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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-05 13:02:54
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 140
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 河北瑞博橡塑制品有限公司
    • 王伟先生 经理
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    • 地址河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
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    The specifications and models of the rubber water stop belt are as follows.
    Usually we have adhesive tape of water stop: (NR) for natural gum; (CR) for chloroprene; (NBR) for nitrile gum. Product Code: FRD is the product of our company.
    FRDGB型(NR)350 表示采用我公司生产的橡胶止水带,宽度为350毫米,材料为天然橡胶。适用于淡水防渗工程,适用温度-40~60℃。
    FRDGB (NR) 350 means the rubber water stop belt produced by our company, the width is 350 millimeter, the material is natural rubber. It is suitable for fresh water seepage control project, which is suitable for temperature -40 ~ 60.
    FRDGB型(CR)450 表示采用我公司生产的橡胶止水带,宽度为450毫米,材料为氯丁橡胶。适用于含酸碱等污水防渗工程,适用温度-35~60℃。
    FRDGB (CR) 450 means the rubber water stop belt produced by our company, the width is 450 millimeter, the material is chloroprene rubber. Suitable for acid sewage seepage control project, suitable temperature to 60 DEG C - 35.
    FRDGB型(NBR)450 表示采用我公司生产的橡胶止水带,宽度为450毫米,材料为丁腈胶。适()用于含石油基油类的污水防渗工程,适用温度-35~60℃。
    FRDGB (NBR) 450 means the rubber water stop belt produced by our company, the width is 450 millimeter, the material is Ding Jing glue. Suitable for the sewage seepage engineering with oil based oil, suitable for the temperature -35 ~ 60.
    橡胶止水带规格 300*8外贴式止水带
    Rubber water stop belt specification 300*8 external sealing belt
    注:橡胶止水带是以天然橡胶与各种合成橡胶为主要原料加以几种掺加各种助剂及填充料,经塑炼、混炼、压制成型.橡胶止水带是利用橡胶的高弹性和压缩变形性的特点,在各种载荷下产生弹性变形,从而起到有效紧固密封,防止建筑构造的漏水、渗水及减震缓冲作在一般较大工程的建筑设计中,由于不能连续浇注,或由于地基的变形,或由于温度的变化引起的混凝土构件热胀冷缩等原因,需留有施工缝、沉降缝、变形缝,在这些缝处必须安装橡胶止水带来防止水的渗漏问题。  止水带主要用于混凝土现浇时设在施工缝及变形缝内与混凝土结构成为一体的基础工程,如地下设施、隧道涵洞、输水渡槽、拦水坝、贮液构筑物等。
    Note: the rubber sealing strip is natural rubber and synthetic rubber as main raw material and adding some additives and fillers, the plastication, mixing, pressing and molding. The rubber sealing strip is the rubber high elasticity and compression deformation characteristics, produce elastic deformation under various loads, so as to effective sealing, prevent Water Leakage, seepage and buffer construction in architectural design generally larger projects, due to the continuous casting, or as a result of the ground deformation, or concrete expansion caused by the variation of temperature and cold, need to have construction joints and settlement joints, deformation cracks, these cracks in must be located in the rubber sealing to prevent water leakage problems caused. The waterstop is mainly used for cast-in-place concrete when in construction joints and deformation joints and concrete structure has become one of the basic engineering facilities, such as underground tunnels, culverts, dams, aqueducts, liquid storage structures etc..

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