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产品价格: 0.1/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-12-20 11:43:36
产品产地: 台湾
发货地: 北京 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 468
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 北京中企同和科技有限公司
    • 尹先生先生 经理
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件ymw@zqthkj.com
    • 手机15313816096
    • 电话
    • 传真
    • 地址北京市海淀区苏州街33号8层810室
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    DRGH 654 / 664 / 855 / 875 / 895
      DRGH 106 / 108 / 110
    Type A B
    C D D1 E P
    DRGH654 6.0±0.5 5.0 4.0±1.0 4.0±0.3 0.50±0.1
    DRGH664 6.0±0.5 6.5 4.0±1.0 4.0±0.3 0.50±0.1
    DRGH855 7.8±0.5 5.5 5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 0.65±0.1
    DRGH875 7.8±0.5 7.5 5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 0.65±0.1
    DRGH895 7.8±0.5 9.5 5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 0.65±0.1
    DRGH106 10.0±0.5 6.5 3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.80±0.1 6.40±0.5
    DRGH108 10.0±0.5 8.5 3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.65±0.1 6.40±0.5
    DRGH110 10.0±0.5 10.5 3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.70±0.1 6.40±0.5

    -Density design, small size, and low cost
    -Comparatively range rated current and high
    -Low DCR and high dip stability

    -Personal Computers
    -Variety of Battery Power Equipment
    -DC Power Supply Circuits


    -Rated DC Current: The current when the inductance
    becomes 10% lower than its initial value. (Ta=25°C)
    -Operating temperature range -40~100°C

    ■Inductance and rated current ranges

    -DRGH654 22~1000μH 0.90~0.13A
    -DRGH664 22~1000μH 1.27~0.19A
    -DRGH855 10~10000μH 2.50~0.081A
    -DRGH875 10~10000μH 2.90~0.084A
    -DRGH895 10~47000μH 2.60~0.038A
    -DRGH106 10~1000μH 3.60~0.36A
    -DRGH108 10~1000μH 4.50~0.45A
    -DRGH110 10~1000μH 5.30~0.53A
    -Electrical specifications at 25°C
    ■Product Identification  
    Product Type
    654: 6.0x5.0x4.0
    664: 6.0x6.5x4.0
    855: 7.8x5.5x5.0
    875: 7.8x7.5x5.0
    895: 7.8x9.5x5.0
    106: 10x6.5x3.5
    108: 10x8.5x3.5
    110: 10x10.5x3.5
    K: ±10%
    M: ±20%
    B: Bulk
    100: 10μH
    ■Electrical Characteristics
    DRGH654 / 664 / 855 / 875 Type
    Codes  L


    (Ω) max. 
    (A) max.  
    654 664 855 875 654 664 855 875
    100 10 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.07 0.05 - - 2.50 2.90
    120 12 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.08 0.06 - - 2.40 2.50
    150 15 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.09 0.07 - - 2.10 2.20
    180 18 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.10 0.08 - - 2.00 1.90
    220 22 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.18 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.90 1.27 1.70 1.80
    270 27 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.81 1.14 1.60 1.70
    330 33 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.27 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.74 1.03 1.40 1.50
    390 39 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.29 0.19 0.21 0.14 0.68 0.95 1.30 1.30
    470 47 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.34 0.23 0.24 0.15 0.62 0.87 1.20 1.30
    560 56 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.42 0.26 0.31 0.18 0.57 0.80 1.10 1.20
    680 68 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.48 0.28 0.34 0.20 0.51 0.72 1.00 1.10
    820 82 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.55 0.39 0.40 0.24 0.47 0.66 0.93 1.00
    101 100 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.68 0.43 0.52 0.28 0.42 0.59 0.81 0.89
    121 120 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.77 0.54 0.59 0.36 0.39 0.54 0.76 0.81
    151 150 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.95 0.64 0.71 0.42 0.35 0.48 0.67 0.72
    181 180 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.15 0.74 0.89 0.57 0.32 0.44 0.62 0.66
    221 220 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.30 0.96 1.04 0.63 0.29 0.40 0.54 0.57
    271 270 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.55 1.12 1.28 0.88 0.26 0.36 0.49 0.51
    331 330 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.18 1.48 1.47 1.05 0.23 0.33 0.44 0.46
    391 390 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.47 1.66 1.67 1.17 0.21 0.30 0.41 0.44
    471 470 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.92 1.91 1.95 1.34 0.20 0.27 0.38 0.41
    561 560 K 1KHz,0.1V 3.97 2.31 2.83 1.72 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.36
    681 680 K 1KHz,0.1V 4.57 2.67 3.25 1.96 0.16 0.23 0.32 0.33
    821 820 K 1KHz,0.1V 5.28 3.10 3.82 2.56 0

     DRGH 654 / 664 / 855 / 875 / 895
      DRGH 106 / 108 / 110
    Type A B
    max. C D D1 E P
    DRGH654 6.0±0.5 5.0  4.0±1.0 4.0±0.3 – 0.50±0.1 –
    DRGH664 6.0±0.5 6.5  4.0±1.0 4.0±0.3 – 0.50±0.1 –
    DRGH855 7.8±0.5 5.5  5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 – 0.65±0.1 –
    DRGH875 7.8±0.5 7.5  5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 – 0.65±0.1 –
    DRGH895 7.8±0.5 9.5  5.0±1.0 5.0±0.3 – 0.65±0.1 –
    DRGH106 10.0±0.5 6.5  3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.80±0.1 6.40±0.5
    DRGH108 10.0±0.5 8.5  3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.65±0.1 6.40±0.5
    DRGH110 10.0±0.5 10.5  3.5±1.0 5.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.70±0.1 6.40±0.5
    -Density design, small size, and low cost
    -Comparatively range rated current and high
    -Low DCR and high dip stability

    -Personal Computers
    -Variety of Battery Power Equipment
    -DC Power Supply Circuits


    -Rated DC Current: The current when the inductance
    becomes 10% lower than its initial value. (Ta=25°C)
    -Operating temperature range -40~100°C
     ■Inductance and rated current ranges

    -DRGH654 22~1000μH 0.90~0.13A
    -DRGH664 22~1000μH 1.27~0.19A
    -DRGH855 10~10000μH 2.50~0.081A
    -DRGH875 10~10000μH 2.90~0.084A
    -DRGH895 10~47000μH 2.60~0.038A
    -DRGH106 10~1000μH 3.60~0.36A
    -DRGH108 10~1000μH 4.50~0.45A
    -DRGH110 10~1000μH 5.30~0.53A
    -Electrical specifications at 25°C
    ■Product Identification  
    Product Type
        654: 6.0x5.0x4.0
    664: 6.0x6.5x4.0
    855: 7.8x5.5x5.0
    875: 7.8x7.5x5.0
    895: 7.8x9.5x5.0
    106: 10x6.5x3.5
    108: 10x8.5x3.5
    110: 10x10.5x3.5
       K: ±10%
    M: ±20%
       B: Bulk
       100: 10μH
    ■Electrical Characteristics
    DRGH654 / 664 / 855 / 875 Type
    Codes  L
    (uH) Tolerance  
    (Ω) max.  IDC
    (A) max.  
    654 664 855 875 654 664 855 875
    100 10 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.07  0.05  - - 2.50  2.90 
    120 12 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.08  0.06  - - 2.40  2.50 
    150 15 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.09  0.07  - - 2.10  2.20 
    180 18 M 100KHz,0.1V - - 0.10  0.08  - - 2.00  1.90 
    220 22 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.18  0.11  0.12  0.09  0.90  1.27  1.70  1.80 
    270 27 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.21  0.14  0.14  0.11  0.81  1.14  1.60  1.70 
    330 33 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.27  0.17  0.17  0.13  0.74  1.03  1.40  1.50 
    390 39 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.29  0.19  0.21  0.14  0.68  0.95  1.30  1.30 
    470 47 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.34  0.23  0.24  0.15  0.62  0.87  1.20  1.30 
    560 56 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.42  0.26  0.31  0.18  0.57  0.80  1.10  1.20 
    680 68 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.48  0.28  0.34  0.20  0.51  0.72  1.00  1.10 
    820 82 M 100KHz,0.1V 0.55  0.39  0.40  0.24  0.47  0.66  0.93  1.00 
    101 100 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.68  0.43  0.52  0.28  0.42  0.59  0.81  0.89 
    121 120 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.77  0.54  0.59  0.36  0.39  0.54  0.76  0.81 
    151 150 K 1KHz,0.1V 0.95  0.64  0.71  0.42  0.35  0.48  0.67  0.72 
    181 180 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.15  0.74  0.89  0.57  0.32  0.44  0.62  0.66 
    221 220 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.30  0.96  1.04  0.63  0.29  0.40  0.54  0.57 
    271 270 K 1KHz,0.1V 1.55  1.12  1.28  0.88  0.26  0.36  0.49  0.51 
    331 330 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.18  1.48  1.47  1.05  0.23  0.33  0.44  0.46 
    391 390 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.47  1.66  1.67  1.17  0.21  0.30  0.41  0.44 
    471 470 K 1KHz,0.1V 2.92  1.91  1.95  1.34  0.20  0.27  0.38  0.41 
    561 560 K 1KHz,0.1V 3.97  2.31  2.83  1.72  0.18  0.25  0.35  0.36 
    681 680 K 1KHz,0.1V 4.57  2.67  3.25  1.96  0.16  0.23  0.32  0.33 
    821 820 K 1KHz,0.1V 5.28  3.10  3.82  2.56  0



       联系人: 尹先生010-56049713 手机15313816096 QQ2604256818 Email ymw@zqthkj.com  地址---北京市海淀区苏州街33号

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