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产品价格: 38/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-11-21 10:49:27
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
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最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 96
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    The rubber sealing strip is a new improvement in the traditional waterstop, is that we can use the rubber with high elasticity and compression deformation characteristics of the rubber sealing belt, elastic deformation under various loads, so as to effectively prevent sealing cushion construction Water Leakage, seepage and damping, thereby waterproof safety coefficient of construction / expansion joint improvement. If leakage occurs, grouting can effectively and quickly repair, waterproof quality, reliable and no recurrence, the comprehensive cost is the most economical, completely solved the weakness of the traditional water stop belt
    Product classification:
    按材质可分为:天然橡胶型和氯丁橡胶型。其中天然橡胶型止水带具有很好的弹性和拉伸强度、优异的耐屈挠性、较高的撕裂强度和耐寒性; 氯丁橡胶型止水带具有优异的耐油性、耐气候老化性、耐热老化性和耐燃性。
    According to the material can be divided into: natural rubber type and chloroprene rubber type. The natural rubber type water stop belt has good elasticity and tensile strength, excellent bending resistance flexibility, high tear strength and cold resistance; chloroprene rubber type waterproof belt has excellent oil resistance, weathering resistance, heat aging resistance and flame resistance.

    According to the structure and section shape can be divided into: buried, external, removable, bridge telescopic sealing rubber belt, steel edge rubber water stop, water swelling rubber water stop strip.
    Matters needing attention in storage and transportation of rubber water stop belt:
    Rubber waterproof belt can not be exposed for a long time during transportation and storage, prevent rain, do not contact with strong polluting chemicals, and prevent mechanical and steel damage. The product should be stored to keep the best places for -10 DEG C to +30 DEG C, relative humidity between 40% and 80% should pay attention not to damage and placed in a dry and ventilated place, and should avoid direct sunlight, no contact with acid-base oils and organic solvent, and the isolation of heat, should be kept in the room, and no weight should be finished straight flat, do not add weight. Storage place is best to maintain -10~+30, relative humidity 40%~80%. Within half a year from the date of production, the performance of the product should comply with the national standard.
    Note: the user order should be based on the engineering structure design drawings, calculate the length of products, have special structure drawings and specifications, try to connect into a whole band in the factory will stop, if necessary in the field of connection, can use electric heating plate vulcanization bonding or cold bonding (rubber waterstop) or welding (plastic waterstop). Methods, such as the user is connected with the difficulties, our company can send technical personnel on-site guidance.
    External (back) type rubber water stop belt
    Stick (back) type rubber waterstop waterproof board as auxiliary materials, can be widely used in the basement, metro tunnel, highway and railway tunnel waterproofing and dams, artificial lakes, ponds, sewage treatment plant, landfill and other engineering concrete structures (lateral bottom or wall structures upstream) waterproof and anti-seepage. The practical application is mainly used in deformation pressure and smaller deformation joints, expansion joints and settlement joints, with close, anchorage and concrete seal and adapt to the characteristics of expansion joints tensile deformation, the structure of back stick type waterstop also can be used as ordinary waterstop, applied to cast-in-place concrete deformation seam, the construction joints and concrete structure has become one of the basic engineering, to solve the problem of water leakage of the gaps of back stick type waterstop is mainly applicable to concrete structures (concrete bottom or wall outside the surface). It has the characteristics of close anchoring with concrete, water sealing and elastic tensile deformation. The external waterproof belt is the first waterproof layer after the waterproof board, which is very important for the prevention of the tunnel seepage.
    Construction method:
    1, in the back of the waterstop with 30mm thick template, the width and length of the template should meet the requirements of the waterstop, wood template should integrated with external entity template, in case of pouring concrete formwork displacement, slurry leakage, loss of sealing effect. At the same time, 212in (lin=25mm) double cap nail is used to fix the outer rubber sealing strip and wood template, and the double cap nail is nailed to the most edge part of the water stop belt, and every 200mm nail double cap nail. With good water installation should be smooth, no sagging phenomenon, this part after the pouring of concrete, strength to meet the design strength of 80% to the top of demolding.

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