JDS RX3系列 RX3070背向反射仪
现货提供JDS RX3070 背向反射测试仪
The JDS / JDS Fitel / JDSU RX3 series Backreflection Meter performs a wide range of singlemode (SM) or multimode (MM) backreflection and loss measurement functions, ranging from single component testing to automated multifiber testing. RX3 Meters can be equipped with two or three built-in laser sources for measurements at 850, 1310, 1490, 1500 or 1625 nm and are available with 1, 4, 12 or 24 outports ports. This Singlemode 9/125um JDS RX3070+1201FA7 comes with 1310/1550 nm sources with 12 output channels c/w FC/APC connectors.