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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-10-19 11:56:28
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 220
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司
    • 王伟先生 经理
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    • 邮件3407742055@QQ.COM
    • 手机13166570832
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    • 地址河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
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    CB rubber waterproof belt, CB embedded rubber water stop, CB type water stop CB type water stop belt refers to the middle of the hole of the buried water stop, can be divided into CB rubber water stop, CB plastic water stop two categories. The main application of telescopic structures in various concrete seam, settlement joints and seismic joints, with close, anchorage and concrete seal and adapt to the ability of deformation joint expansion deformation of excellent characteristics, is my company according to many years of production experience, combined with the "water supply and drainage engineering concrete deformation joint design of" CECS117:2000 development and production a new type of medium buried waterstop structure. The design and selection criteria: in the selection of engineering design and construction process, the width and thickness of CB type waterstop shall be determined according to the following 1, the water pressure is less than 4m, the horizontal and vertical deformation is not more than 10mm, the sealing belt width of not less than 200mm, the thickness should not be less than 5mm; 2, the water pressure is 4-8M, the horizontal and vertical deformation is not more than 30mm, CB type strip width should not be less than 300mm, the thickness of not less than 6mm; 3, the pressure is greater than 8m, The horizontal and vertical deformation of more than 30mm, CB type strip width should not be less than 350mm, the thickness of not less than 8mm; 4, the water pressure is greater than 8m, the level of deformation is not more than 20mm, when no vertical deformation, CB strip width of not less than 200mm, the thickness of not less than 5mm. In addition, when the section size of the structure is greater than 500mm, the width of CB type water stop belt should not be less than 300mm, and when the CB type water stop strip is bent, the turning radius of the 300mm type water stop band shall not be less than 20 mm. Commonly used specifications: CB200× 5-20CB250× 6-30CB300× 6-30CB350× 8-30CB500× 10-50


    Performance characteristics:
    1. 我公司生产的橡胶止水带是采用国家标准GB18173.2-2000标准组织生产的,尺寸公差一律按国家标准执行,如用户有特殊要求,可按用户要求制造
    1. the rubber water stop produced by our company is produced by the national standard GB18173.2-2000 standard. The size tolerance is carried out according to the national standard. If the user has special requirements, it can be manufactured according to the requirements of the user
    2. 橡胶止水带型号以分类别分类编号,以方便设计参考和用户定货。<br />
    2. rubber sealing tape type is classified and numbered, so as to facilitate design reference and user order. <br / >
    3. 我公司可按用户要求生产各种形状、尺寸的橡胶止水带,另外还可为不同工程、不同部位的需要备有十字型、丁字型、斜度型和内外转角型产品,可适用于任何设计要求。
    3. my company can according to the production of various shapes and sizes of rubber sealing requirements of users also need, for different parts of the project, a cross shaped, inclination angle and internal and external products, can be applied to any design requirements.
    4. 橡胶止水带在运输时,应要避免阳光直射,勿与热源、油类及有害溶剂接触。成品应取直平放,勿加重压。存放场所保持-10-+30,相对湿度40%-80%。

    4. rubber sealing strip during transportation, should avoid direct sunlight, do not contact with heat, oil and harmful solvent. The finished product should be straight and flat, without heavy pressure. Storage place kept -10-+30, relative humidity 40%-80%.


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