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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-21 10:21:40
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 140
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    橡胶止水带是用来进行止水的;钢边橡胶止水带在橡胶中间焊止水片外面近模板处焊定位片,对于钢边橡胶止水带要求满焊,定位片只要牢固就可以了,定位片距模板要有一到二公分的距离,这之间加塑料或者木质垫片。拆模后剔出,割掉螺杆后用微膨胀砂浆填平。还有种国内少见 就是用短一点的螺杆外加连接螺杆,拆模后可以很方便的拆下。
    The rubber sealing strip is used for sealing; steel edged rubber water stop outside the middle rubber waterstop welding near the template at the welding positioning piece, the steel edged rubber water stop full welding requirements, as long as the firm positioning piece can, positioning distance template to one to two cm distance, plastic or wooden pads plus this. After stripping out, cut off after the mortar filled with micro expansion screw. There are kinds of domestic rare connection screw rod is a little shorter, after stripping can be easily disassembled.

    The rubber water stop belt is partially or completely poured into the concrete during the concrete pouring process. Before pouring the concrete, it is necessary to keep it at the interface part. The joints are fastened and fastened. Then the concrete is fully poured and tamper with the appropriate force. The concrete is positioned by the shock concrete to make the water stop band well combined with the concrete so as not to affect the sealing effect.

    In the process of construction, because there are many sharp corners and sharp reinforcing bars in the concrete, the impact force should be paid attention to when pouring and locating the sealing belt, so as not to pierce the rubber water stop because of too much power. If the rupture is found to be repaired in time, the capacity of the rubber belt to resist external force will be greatly reduced when the joints are deformed and subjected to water pressure. When the sealing zone is fixed, the hole can only be perforated on the allowed part of the water stop belt, and the part of the body can not be damaged. When locating a rubber sealing belt, make sure that it is at the interface
    The position is kept flat, and it can not even make the water stop roll and twist. If there is a kink and no appearance, it should be adjusted in time. When the fixed watertight belt is placed, the waterstop should be prevented from being offset, so as to avoid the shortening on one side and affect the sealing effect. When the concrete is poured, it must also be fully concussion, so as to avoid the bad combination of water and concrete, which will affect the effect of water stop. The joint of the water stop belt must be well bonded, such as the condition of the construction site, and the method of hot vulcanization can be used. The so-called "lap" without any treatment is not allowed.


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