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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-11-13 10:53:24
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 122
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    • 河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司
    • 王伟先生 经理
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    • 地址河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
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    Low foam plate is widely used in water conservancy engineering dam, dam protecting, stilling ridge, slope protection, block wall expansion joints plate; subway, underground concrete watertight joint plate; sealing plate Hengshui Xinze Engineering Rubber Co Ltd polyethylene low foam plate is widely used in building settlement joints, the frame structure of the tunnel; the water tunnel, concrete joint plate; joint plate expansion joints for concrete highway; water and sewage treatment plant water tank joint plate; bridge sealing plate; track seam plate; Hengshui sinzen Engineering Limited production of polyethylene rubber has low foam board can also be used in hydropower, thermal power engineering tower bottom waterstop joint plate; polyethylene low foam board can also be applied to the joint board port, concrete.
    嵌缝泡沫板,嵌缝胶泥的搭配使用,使防水效果做的更好。分为L600型跟L1000型, 其  密度小,回报率高,有一定的硬度,防水性能好,是一种新型的防水材料,耐腐蚀老化程度也是比较优质,酸碱盐这种强腐蚀性的都不受影响,它能够做到高温不流淌,低温时不断裂,真正符合了物美价廉的真实体现。由于其耐用性所以被广泛应用于河道堤坝、港口码头、地下涌洞、水电站、机场桥梁、居室卫生等各种混凝土止水接缝工程
    Caulking foam board, caulking clay collocation, make better waterproof effect. Divided into L600 type and L1000 type, its low density, high rate of return, there is a certain degree of hardness, good waterproof performance, is a new type of waterproof material, corrosion resistance and aging degree is relatively high, the acid and alkali salt corrosive are not affected, it can do not flow under high temperature, low temperature crack when really consistent with the true embodiment of high quality and inexpensive. Because of its durability, it is widely used in all kinds of concrete sealing joints, such as river embankment, port wharf, underground gushing hole, hydropower station, airport bridge, indoor sanitation, etc.

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