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产品价格: 60000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-01 17:11:17
产品产地: 徐州
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 189
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    1: 二手电动及内燃机1—42吨叉车,品牌有:合力 靖江 杭州 苏州 大连 台历福 江淮 厦门 小松等品牌进口国产叉车;
    2: 二手5--150汽车吊,品牌有:徐工 浦源 泰安 蚌埠 长江 加腾 多田野 力渤海尔等品牌汽车吊以及带牌汽车吊;
    3: 二手各种型号装载机,品牌有:常林,徐工 夏工 柳工 龙工以及进口川崎 小松 卡特系列装载机;
    4: 二手各种型号推土机,品牌有:山推 宣化 上海 东方红 移山及小松 卡特等品牌的系列推土机;
    5: 二手各吨位压路机,品牌有:徐工 柳工 龙工 洛阳 上海 江阴 三明等品牌的系列压路机;
    6: 二手各型号挖掘机,品牌有:日立 小松 卡特 现代 神钢 住友等品牌的系列挖掘机;
    7: 二手5—150吨电动及内燃机履带吊,品牌有:日立 神钢 住友 
    ╋╋ 诚  信   第   壹 ╋  质   量   第   壹  ╋╋ 二手装载机买卖交易市场+年中钜惠!傲娇不打折,返现才实惠!


    Second-hand construction machinery was founded in 1999, since its establishment has been engaged in research work and sales of second-hand roller market, to seek a breakthrough in the machine industry of second-hand roller, to create a harmonious second-hand roller market environment, second-hand roller as the main products of our company, our company's brand of second-hand roller comprehensive (Xugong, Liugong, Luoyang, 31, Chang Linzhu, lonking, Sanming), in the second-hand roller market scale and strive to achieve the maximum, we now have the number of inventory of second-hand roller machine has more than 564 units, the price of second-hand roller according to the actual condition of our company decided to do a car. Test, pricing, face-to-face bargaining, pricing, let every customer to buy second-hand roller have to buy my company, we buy a second-hand roller in large quantities for our customers The source, development, the standardization in the construction market of second-hand roller on the open operation, civilized operation, integrity management, establish a second-hand roller market image, in the machine industry of second-hand roller to play a leading and exemplary role, we also used roller of the best quality, the most reasonable price of second-hand roller the second-hand roller market most thoughtful service to welcome friends from all walks of life throughout the country, welcome to the scene of second-hand roller tour guide, is our greatest honor your affirmation!二手装载机买卖交易市场+年中钜惠!傲娇不打折,返现才实惠!
    Our annual operating second-hand construction machinery and equipment. Mainly engaged in the following varieties:
    1: used electric and internal combustion engine 1 - 42 tons forklift, the brand has: joint force, Jingjiang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Dalian, desk calendar, Fu, JAC, Xiamen Komatsu and other brands of imported domestic forklifts;
    2: 5--150 of second-hand automobile hoists, brand: XCMG Tai'an Pu source of the Yangtze River in Bengbu Bohai Haier brand Kato Tada Yeli auto crane and truck crane;
    3: used various types of loaders, brands are: Chang Linzhu, Xia Liu and Gonglong Xugong import Kawasaki Komatsu Carter series loader;
    4: of various types of second-hand bulldozers, brand: Xuanhua Shanghai Shantui series bulldozers Dongfanghong mountains and Komatsu Carter brand;
    5: used the tonnage roller, brand: XCMG Luoyang Shanghai Jiangyin Liu Gonglong Sanming brand series of roller;
    6: of various types of second-hand excavator brand: Hitachi Komatsu series excavator Carter modern Kobelco Sumitomo brand etc.;
    7: used 5 - 150 tons of electric engine and crawler cranes, brand: Hitachi Kobelco Sumitomo

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