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产品价格: 110000/人民币 
最后更新: 2017-08-01 18:51:50
产品产地: 徐州
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 157
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    上海玉帆二手工程机械市场(Shanghai Yu Fan second-hand construction machinery equipment Co., Ltd)积极推行现代企业经营理念和管理制度,以“专业、精品、超越、贡献”为企业目标和经营方针,加强企业文化建设,公司全体员工共同努力,宏扬敬业奉献精神,为发展二手工程机械事业不懈奋斗我市场24小时供求热线15921588908与我市场联系,我们将全面回答您当前二手工程机械,二手压路机,二手装载机,二手铲车,二手汽车吊,二手挖掘机。二手推土机,二手平地机,二手叉车等价格行情与您共同分析市场走势,来我场路线;全国各大火车站乘车至上海站,或飞机场,我场与您电话取的联系后,派专车去接你,以确保您的人身与财产安全,友情提醒;望广大客户先考察两地二手机械价格行情, 谨慎选购,来我场途中不要和陌生人搭讪,预防上当受骗,造成不必要的损失,二手机械装车完毕,我场工作人员为你办理一切出沪手续。
    [1]: 二手电动及内燃机1—10吨叉车,品牌有:合力 靖江 杭州 苏州 大连 台历福 江淮 厦门 小松等品牌进
    [2]: 二手5--150汽车吊,品牌有:徐工 浦源 泰安 蚌埠 长江 加腾 多田野 力渤海尔等品牌汽车吊以及带牌
    [3]: 二手各种型号装载机,品牌有:常林,徐工 夏工 柳工 龙工以及进口川崎 小松 卡特系列装载机;
    [4]: 二手各种型号推土机,品牌有:山推 宣化 上海 东方红 移山及小松 卡特等品牌的系列推土机;
    [5]: 二手各吨位压路机,品牌有:徐工 柳工 龙工 洛阳 上海 江阴 三明等品牌的系列压路机;
    [6]: 二手各型号挖掘机,品牌有:日立 小松 卡特 现代 神钢 住友等品牌的系列挖掘机;
    [7]: 二手5—150吨电动及内燃机履带吊,品牌有:日立 神钢 住友 力渤海尔 徐工 浦源等品牌的履带吊

    [8]: 二手平地机,品牌有:小松 卡特 天工 徐工 常林等品牌的系列平地机.二手拌和机,夹包机,码头吊机及其他二手设备



    Shanghai Yufan second-hand construction machinery market (Shanghai Yu Fan second-hand construction machinery equipment Co., Ltd) to actively promote the modern enterprise management concept and management system, to the "professional, quality, transcendence, contribution to the goal of enterprise and the management policy, strengthen the construction of enterprise culture, the company the joint efforts of all staff, carry forward the spirit of dedication, for the development of second-hand construction machinery market cause of unremitting struggle I 24 hours hotline 15921588908 and I contact the market supply and demand, we will answer your current second-hand construction machinery, second-hand roller, two hand loaders, second-hand forklift, second-hand car hoists, second-hand excavator. Used bulldozers, used grader, used forklifts etc. price with you to analyze the market trends, to my field route; major national train station or airport bus to ShangHai Railway Station, my field and call you to take contact, send a car to pick you up, to ensure that your personal and property safety, friendship remind the majority of customers; to investigate the two second-hand machinery prices, choose carefully, I don't talk with strangers to the field on the way, to prevent fraud, causing unnecessary losses, second-hand mechanical loading is completed, I field staff for you through all the formalities of shanghai.二手压路机18吨20吨22吨26吨振动单钢双钢胶轮压路机
    Hello: Shanghai jade sails welcome you to buy goods in our company, the implementation of free delivery, and reimbursement of one-way fares.
    Shanghai's largest second-hand construction machinery trading market, Shanghai Yu Fan second-hand construction machinery Co., Ltd. spot trading of the following second-hand construction machinery
    [1]: used electric and internal combustion engines 1 - 10 tons forklifts, brands are: joint force, Jingjiang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Dalian, desk calendar, Fu Jiang, Xiamen, Komatsu and other brands into
    [2] 5--150: second-hand car hoists, brand: XCMG Tai'an Pu source of the Yangtze River in Bengbu Bohai Haier brand Kato Tada Yeli auto crane and cards
    [3]: various types of second-hand loader, brands are: Chang Linzhu, Xia Liu and Gonglong Xugong import Kawasaki Komatsu Carter series loader;
    [4]: various types of second-hand bulldozers, brand: Xuanhua Shanghai Shantui series bulldozers Dongfanghong mountains and Komatsu Carter brand;
    [5]: the tonnage of second-hand roller, brand: XCMG Luoyang Shanghai Jiangyin Liu Gonglong Sanming brand series of roller;
    [6]: various types of second-hand excavator, brand: Hitachi Komatsu series excavator Carter modern Kobelco Sumitomo brand etc.;
    [7]: used 5 - 150 tons of electric engine and crawler cranes, brand: Hitachi, Kobelco Sumitomo Bohai Xugong Pu source and other brands of crawler crane
    [8]: used grader, brand: Komatsu, Carter, Tiangong, Xugong, Chang Linzhu and other brands of grader, used mixer, folder charter machine, wharf crane and other second-hand equipment
    Warm prompt, sincere report: "buy second-hand equipment, or the actual site to see the goods, the equipment to assess the price of the old and new.". We believe that our sincere will certainly get your understanding, our service will certainly make you satisfied, and warmly welcome you to negotiate with me.二手压路机18吨20吨22吨26吨振动单钢双钢胶轮压路机

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