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产品价格: 30/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-11-21 11:23:13
产品产地: 台湾
发货地: 广州市 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 748
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 广州市云飞电子科技有限公司
    • 汤小姐小姐 销售员
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件lucine.tang@gzyfdz.com
    • 手机13660603466
    • 电话
    • 传真
    • 地址中国 广东 广州市黄埔区南岗黄埔东路2886号515室
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    § Contains RM1695 for HDMI 1.4 active cable equalization
    § Enables ATC for High-Speed HDMI certification
    § Separate data equalization performed for each channel for up to 3.4Gbps
    § Cable Assembly Production Test Support
    § No external power required
    § Module PCB size 13mm X 13.9mm
    § Supports standard A-type HDMI plug
    § Ultra-thin High-speed connectivity for short to mid-length cables, in ultra-portable applications such as SmartPhones, Cameras, Camcorders, Tablets
    § Applications that require deepest colour depths & update rates such as
    o 3D HD TV
    o HD gaming
    § Cost effective HDMI cable solutions that utilise Zo-reduction bulk-cable architectures, or standard wire-count bulk-cables
    The PRA1604 is a ‘smart’ cable booster for high-speed HDMI (1.4) cable applications, targeting ultra-portable devices that typically use C or D type connectors at the source, such as SmartPhones,web-tablets etc. It utilizes RedMere’s unique semiconductor technology to enable 10.2Gbps HDMI cables. Data rates up to 3.4Gbps are supported per channel.
    On-board active equalization individually compensates for signal attenuation on each of the differential inputs up to 3.4Gbps. This is achieved without requiring an external power source.
    This enables the implementation of an extremely robust design which will pass HDMI ATC certification.
    The ‘smarts’ embedded in the PRA1604 also facilitates a simple and effective production test of each cable on the production line without requiring expensive ATC equivalent equipment, enabled by RedMere’s VerifEye.
    The PRA1604 is a compact module which fits inside the sink-side casing of an active HDMI cable assembly. Limited samples are available on request

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