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CARBOWLED 2M汽车模具修补焊条

产品价格: 电议/人民币 
最后更新: 2018-03-23 11:01:43
产品产地: 山东
发货地: 临沂 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 685
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    直销德国卡博6W模具焊条 2M,5N.6W,7W.299焊条价格CARBO 6W各种刃口堆焊使用


    特    性 高铬成份,耐磨耗耐龟裂性能优良,焊后硬度较高,机械加工困难. High chrome component, abrasion resistance, resistance to crack excellent performance after welding, machining difficulty high hardness.
    用    途 淬火硬化模具钢刃口的修补,适用于SKD11合金工具钢,淬火后的模具钢修补. Quench hardened steel blade of repair, applicable to SKD11 alloy steel, alloy after quenching repair.
    规    格 2.6¢  3.2¢  4.0¢
    CARBO  2M铸铁型面堆焊使用


    特    性 可直接在铸铁上施焊,对于抗冷冲压的金属间磨耗非常有效.焊金第一层为奥氏体组织,从第二层开始为马氏体组织抗磨耗性好. Can directly in the iron welding process, to make cold stamping metal abrasion very effective. Welding between the first layer of gold for austenitic group, second start martensite organization for good abrasion resistanceHRC46~52
    用    途 球墨铸铁,火焰淬火铸铁,合金铸铁的直接堆焊. Ductile iron, flame hardening, alloy iron direct hardfacing.
    规    格 2.6¢  3.2¢  4.0¢ 5.0¢
    CARBO  2H铸铁刃口堆焊使用


    特    性 可直接在铸铁上施焊,对于抗冷冲压的金属间磨耗非常有效.焊金第一层为奥氏体组织,从第二层开始为马氏体组织,抗磨耗冲压性能优良. Can directly in the iron welding process, to make cold stamping metal abrasion very effective. Welding between the first layer of gold for austenitic group, second began to martensitic organization, abrasion resistance stamping excellent performance蓝翔牌焊材
    用    途 主要用于各种淬火后铸铁的刃口修补焊接. Mainly used for various hardened iron blade repair welding.

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