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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-11 11:33:06
产品产地: 衡水
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    rubber waterstop
    The water stop belt is elastic deformation under various loads by using the characteristics of high elasticity and compression deformation of rubber, so that it can effectively fasten and seal and prevent building leakage, seepage and shock absorption. In the architectural design of general large engineering, continuous casting can not be made. Due to the deformation of foundation or the expansion and contraction of concrete members caused by temperature changes, there are still need for construction joints, settlement joints and deformation joints. At these seams, water stops must be installed to prevent water leakage.
    橡胶止水带是采用天然橡胶与各种合成橡胶为主要原料,掺加各种助剂及填充料,经塑炼,混炼, 压制成型,其品种规格较多,有桥型、山型、P型、R型、U型、Z型、乙型、T型、H型、E型、Q型等。该止水材料具有良好的弹性,耐磨性、耐老化性和抗撕裂性能,适应变形能力强、防水性能好,温度使用范围-45℃-+60℃。当温度超过+70℃,以及强烈的氧化作用或受油类等有机溶剂侵蚀时,均不得使用该产品。

    The rubber sealing strip is made of natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, and the filling material mixed with various additives, through mixing, mixing, molding, the more varieties of different specifications, bridge, mountain type, P type, R type, U type, Z type, T type, H type, type, E type and Q type etc.. The sealing material has good elasticity, wear resistance, aging resistance and tear resistance. It has strong deformation capacity and waterproof performance, and its temperature range is -45 -+60 C. The product should not be used when the temperature is more than +70 C, as well as the strong oxidation or the corrosion of organic solvents, such as oil.

    The waterstop is mainly used for foundation engineering of cast-in-place concrete in construction joints and when bending joints and concrete structure as a whole, suitable for vibration, easy deformation, large load of buildings and structures in the joint seal processing such as: subway, roads, tunnels, bridges, expansion joints and settlement joints, dams, underground facilities tunnel, leak, aqueduct and low cross building, liquid storage structures etc..
    Classification of rubber water stop belt:
    According to the usage, it can be divided into: the buried rubber water stop and the back type rubber water stop (externally attached rubber water stop), the steel side rubber water stop belt, the water swelling rubber water stop belt and the flat type water stop belt.
    According to the type, it can be divided into: CB type rubber water stop (embedded intermediate pass), CP type rubber water stop (buried intermediate no pass), EB type rubber water stop (externally attached middle pass), EP type rubber water stop (externally attached middle pass).
    According to the material, it can be divided into natural rubber water stop belt, chloroprene rubber water stop belt, three ethylene propylene rubber water stop belt.
    Middle buried water stop belt:
    The middle buried waterstop is elastic deformation based on high elasticity and compression deformation of rubber under various loads, so that it can effectively fasten and seal and prevent leakage, seepage and shock absorption of building structure. In many engineering building designs, there are certain requirements for expansion and contraction between civil structures and water and soil structures, and there are problems such as water and shock proof. Therefore, the installation and installation of rubber water stop is an effective way to solve these problems. This product is mainly used for concrete cast-in-place engineering, underground facilities, tunnel culverts, water conveyance aqueducts and water retaining dams, which are built in the construction joints and deformation joints, and ensure the engineering construction life.
    中埋式止水带采用国家标准GB18173.2-2000《高分子防水材料止水带》组织生产的。 因此我们可以按用户要求生产各种形状、尺寸的橡胶止水带,另外还为不同工程、不同部位的需要备有十字型,丁字型、斜度型和内外转角型产品,可适用于任何设计要求。
    The middle - buried water stop belt is produced by the national standard GB18173.2-2000 "high polymer waterproof material water stop belt". Therefore, we can produce various shapes and sizes of rubber water stop according to user requirements. Besides, there are cross type, T-shaped, oblique and inside and outside corner products for different engineering and different parts, which can be applied to any design requirement.
    The buried zone is widely used in various types of concrete structures. For example: dam, reservoir, subway, culverts, tunnels and other underground projects, due to the continuous casting, or as a result of the ground deformation due to temperature changes, or the cause of concrete expansion and contraction, often left in the casting deformation joints, construction joints, these joints leakage problems must be used in the deformation zone the way of joint parts casting rubber seal to solve, it can prevent the leakage of groundwater (or outside water) to the building structure, and can prevent water leakage to outside buildings.
    The rubber sealing belt during transportation, should avoid direct sunlight, do not contact with heat, oil and harmful solvent. The finished product should be put straight, without heavy pressure. The best storage place is -10-+30, and the relative humidity is 40%-80%.

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