Before paving the road, must first clear the reserved space and filled with sand filled foam board, or graded sand gravel bag slot. In order to control the elevation of backfill will not pollute the asphalt and pre buried steel should be designed to prevent spreading equipment for crushing and pre buried steel, continuous pavement paving.
    2. The cutting seam and the cleaning groove of the bridge are slit with the cutting machine on the width of the reserved notch. Attention should be paid to maintaining good pavement incision and no undercut while cutting. After cutting, clean the asphalt concrete and packing in the slot, and then cut the concrete surface in the notch. This series of processes is very important, it will affect the quality of concrete pouring.



    3, when installing expansion joints, the lower slot should be carefully checked in the pre embedded steel bar, if found cracks or broken, improper location or gap is too large, remedial measures must be taken. Make sure that at least 1 embedded steel bars and the anchor ring of the expansion joint are firmly welded in the range of the direction of the seam along the seam. The quality of expansion joints of XF bridges should be checked carefully. If the deformation or the spacing between the two steel beams is found to be inconsistent, they should be trimmed. When necessary, the spacing between the steel beams of the expansion joint shall be adjusted according to the environmental temperature at the time of installation. The XF type expansion device shall be put into the slot slowly, so that the center line of the joint coincides with the central line of the actual reserved slot, the deviation shall not exceed 10mm, and the inside edge of the steel edge beam shall be kept vertical. After the XF type expansion joint is in place, the top of the steel beam shall be adjusted according to the longitudinal, transverse slope and elevation. The top surface shall be 1 to 2mm lower than that of the adjacent asphalt concrete pavement and shall not exceed the elevation of the road surface.
    4, in welding first spot welding part, pre embedded steel bar and anchor ring steel bar, temporary fixed position. After inspection to meet the quality requirements before the anchor ring reinforcement and embedded steel, welding, assembly fixture can be demolished XF type bridge expansion joint.
    5, for formwork and concrete pouring formwork should pay attention to the template sealing, avoid cement slurry leak into the support box, affect the supporting parts and control system of normal work. Before pouring concrete, a certain amount of longitudinal reinforcement should be inserted into the anchor ring; a layer of reinforcing steel net is added to the horizontal edge of the steel edge beam; a double-layer shock proof steel net is arranged on the bottom plate of the support box. Low shrinkage, quick hardening and early strength concrete shall be adopted, and their grade shall not be lower than that of upper structure concrete. Pay special attention to the concrete density under the anchor plate, anchor ring and cross beam support box. During the maintenance period of the concrete, all vehicles are forbidden to pass.
    SGF120 bridge expansion joint products are as follows:
    1、该桥梁伸缩缝采用挤出成型的Q345(ASTM A709Grade50)型钢,强度高。型钢为齿型结构,增加了伸缩量,提高了行车平稳,适用于高速公路及城市道路的桥梁伸缩缝,并能较好地适应桥梁的纵向位移。

    1. The expansion joint of the bridge is made of extruded Q345 (ASTM, A709Grade50) steel with high strength. The section steel is a tooth type structure, which increases the expansion amount and improves the running stability. The utility model is suitable for the expansion joint of the highway and the urban road, and can well adapt to the longitudinal displacement of the bridge.


    2, the expansion of the bridge expansion joint is 0 ~ 120mm, between the expansion amount between 80mm and 160mm, to avoid the use of expansion joint expansion caused by the unstable running as the expansion device of 80mm, and increase the project cost and the amount of expansion joint expansion problem 160mm.
    3, the anchor system and GQF MZL II 80, applicable to all kinds of beam structure, the slot (including pavement) height greater than 150mm.

    4, W type neoprene telescopic sealing strip embedded in the steel, waterproof and dustproof performance is good.


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