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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-10-19 14:50:52
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 160
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    无缝伸缩缝粘接料是一种沥青填充式桥梁伸缩缝,是七十年代由英国发展起来的一种桥梁伸缩缝。它的基本作法是将接缝上面一窄条范围的桥面铺装层替 换为一种高弹性的特殊沥青混合料。这条高弹性特种沥青与石料的混合物可以吸收由于温度和交通负荷作用产生的桥面板位移,而保证表层不会开裂损坏。 无缝伸缩粘接料能够同时兼顾高温和低温、渗透和粘性这些对立的性能要求,不仅适用于温度单一地区,而且适用于温差较大的地区。

    Seamless expansion joint material is a kind of asphalt filled bridge expansion joint. It is a kind of bridge expansion joint developed in the United Kingdom in 70s. The basic method is to replace the bridge deck pavement with a narrow strip on the joint to be a special asphalt mixture with high elasticity. The mixture of high elastic special asphalt and stone can absorb the displacement of the bridge deck due to the temperature and traffic load, and ensure that the surface will not crack and damage. Seamless adhesive materials can accommodate both high temperature and low temperature, penetration and viscosity, which are not only applicable to single temperature areas, but also to areas with large temperature difference.

    二. 产品特点:
    Two. Product characteristics:
    Elastic resilience is very high: it can adapt to repeated temperature and load displacement.
    Low temperature flexibility and high temperature stability are very good: it will not become brittle at -40, and will not flow at 80 degrees centigrade. Therefore, it can be applied to all climatic zones in china.
    High temperature adhesion: the construction can be firmly bonded with the existing road, at room temperature is not sticky at all, and will not be taken away after cooling.

    Convenient and flexible construction, skilled construction team (8-10), 30 meter GTF TST expansion joint every day, and can not block the traffic under the condition of half construction.


    Open traffic is fast:
    无缝伸缩缝粘接料安装后两个小时即可开放交通,若喷水加速冷却,一小时后即可开放交通使用寿命长:严格按照工艺要求安装的无缝伸缩缝粘接料,其寿命是一般改性沥青路面的两倍左右。  舒适性非常好:
    Seamless expansion joint bonding material after the installation of two hours can be open to traffic, if the water cooling, after one hour can open to traffic and long service life: in strict accordance with the installation of seamless expansion joint bonding material technology, its life is about two times the general modified asphalt pavement. Very comfortable:
    Seamless expansion joint adhesive material can fully absorb the vibration and impact of vehicles, vehicles ride comfort and stability.
    The economic benefit is good: the cost is low.
    TST (modified asphalt) elastic plastic bridge expansion device
    1, principle:
    A special special elastic rubber material RS after heating Rongrong heated, poured into the rubble, formed "TCS bridge joint elastic body". Gravel support vehicle load, TCS-Z special adhesive to ensure interface strength.
    2, characteristics:
    a.TCS弹塑体直接平铺在桥梁界缝处,与前后的桥面或路面铺装形成连续体,桥面平整无缝,行车比有缝的桥自然更平稳、舒适、无噪音、振动小,且具有便于维护、清扫、除雪等优点。     b.构造简单,不需装设专门的伸缩构件和在梁端预埋锚固钢筋,施工方便快速,铺装冷却后,即可开放交通。
    A.TCS thermoplastic elastomer directly tiled in bridge field joints, and the formation of continuum deck pavement or road and bridge, smooth and seamless, driving the bridge more than a seam smooth and comfortable, no noise, small vibration, convenient maintenance, cleaning, snow etc.. The structure of B. is simple. It needs no special expansion member and embedded anchorage steel bar at the end of beam. The construction is convenient and fast. After the pavement is cooled, the traffic can be opened.

    The elastic joint of C. can absorb all kinds of deformation and vibration, and has high damping


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