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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-12-21 15:53:57
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 石家庄 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 142
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    联系人:张经理 13933002678


    "51" player "pull gourd" in the field of coal mine application is also very extensive, so in the use of coal mine should pay attention to what matters? Here we tell you in the coal mine using the hand chain hoist should pay attention to what?. When lifting, choose lifting mode according to the shape and tonnage of the object. The shape of the object is irregular. This should be lifted after binding. Two, the work involved in the lifting of the scene, the construction unit must be based on specific circumstances to develop special lifting measures, or in the measures to make special provisions. Person to check the lifting tool three, chainhoists lifting, hand chain hoist gear, friction plate intact without corrosion, no deformation and no corrosion backbone chain, flexible operation, complete shield fastening, good self-locking performance, hook pin firmly intact. Four, must use the lifting shackle, chain, wire rope and other special lifting sling for lifting. When a wire rope is used for rigging, the length of insertion or clamping shall be in accordance with the regulations, and the safety factor of the rope sleeve shall not be less than 6 times. Before using, the rigging should be checked carefully to ensure its integrity. Five, the hand chain hoist shall not use permanent anchor bolts, anchor cables, steel strips and metal mesh as lifting points. Six, before work, the lifting of the responsible person should carefully check the work site and the surrounding environment, dirty debris to clean up, the impact of lifting objects to be removed.


    The fourth flying pigeon, the hand chain hoist lifting chain standard. Pigeon chainhoists lifting chain of each section of the pitch elongation beyond the original 3%, round diameter wear amount does not exceed 10%, lifting chain does not exist without any obvious deformation, cracks, corrosion or other harmful defects, can ensure the safety of normal use;

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