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当前位置: 首页 » 供应产品 » 仪器仪表 » 自动化仪表 »台达驱动器ECMA-E11310SS


产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2016-05-23 11:26:07
产品产地: 台湾
发货地: 成都 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 63
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    联系人:魏工    电话:15882174684 
                座机:028-84472033  QQ:2030149354


    •Choose the waterproof bushing type according to the cable


    <External diameter of cable: In case of 3 to 5 mm>

    Use the cap unit in the delivery state.

    <External diameter of cable: In case of 5 to 8 mm>

    When using, pick tab both sides of the waterproof bushing

    with a tab and pull it out in the direction of an arrow.

    Note: When it isn't necessary to pull out bushing, do not pull a tab or pull out

    bushing carelessly. Do not insert the pulled-out bushing again.

    (4) Cable insertion

    •Insert a cable in the cap unit.

    (5) Wiring

    •Confirm the terminal number indication*1 of a IDC

    (Insulation Displacement Contact) cover, insert a core wire

    in each wire guide according to the terminal number and

    push in to the lowermost part of a core wire storage part.

    (6) Processing the core wire end

    •Cut the end part of each core wire with nippers. Cutting the

    core wire end in the range of cut-area of figure.

    Note: Please be careful not to cut the boss.

    (7) Assembling the Contact block

    • Insert the cap unit core wire end processing has completed

    in a contact block.

    •Use a mark of a housing and an arrow of a IDC cover, as

    a guideline of alignment. The location of the arrow is the

    side of the terminal No.1.

    Note: Confirm that the color of the housing and the IDC cover is same before


    (8) Tightening up the cap

    •After inserting the cap unit and tightening a screw up lightly

    by hand, screw up the cap by a tool of a spanner or wrench

    (size 15 mm).*2

    •When a gap between a mold cover of contact block and a

    cap disappeared assembly and wire connection has


    Note 1. When the operation has completed, mark of cap comes into the

    square of the indicator formed into a mold cover ( ), so also use

    it as guideline to know to complete.

    2. Avoid tightening a cap up beyond the completion position. It may cause


    (9) Final checking

    •When the connector has been assembled, make sure the

    line insulation is as specified.

    (1) Connector and Cable External Diameters


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