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产品价格: 0/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-11-21 14:09:29
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 97
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    First, water expansion water stop product classification: putty type water stop strip, product type water stop strip, grouting pipe water stop strip, mesh type water stop strip, slow expansion type water stop strip, in which the most commonly used are black putty type water stop strip and red product type water stop strip.

    二、遇水膨胀止水带的截面有矩形、梯形、三角形等。常用规格有:20×15mm、200×30mm、20×20mm、10×30mm、20×50mm、30×50mm、50×50mm、ф14mm、ф20mm、(2+3)×1.8mm 、△30mm 等几十种长度,规格尺寸,膨胀率均可根据用户需要加工订做。

    Two. The section of water expansion water stop strip has rectangle, trapezoid, triangle and so on. Common specifications: 20 * 15mm, 200 * 30MM, 20 * 20MM, 10 * 30MM, 20 * 50mm, 30 * 50mm, 50 * 50mm, Phi 14mm, Phi 20mm, (2+3) * 1.8mm, delta 30mm and other dozens of length, size, rate of expansion can be based on user needs processing customized.


    Three, water expansion sealing strip packaging instructions: unified use carton packaging, each box weight is about 25 kilograms, because the product model is different, the number of boxes placed will be different, model 30mm*20mm products can be placed 25 meters, 5 pieces, 5 meters per piece.


    Four. Application and installation of water expansion sealing strip


    1, in the installation of reserved type of paste, prior to pouring concrete need to reserve a stop bar slot (can be nailed in the template reserved wood). After the concrete template is removed, the surface is removed, so that the joint surface is waterless, clean and without debris.


    2. Insert the stop bar into the reserved tank. If the groove is not reserved, the vertical joint can be added with adhesive, the whole length is pasted, or the cement nail and the wood strip are used for fixing the water stop strip; the horizontal joint can be directly pasted on the concrete surface. The concrete should be poured as soon as possible after the stop bar is pasted. In the process of installation and sticking, the expansion strip should be prevented from being polluted and expanded by water, so as not to affect the use effect.


    3. The product is preset on the interface of the concrete construction joint and the post pouring joint. After two times pouring concrete (that is wrapped in concrete), the water expansion can completely block and obstruct the leakage water source. High expansion ratio, strong mobile supplement. The water stop strip, which is placed in the construction joint and the post pouring joint, has a strong balance self-healing function, and can automatically seal the new micro cracks due to settlement.


    4, for the completion of the project, if the gap leakage, the use of the water seal to re plugging. The waterproof and anti seepage effect is better than the traditional steel plate, rubber and plastic water stop belt, and the construction method is simple and convenient, saving labor and time. The main material is inorganic mineral material, which has the characteristics of aging resistance, corrosion resistance and no pollution.


    5, after the water stop bar positioning, pouring in the next concrete, should be avoided by rain and other immersion water immersion.


    6, when pouring concrete vibration, should avoid vibrating rod touch water stop strip.


    7, waterproof strip storage and transportation, should avoid damp and extrusion deformation.

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