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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-21 10:14:16
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 124
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    • 地址河北省衡水市景县留府工业区
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    The rubber sealing belt has many sharp stones and sharp head reinforced concrete, the tear strength of rubber and plastic tensile and low 3-5 times, once the waterstop punctured or torn, without external force gap will expand, so the waterstop positioning and concrete pouring process, should pay attention to positioning method and pouring pressure, so as to avoid the water stop is punctured, influence the sealing effect, the specific considerations are as follows:
    1 止水带不得长时间露天曝晒,防止雨淋,勿与污染性强的化学物质接触。
    The 1 water stop belt should not be exposed to the open air for a long time, prevent the rain, and do not contact with the chemicals with strong pollution.
    2 在运输和施工中,防止机械,钢筋损伤止水带。

    2 in transport and construction, prevent machinery, steel damage stop water zone.
    3 施工过程中,止水带必须可靠固定,避免在浇注混凝土时发生位移,保证止水带在混凝土中的正确位置。
    3 during the construction process, the water stop belt must be fixed reliably, avoiding the displacement of the concrete in the concrete and ensuring the correct position of the water stop zone in the concrete.
    4 固定止水带的方法有:利用附加钢筋固定;专用卡具固定;铅丝和模板固定等,如需穿孔时,只能选在止水带的边缘安装区,不得损伤其它部分。
    4 fixed strip method: the use of additional reinforcement fixation; special fixture fixed; the wire and the fixed template, such as perforation, can only choose the installation area on the strip edge, not to damage other parts.
    5 用户定货时应根据工程结构,设计图纸计算好产品长度,异型结构要有图纸说明,尽量在工厂中将止水带连接成整体,如需在现场连接时,可采用电加热板硫化粘合或冷粘接(橡胶止水带)或焊接(塑料止水带)的方法.

    5 user orders should be based on the engineering structure design drawings, calculate the length of products, have special structure drawings and specifications, try to connect into a whole band in the factory will stop, if necessary in the field of connection, can use electric heating plate vulcanization bonding or cold bonding (rubber waterstop) or welding (plastic waterstop) method.
    橡胶止水带是用来进行止水的;钢边橡胶止水带在橡胶中间焊止水片外面近模板处焊定位片,对于钢边橡胶止水带要求满焊,定位片只要牢固就可以了,定位片距模板要有一到二公分的距离,这之间加塑料或者木质垫片。拆模后剔出,割掉螺杆后用微膨胀砂浆填平。还有种国内少见 就是用短一点的螺杆外加连接螺杆,拆模后可以很方便的拆下。
    The rubber sealing strip is used for sealing; steel edged rubber water stop outside the middle rubber waterstop welding near the template at the welding positioning piece, the steel edged rubber water stop full welding requirements, as long as the firm positioning piece can, positioning distance template to one to two cm distance, plastic or wooden pads plus this. After stripping out, cut off after the mortar filled with micro expansion screw. There are kinds of domestic rare connection screw rod is a little shorter, after stripping can be easily disassembled.


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