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产品价格: 60000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-01 17:27:46
产品产地: 徐州
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 198
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  • 公司基本资料信息

    公司于1990年成立至今机械参于合作建造工程有青海西兰高速、陕西吴靖高速、湖北郧武高速、福建抚州--三明高速、河南漯周界高速、郑州绕城高速、郑少高速、郑石高速、周商、阿深高速、106国道改建等,大小道路修筑工程,取得了广大用户一致好评,连年被评为重合同、守信誉企业。 自成立以来坚持以质量第一、服务第一、信誉第一为宗旨,服务于广大的企事业单位、外商外资企业等社会各界。相信经过我们全体员工的不懈的努力,一定会赢得社会各界的支持与信任。力尽所能,奉献真诚是我们的企业精神.本着用户至上的企业宗旨,本公司提供各种型号的二手工程机械:二手汽车吊,、二手平地机、二手压路机,二手装载机,二手推土机,二手叉车,二手挖掘机等供您选择。二手新款装载机低价处理,直接返现不打折,过期不返原价

    1: 二手各吨位压路机,品牌有:徐工,柳工,龙工,洛阳,上海,江阴,三明等品牌的系列压路机(振动压路机,铁三轮压路机,两轮压路机); 
    2: 二手5--50T汽车吊,品牌有:徐工,浦源,泰安,蚌埠,长江,加腾,多田野,力渤海尔等品牌汽车吊以及带牌汽车吊; 
    3: 二手ZL10-50装载机,品牌有:常林,徐工,夏工,柳工,龙工,山工以及进口川崎,小松,卡特系列装载机; 
    4: 二手各种型号推土机,品牌有:山推,宣化,上海,东方红,移山及小松,卡特等品牌的系列推土机; 
    5: 二手电动及柴油1—20吨叉车,品牌有:合力,靖江,杭州,苏州,大连,台历福等
    6: 二手各型号挖掘机,品牌有:日立,小松,卡特,现代,神钢,住友等品牌的系列挖掘机 
    7: 二手各型号平地机,品牌有:徐工,天工,常林,卡特等
    ╋╋ 诚  信   第   壹 ╋  质   量   第   壹  ╋╋ 二手新款装载机低价处理,直接返现不打折,过期不返原价


    The company since its establishment in 1990 to participate in the construction machinery cooperation in Qinghai, Shaanxi Wu Jing Sealand high-speed high-speed, high-speed Fujian, Hubei Yun Wu Fuzhou Sanming Expressway and Henan Luozhou border high-speed, Zhengzhou beltway, high-speed, high-speed, business week, Zheng Shi, Shenzhen Expressway, 106 State Road reconstruction, the size of road construction the project, won the majority of users praise, has been awarded the contract and trustworthy enterprises. Since its inception, adhere to the "quality first, service first, reputation first" for the purpose of serving the vast number of enterprises and institutions, foreign, foreign-funded enterprises and other social sectors. I believe that through the unremitting efforts of all our staff, we will win the support and trust from all walks of life. Do everything possible to sincere dedication is our enterprise spirit. The spirit of customer first business purposes, the company provides various types of second-hand construction machinery: second-hand car hoists, and used grader, used rollers, second-hand loaders, bulldozers, excavators and other second-hand forklift for your choice.二手新款装载机低价处理,直接返现不打折,过期不返原价
    1: second-hand tonnage roller, the brand has: XCMG, Liugong, Liuzhou, Luoyang, Shanghai, Jiangyin, Sanming and other brands of rollers series (vibratory roller, iron three wheeled road roller, two wheel roller);
    2: 5--50T second-hand car hoists, brand: XCMG, Pu Yuan, Tai'an, Bengbu, the Yangtze River, Kato, TADANO, Bohai Haier brand car and car hanging crane;
    3: used ZL10-50 loader, brand: XCMG, Chang Linzhu, Xia, Liugong, lonking, Shandong and imported Kawasaki, Komatsu, Carter series loader;
    4: of various types of second-hand bulldozers, brands are: Xuanhua, Shanghai, East Mountain, red mountains, and Komatsu, Carter brand series of bulldozer;
    5: second-hand electric and diesel 1 - 20 tons forklift, the brand has: joint force, Jingjiang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Dalian, desk calendar, Fu, etc.
    6: of various types of second-hand excavator brands: Hitachi, Komatsu, Carter, Hyundai, Kobelco, and other brands of Sumitomo series excavator
    7: used all types of grader, the brands are: XCMG, Tiangong, Chang Linzhu, Carter, etc.

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