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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-21 10:59:36
产品产地: 衡水
发货地: 衡水 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 147
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    双组份聚硫密封胶系以液态聚硫橡胶为主体材料,配合以增粘树脂、硫化剂、促进剂、补强剂等制成的密封胶。此类密封胶具有优良的耐燃油、液压油、水和各种化学药品性能以及耐热和耐大气老化性能。一般为可硫化型。按组分可分为双组分(或三组分)和单组分型。其加工采用预混-研磨-灌装的工艺方法。双组份聚硫密封胶是国际、国内最领先的防水材料。在国外发达国家中高层建筑均采用聚硫建筑膏的墙体接缝密封。聚硫防水密封膏适用于长期浸水建筑接缝密封 , 与混凝士粘接性能好 , 如 : 地下防水接缝、飞机跑道、贮水污、污水池、地下工程、大型水利工程均采用聚硫密封膏 , 它具有耐老化性、耐久性、气密 性和防水性 , 良好的粘接性的高伸长橡胶形状高弹性体 , 国内现已在部分 大型水库、贮水池、污水池、地下工程 , 已采用本产品 , 深受工程技术人员的好评
    The double component polysulfide sealant system is made of liquid polysulfide rubber as the main material, and the sealant is made up of adhesive resin, vulcanizing agent, accelerator and reinforcing agent. This kind of sealant has excellent oil resistance, hydraulic oil, water and various chemical properties as well as heat resistance and atmospheric aging resistance. Generally, it can be vulcanized. According to the component, it can be divided into two components (or three components) and one component type. The processing method is premixed - grinding and filling. The two component polysulfide sealant is the most advanced waterproof material in the world and in the world. In the developed countries of foreign countries, high rise buildings are sealed with wall joints of polysulfide building paste. Polysulfide sealing paste is suitable for long-term immersion building joint sealing, and concrete bonding performance, such as: underground waterproof joint, runway, water pollution, sewage pool, underground engineering, large-scale water conservancy projects adopt polysulfide sealant, it has anti-aging, durability, air tightness and water resistance good adhesion, high elongation rubber shape with high elasticity, has been in the domestic part of large reservoir, storage tank, sewage tank, underground engineering, has been using this product by engineering and technical personnel.

    A two-component polysulfide sealant, with liquid polysulfide rubber as the main agent, adding reinforcing agent, toughening agent, thickening agent, thixotropic agent and other additives processing based paste; metal oxide is configured to sulfide paste, two component mixture of curable sealing material is elastic.
    A two-component polysulfide sealant for RTV has self adhesive properties, liquid polysulfide rubber as the base material of two-component building B grade polysulfide sealant and concrete, with caulking sealing ability.
    The 1. component polyurethane building sealant is a two component reaction curing type, which consists of A and B two components. A is made of cream or light yellow viscous polyurethane prepolymer. B is made of black paste or liquid mixed with dehydrating agent and additives. After curing, it has certain elasticity and cohesiveness. (A component: B component =10:0.8 ~ 1.2).

    2., two component polyurethane building sealant principle: two component polyurethane sealant base treatment, the sticky surface must be handled neatly (portable cutting machine, grinding wheel, rigid brush, etc.), so that the adhesive surface will show a strong structural layer. The seam surface must be completely dry, clean, and free from frost. The surface of all dust and cement slurry must be cleaned clean. The rust layer and protective coating on the surface of the metal should also be removed. Such structures do not use torch drying. Before the first coating porous surface coating primer, primer only need to brush a thin layer, the surface is not sticky rear can be coated with sealant.


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