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最后更新: 2017-11-21 14:15:18
产品产地: 衡水
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    Construction and installation method of removable rubber water stop belt


    In order to facilitate the installation of the detachable sealing strip, pre buried bolt installed in advance, to advance to the waterstop and plate pre buried bolt fixed in advance of embedded steel plate, and embedded in the concrete pouring, the concrete should be carefully vibrated to ensure the compactness of the corner joints; deformation should be made the circular arc or angle of 45 degrees, arc radius should be determined according to the pre buried bolt length, bolt head to 2 adjacent distance does not affect the sealing strip and sealing belt splint installation; embedded bolts in order to prevent them from corrosion in butter or bolts with PVC sleeve tube; waterstop shall according to the actual position of the bolt punched belt method in the waterstop process can not pull the waterstop, between the waterstop and splint and embedded steel plate should be filled with asbestos paper or soft sheet metal gaskets to ensure Tightness.
    Waterproof belt is a kind of waterproof and sealing material which is specially used for construction joints and deformation joints of construction projects.
    一、 止水带作用:止水带是利用橡胶的高弹性,在各种压力荷载下产生弹性变形,从而起到坚固密封,可以有效地防止建筑构造的漏水,渗水并起到减震缓冲作用。
    First, the role of water stop: water stop belt is the use of high elasticity of rubber, elastic deformation under various pressure loads, so as to play a strong seal, can effectively prevent the leakage of building structure, seepage, and play a role in damping buffer.
    二、 止水带用在什么工程中?
    Two. What are the water stopping strips used in?
    In the architectural design of general larger projects, due to the continuous casting, or as a result of the ground deformation, or concrete caused by thermal expansion due to temperature change and contraction, to save construction joints and settlement joints, distortion seam, seam must be installed in the water brought to prevent water leakage problems. The anti leakage seam problems must be used in the deformation of the parts casting with rubber sealing way to solve, it can prevent the leakage of groundwater (or outside water) to the building structure, and can prevent water leakage to outside buildings.
    The water stop strip is widely used in various types of concrete structures. For example: dam, reservoir, subway, culvert tunnel and underground engineering.
    Three. Design and selection of water stop belt
    The selection of water stop belt should be determined according to the importance grade of the structure, the deformation amount and water pressure of the deformation joint, the applicable working environment of the water stop belt, and the economic factors, etc..
    The choice of the material for the water stop belt can be made according to the following regulations:
    1. In general, natural rubber waterproof belt is usually used
    2, when there is weak acid and alkali corrosion medium, it is better to use neoprene waterproof belt
    3, in case of oil medium should choose nitrile rubber waterproof belt
    4, when there is the possibility of mold erosion, should consider the rubber waterproof tape mildew resistance, its grade should reach 2, 2 or more.
    5, when the use temperature is: -25-60 degrees Celsius, choose chloroprene rubber water stop, -35-60 degrees Celsius choose natural rubber water stop, -40-60 degrees Celsius choose three yuan ethylene propylene rubber waterproof belt
    Four. Classification of water stop belt:
    According to the raw materials: rubber sealing tape, rubber hose, synthetic resin hose
    The rubber sealing strip is divided into: natural rubber, synthetic rubber waterstop strip; natural rubber sealing belt is divided into three kinds: three EPDM rubber waterstop, chloroprene rubber, nitrile rubber waterstop strip; synthetic resin sealing belt is divided into four kinds: EVA ECB sealing strip and sealing strip and sealing strip and PE HDPE strip
    They are divided into 651 types: --659 type, external sticking type water stop belt, middle buried water stop belt, detachable water stop belt, and grouting type water stop belt
    According to the processing methods: ordinary rubber type, steel edge type water stop belt, water expansion type water stop belt, Ding Ji self-adhesive type water stop belt
    Waterstop joint form: closed loop, three-dimensional plane, plane of T-shaped, T-shaped cross, oblique type

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