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VITREK 944I Hipot Tester 安规分析仪

产品价格: 0/人民币 
最后更新: 2015-09-23 11:20:57
产品产地: 美国
发货地: 深圳 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 240
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 深圳市福田区鑫民泰仪器行
    • 曾碧新小姐 
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件308966@qq.com
    • 手机13713875417
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    • 地址深圳市福田区振华路163号电子市场一楼12847室
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    Vitrek 944i Hipot Tester combines AC dielectric strength testing (AC Hipot) with DC dielectric strength testing (DC Hipot), Insulation Resistance (HV IR) and a low Ohmic Earth Continuity measurement all in one feature-rich automated instrument. This compact dielectric tester lets you measure four electrical safety test parameters from a single test connection-all with the touch of a button. Our 944i delivers top performance and versatility for manufacturing tests, product safety engineering, component evaluation, as well as research and development applications. Most hipot testers lack the sensitivity to accurately detect low leakage current levels. The 944i uses dynamic ranging to provide leakage readings down to 2μA full scale with 1nano-amp resolution. When it comes to overall dielectric performance - You'll find that the multi-function 944i is loaded with features that even the larger more expensive dedicated testers don't offer. Powerful features including automatic calibration, built-in diagnostics, internal "watchdog" safety monitor, user memory for up to 100 test routines, arc detection and available interface package with IEEE-488.2, RS232 and direct test results printout capability.
    AC & DC Hipot plus Insulation Resistance and Ground Continuity in a single feature rich, compact instrument
    AC Hipot to 5KV standard, 7KV and 10KVDC optional
    Easy to use Full Menu Prompting, walks you through the test set-up
    Test Database stores 200 test steps for easy recall
    Powerful 35mA Sourcing capability
    On-board Phase Detection measures "total", "real" or "imaginary" Leakage Current
    Continuous Output Frequencies from 50 to 100Hz
    IR measurement to 65GΩ
    Continuity measurement 8.5Ω full scale, resolution to 1mΩ
    Leakage Current measurement to 1na
    Optional IF-4 Interface package includes GPIB, RS232, VICL & Printer Ports
    Separate Ramp & Dwell, Min & Max current limits
    Covers-on Automatic Calibration
    Built-in controls for HV Scanner and Ground Bond Tester
    Mark Certified to EN61010
    Includes NIST Traceable Certification
    Three Year Extended Warranty
    Made in the USA
    制造商: Vitrek
    模型: 944i Hipot Tester

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