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KR 056 30 SITEMA GmbH & Co KG锁紧优惠

产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2016-06-05 15:26:14
产品产地: 德国
发货地: 科隆 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 183
询价  家家通会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 上海萨帛机电控制系统有限公司
    • 彭冰先生 经理
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    快速报价以下SITEMA GmbH & Co KG列表型号!若您的SITEMA GmbH & Co KG型号与以下型号类似,或者品牌一样,我们都可以为您找到,约1-2个工作日反馈报价!
    基于我们与SITEMA GmbH & Co KG厂家备件部门的长期通力合作,以更好的采购、更精准的货期、更专业的服务态度为您全天候服务!

       -      销售经理:彭经理   QQ:386545655  - 

        -     手机:13661406580(移动)/18621889738(联通)     -

        -     电话:021-60539722(直线)           - 

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        -      邮箱:sales@sahbore.com或者18621889738@163.com       - 

    询价请提供(品牌+型号+数量+公司全称/联系人)或原产品的现场图片信息。我们会尽快做出回复 。
    优价销售:PMA TB40-102-0000E-D00 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS90-104-0000E-000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS90-102-01000-000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS90-104-0000E-000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS90-104-0000E-000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS45-112-00000-000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS40-102-000E000 温控器
    PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH KS45-112-00000-000 温控器
    Sitema KR 056 30 锁紧装置

    Sitema FS 050 10 / 11 弹簧底座
    Sitema KX 022 10 KFH/X 22-070 锁紧装置
    Sitema KRGP 16 制动器
    Sitema KFH 056 50 夹紧器
    Sitema KSP02202 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP02501 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP02501 安全制动器
    Sitema KSP02202 安全制动器
    Sitema KRGP 016 20 夹紧装置
    Sitema SK 030 003 KFH 30 夹具
    Sitema KSP 028 02 夹具
    Sitema SK 030 003 锁紧装置
    Sitema KRP 25;Nr.84799080 安全开关
    Sitema SK 050 063 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP022-02 安全阀
    Sitema KR 056 30 锁紧装置
    Sitema KB 040 05 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP 022 02 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP 022 02 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP 022 02 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP 022 02 安全制动器
    Sitema KSP 022 02 安全制动器
    Sitema KR 056 30 锁紧装置
    Sitema KR 056 30 锁紧装置
    Sitema SK 070 036 锁紧装置
    Sitema type:KFH/X 22-070, No:KX 022 10 锁紧装置
    Sitema KR040 31 锁紧装置
    Sitema KR040 31 锁紧装置
    SITEMA GmbH & Co KG KSP 025 01 锁紧装置
    Sitema KR 080 10 液压锁紧装置
    Sitema KRP40 Nr:KR040 31 压力检测单元
    Sitema KFH 028 51 液压锁紧装置
    Sitema KFP 050 20-20 锁定装置
    Sitema KRGP 022 20 锁紧装置
    Sitema KRGP 022 20 012W041225 锁紧装置
    Sitema KRGP 022 20 012W041240 锁紧装置
    Sitema BES 516-325-S4-C_KPA 接近开关
    Sitema BES 516-325-S4-C_KPA 接近开关
    Sitema KRGP 022 20 012W041225 锁紧装置
    Sitema KRGP 022 20 012W041240 锁紧装置
    Sitema KSP-025-01 制动器
    Sitema KRP 25;Nr.84799080 安全开关

    Safety Catchers

    Secure restraining in case of pressure drop

    Personal protection and accident prevention

    Safety Catchers are used wherever heavy lifted loads have to be secured against falling or accidentally dropping. 

    Series K, KR, KRP ...

    • For medium-sized, large and very large loads
    • DGUV-approved
    • One load direction

    Safety Brakes

    Securing vertically moving masses

    Safety for oblique and vertical axes

    Typical applications include oblique-angled and vertical axes in the automation industry to provide vital protection of personnel and machinery.

    Series KSP

    • For small to medium-sized loads
    • DGUV-approved
    • One load direction 

    Safety Locks

    Secure restraining of lifted loads

    Compact and safe

    The design principle allows for the creation of highly compact clamping heads. They are ideal for applications involving purely static securing.

    Series KRG, KRGP

    • For static or slow-moving masses
    • Compact design
    • One load direction

    Locking Units

    Precision locking

    Clamping of machinery and plant components

    Locking units are used primarily as functional clamps for precision locking, but also for preventing unwanted movement.

    Series KFH, KFP, KB...

    • Extensive standard range with numerous series for special applications, including outdoor, cylinders, machine tools
    • DGUV and Lloyd’s approved series available
    • Both load directions


    Generates large forces over short distances

    Clamping head with integrated short stroke function

    The PowerStroke can be used in any horizontal and vertical applications requiring large forces to be built up over short working distances.The PowerStroke can be used in any horizontal and vertical applications requiring large forces to be built up over short working distances.

    Series FSK, FSKP

    • Clamping head with additional integrated short stroke function
    • Ideal for pressing, stamping, joining, riveting, clinching, forming, embossing, closing molds etc.
    1. Start
    2. Products
    3. PowerStroke


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