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产品价格: 88/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-07-06 11:44:19
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 泉州 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 38
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    The EU ruling is a warning shot for two ongoing EU probes into Google's Android mobile operating system and AdSense advertising system, said Richard Windsor, an independent financial analyst who tracks competition among the biggest US and Asian Internet and mobile players.

    "If the European Union turns around and says Google can no longer bundle its Google Play app store as a default feature on many Android smartphones, this opens up the market to other handset makers to put their own software and services front and center on their phones," he said.

    Littunen of Enders Analysis agreed, saying while Google may be able to meet EU objections in the AdSense case by making relatively modest changes to its advertising systems to enable website customers to run advertisements from Google advertising rivals, the Android case has many complicated factors with no easy solution.

    More importantly, Google must find ways change its business practices without harming its very lucrative advertising business model, which accounted for around 85 percent of the $90.3 billion in revenue of parent company Alphabet in 2016.

    "The EU's identification of 'super-dominance' in Internet search throughout the European Economic Area is confirmed and will provide a cornerstone for assessment of other ongoing cases, especially regarding Android and AdSense," said Jonas Koponen, competition chief at Linklaters law firm in Brussels.

    "This could result in a profound change to the company's business models," he predicted.

    Yet another worry for Google could be a wave of lawsuits in the years to come.

    "We can expect to see a series of damages claims brought by the rivals that were excluded from the market by Google's conduct," said Peter Wills, co-head of competition law for Bird & Bird in London, setting the stage for national court battles.

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