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最后更新: 2017-12-21 11:05:24
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    According to the optimum temperature of PVC cement can be divided into high temperature and low temperature, the temperature resistant cement high temperature up to 85 degrees Celsius, normally black elastic solid, the surface is not sticky, cut with a knife visible section is very delicate, pressed by hands, good elasticity, quick rebound. Anyway, kneading in the hands can stick to the hands, and has good elongation. It can be applied to facade expansion joints, such as pipe interface seal, sewage treatment plant vertical wall expansion joint sealing and waterproofing. The low temperature type of mastic is a cheap type of cement, and it has poor heat resistance. In summer, when the temperature is very high, it will become very soft and no support. It will become very hard in winter when the temperature is low. But the cohesiveness is good and the elongation is general. It is usually used in the sealing and waterproof of the flat expansion joint, such as the expansion joint of the highway, the expansion joint of the workshop and so on.

    2. features: PVC cement with coal tar as the base material, is added according to a certain proportion of PVC resin, plasticizer, stabilizer, antioxidant and filler material, waterproof joint thermal construction at the temperature of 130-140 DEG C and the plasticizing. PVC mud has good weatherability, cohesiveness, elastic-plastic, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, reliable waterproof, convenient construction.
    3. construction method of PVC mud:
    1) PVC cement should remove the old cement concrete from the old cement concrete and keep the sundries in the seam and keep dry in the seam. The water content should be less than 6%.
    (2) the new cement concrete should be cleaned after the seams have been saw.

    (3) will be cut into about 2kg PVC finished pieces into the pot, slowly heating, stirring constantly, the temperature should be controlled at 120 DEG C melting, the highest temperature does not exceed 160 degrees, keep filling without foaming, do not take tobacco smoke. If the above phenomenon is found, it should be annealed immediately to accelerate the stirring. The filling material can be used at any time and added to the new material. A long period of heating should be avoided in order to prevent the performance of the filling material from changing. The melted filler should be immediately used to sew in the pot pouring sealant, flush with the road surface, the excess material with the shovel tip clearance, to keep driving comfort.
    Generic name: polyethylene foam board, foam board high pressure obturator board, plastic board, PE foam obturator plate, plastic sealing plate, joint plate, BW-II type sealing plate

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