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产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2018-01-16 16:57:00
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 石家庄 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 81
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    Flying hand hoist is widely used in factories, construction sites, especially in terms of power plays a vital role, but the behavior of many incorrect operation, do not regulate the use of damaged hand hoist, serious irreparable accidents, describes the use of a flying skill Chun mechanical hoist for you: 1. Before using the hand hoist to estimate the suspended object weight, hoist the specifications must be greater than the actual weight of the suspended object, so as to ensure the safety of the work. 2, handle hoist on the hook, the dial block to the neutral position, hand pull chain quickly narrow upper and lower hook spacing, note that this file can be used only in the unloaded state, otherwise there will be danger of being lifting falling fast. 3. Shift the dial to the upper gear, turn the handwheel, tighten the chain, turn the wrench when the wheel is not turned by hand, pull the wrench up and down, and continue to tighten the chain. 4. Do not weld the length of the lengthened handle without permission. Otherwise, use the force to damage the chain wheel and chain. 5, in lifting the suspended object as possible as possible at uniform speed, do not suddenly fast, slow, or there may be instantaneous overload phenomenon, may occur chain and hook fracture. Risk. Hoist do simple introduction, such as experience efficient hand hoist for lifting work pigeon, welcome you to call us in time.


    Users are prohibited from overloading and lifting. It is difficult for the user to grasp the lifting of the overload, and the pulling force of the handle will cause the shaking in the lifting. You know, the high quality of the dove handpulling hoistis lifting, traction, drop, calibration function, according to his design principle can also use vertical lifting transverse. Flying hand hoist safe and efficient everybody be obvious to people, said no more words into today's content, brief introduction about flying hand hoist fastening weight.


    The martial arts hand hoist is called manual hoist, through manually pulling the handle with the lever principle to obtain the linear matched load traction, a clamp body rotation effect on movement within the load, to drive the load operation. The utility model has the advantages of safety, reliability, durability, good performance, convenient maintenance, small volume, light weight, convenient carrying, small hand force, high efficiency, perfect structure, beautiful appearance, etc..

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