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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-10-19 14:27:42
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 86
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    • 河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司
    • 王伟先生 经理
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    • 地址河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
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    Butyl steel plate putty water stop belt is made of high quality polymer material and galvanized sheet compounded rubber waterproof strip product. The main material of the rubber putty has excellent aging resistance and strong self adhesion; the high temperature does not flow in summer. Low temperature and no brittleness in winter, and has excellent water resistance, acid and alkali resistance and aging resistance, long service life, non-toxic products, good environment. In order to withstand certain bending and pressure. There are 0.4 or 0.6mm steel plates in the center. The waterproof belt can provide reliable waterproof and anti-seepage function to the building joints.


    Steel plate rubber sealing strip is inserted into the good will of galvanized steel plate vulcanized rubber, rubber made of a special rubber antioxidant and promoting dose, etc., a new type of sealing products through mixing, extrusion and galvanized steel plate bonding. The waterproof belt can effectively prevent the elastic, deformation and the temperature difference of the construction joint under various loads, and thus the strong sealing can be achieved. And can effectively prevent the construction joints leakage, seepage, and the role of a buffer role. This product has good aging resistance, strong self adhesion; summer high temperature does not flow. Low temperature and no brittleness in winter, and has excellent water resistance, acid and alkali resistance and aging resistance, long service life, non-toxic products, good environment. In order to withstand certain bending and pressure. There are 0.4 or 0.6mm steel plates in the center. This product can provide reliable waterproof and anti-seepage function between building joints. When using the ordinary rubber sealing strip, if the building structure of large deformation, the rubber sealing strip with the settlement of the structure, the transverse section of elongated, thin, more than the fatigue limit of deformation, it is likely to form a new leakage gap. We can produce all kinds of non-standard products according to the requirements of users, and meet the actual needs of various projects. It is suitable for many large building fields, especially when the water pressure is high and the structure deformation is large, the sealing effect is more obvious.



    Our company can produce all kinds of steel plate putty waterproof belt products, and according to user requirements, the production of various non-standard models of products, to meet the actual needs of the project. 1, the main application scope: tunnel, subway, dam, culvert, water conservancy and hydropower project construction joints, high-rise building basement, underground parking lot and other major construction joints.
    Construction method and matters needing attention of steel plate putty water stop belt
    A, the steel plate putty water stop belt expansion putty connection place overlap 100mm, press the air by hand, firmly adhere to its own, and strengthen the rolling silk, again affixed with protective film.
    B, the steel plate expansion putty water stop belt is placed in the middle of the wall, and the steel bar is fixed on the steel bar, and the water stop belt is slightly higher than the concrete interface.

    Before the C and re pouring, the protective film at the lower end of the rubber sealing strip is removed, and the concrete is poured to the 1 / 21 / 3 of the width of the expansion putty of the steel plate, and the upper protective film is taken out before the two pouring, and then the casting is carried out. While using steel plate rubber water stop, both sides of the steel plate and the surrounding concrete structure of the bond is strong, the same is the steel plate and rubber bonding is extremely strong. When the deformation of the structure, only the rubber part elongate, thin, but not between steel and concrete, steel plate and rubber leakage gap, new so that enhances the anti-seepage performance of structure deformation when using steel plate rubber waterstop, and seepage of the whole project played an important quality assurance.


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